School Counseling Track

This 72 credit hour, dual master’s and specialist program provides students with the specialized knowledge and skills required for placements as school counselors in public or private elementary, middle, or secondary schools.

The M.Ed./Ed.S. and MAE/Ed.S. program in School Counseling is designed to equip students with the pre-professional competencies required for Florida Department of Education Certification in School Counseling. The 72 credit hour program provides students with the specialized knowledge and skills required for placements as school counselors in public or private elementary, middle, or secondary schools.

Students enrolled in the School Counseling program, a state-approved and NCATE (National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education) and CACREP (Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs) accredited school counselor preparation program, must provide passing scores for all pertinent sections of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE) including the General Knowledge test (math, English language skills, reading comprehension, and essay), the Professional Education examination, and the Subject Area Examination in Guidance and Counseling K-12 prior to graduation from the program. Questions about this requirement or any other certification related questions may be addressed to the College of Education Office of Student Services.