New Counselor Education Doctoral Cohort Starts at UF

The Counselor Education program welcomes seven new doctoral students. The diverse group of students represents multiple states and three international communities (Russia, Taiwan, and Turkey).

2014 doc Cohort    2014 Cohort

Logan and Swank Participate in ACA Leadership Training

Sandi Logan, doctoral student and Jacqueline Swank, faculty member in the Counselor Education program attended the American Counseling Association (ACA) Institute for Leadership Training (ILT). Logan is the graduate student representative of the Florida Counseling Association (FCA) and Swank is the President of the Association for Creativity in Counseling (ACC), a division of ACA. In addition to attending sessions on leadership, the pair participated in meeting with senators and representatives on Capitol Hill to educate on mental health issues and advocate for counselors.


ACA ILT Attendees


ACA Division and State leaders residing in Florida


Counseling leaders residing in Florida Preparing to go to Capitol Hill

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Sandi Logan and Jacqueline Swank on Capitol Hill

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Inside Congressman Ted Yoho’s office in D.C.


UF faculty, students, and alumni on Capitol Hill. Go Gators!

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Counselor Ed. Softball team

For the second year in a row the counselor education program has formed a summer intramural softball team. The team is comprised of master’s and doctoral level students. softball

Counselor Ed. Spring 2014 Graduates

Congratulations to the Counselor Ed. Spring 2014 Graduates!IMG_4203





Students and Faculty attend ACA Conference in Hawaii

20140328_180948UF students and faculty made the long journey to Honolulu, Hawaii to participate in the 2014 American Counseling Association (ACA) annual conference. Five students and two faculty presented at the conference, an outstanding achievement due to only 16% of submitted proposals being accepted for presentations. Students who presented at the conference included Rachel Henesy, Nadine Isaac, Emi Lenes, Melanie Varney, and Jillian Vella. Emi presented a research study that she recently completed on sexuality and mental health. Melanie, Rachel, Nadine, and Jillian presented on steps counselor educators can take to promote research with African American clients. Additionally, Rachel and Melanie both presented presentations on their theses topics. Nadine also revealed her talent through her singing performance at the ACA 2nd annual talent show and received a standing ovation for her tribute to counselors who work with children.


Henesy and Varney selected for AMCD Mentoring Program

Rachel-220x300         Melanie_HeadShotRachel Henesy and Melanie Varney MAE/EdS students were selected for the 2014 Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD) Mentoring Program. They will attend the AMCD luncheon at the annual American Counseling Association (ACA) Annual Conference and will assist with various AMCD events at the conference. Henesy and Varney have demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of multiculturalism in their service and scholastic endeavors.

Henesy selected as recipient of FAMCD Max Parker Award for Multicultural Excellence

Rachel-220x300Rachel Henesy, MAE/EdS student was selected as the 2013 recipient of the Florida Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (FAMCD) Max Parker Award for Multicultural Excellence, which recognizes a student’s multicultural involvement through research, community, ethics, and self-balance. The award was established in honor of Dr. Max Parker, who is professor emeritus at the University of Florida, where he taught in the counselor education program until he retired in 2003. He dedicated over 26 years of service to advancing multiculturalism and the counseling profession. Henesy has demonstrated her commitment to multiculturalism through her involvement in the counselor education program, university and local community, and at the national level in her service and scholastic endeavors.

Lenes chosen as ASGW 2014 Emerging Scholar

20140207_131626The Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW) named Emilie (Emi) Lenes one of their 2014 Emerging Scholars. Lenes attended the 2014 Group Work Research Institute and had the opportunity to consult about her research interests with experienced group work researchers.

Emi Lenes, LMHC is a doctoral student in the Counselor Education program at the University of Florida. She also works full time as a counselor for PACE Center for girls. Her research interest include an emphasis on creativity and spirituality.

Henesy selected as the Recipient of the CSI Outstanding Entry Level Student Award

RachelRachel Henesy, a master’s/EdS student in the Counselor Education program has been selected as the recipient of the Chi Sigma Iota-International, Outstanding Entry level Student award. Henesy is actively involved in the Counselor Education program and the community.

CSI is the international honor society for the counseling profession that focuses on academic and professional excellence. CSI was founded in 1985 and has over 90,000 members today.

Starting 2014 with a Potluck

Master’s/EdS students, doctoral students, faculty, and graduates joined together following the first week of spring classes for the annual counselor education spring potluck. There were many tasty foods to try and lots of good conversations and laughter. What a great start to the new year!

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