This web page is designed to provide you with a central location to find relevant Program, College, and University policies, procedures, and guidelines that will help you progress successfully and help your faculty advisor best assist you in your graduate program. Students are responsible for the contents of the Counselor Education Program Student Handbook, the College of Education graduate student guidelines, UF Graduate School Catalog, UF Graduate Student Handbook (link on Graduate School Graduate Student Resources), and any other policies and procedures relevant to your successful progression through your graduate program. In general, students are required to follow the Counselor Education Student Handbook version current at the time of first term of enrollment. Faculty reserve the right to require students to follow a newer version if doing so will benefit the student’s professional preparation. Refer to the contents of this page frequently during your academic program. Contained on this page are relevant web links. Also, posted on this page will be policy updates made since the most current Program Student Handbook. Policy updates will be integrated into the next revision of the Student Handbook.

In addition to the resources on this page, students are reminded to save in their personal records hard copies of the Program Student Handbook current when you first enrolled, the Graduate Catalog, the Graduate Student Handbook, and all course syllabi for the duration of your professional career. The program and the university does not maintain permanent copies of these items. Failure to maintain your own personal records can negatively impact your career development, including pursuit of licensure and certification.

Counselor Education Program Student Handbook – Current Version

Student Handbook, September 2014
Student Handbook, September 2009 

Counselor Education Program Forms

Approval Form for SDS 6905/MHS 6910/MHS 6940 (Word)
Approval Form for SDS 6905/MHS 6910/MHS 6940 (PDF)
Change of Advisor (Word)
Change of Advisor (PDF)
Change of Planned Program (Word)
Change of Planned Program (PDF)
Doctoral Student’s Annual Self-Report of Progress Toward Completing Doctoral Studies (Word)
Doctoral Student’s Annual Self-Report of Progress Toward Completing Doctoral Studies (PDF)
Doctoral Committee Member’s Report of Student’s Progress Toward Completing Doctoral Studies (Word)
Doctoral Committee Member’s Report of Student’s Progress Toward Completing Doctoral Studies (PDF)
Summary of Faculty Evaluation of Doctoral Student Progress (Word)
Summary of Faculty Evaluation of Doctoral Student Progress (PDF)
Extracurricular Counseling Activities (Word)
Extracurricular Counseling Activities (PDF)
Graduation Checklist – M.Ed./Ed.S., MAE/Ed.S., Ed.S. only (Word)
Graduation Checklist – M.Ed./Ed.S., MAE/Ed.S., Ed.S. only (PDF)
Graduation Checklist – Ph.D. or Ed.D. (Word)
Graduation Checklist – Ph.D. or Ed.D. (PDF)
2008-2009 Planned Programs (Excel 2008 Version)

2007-2008 Planned Programs:

ACD – M.Ed./Ed.S., MAE/Ed.S., Ed.S. only, Direct Entry Form I (PDF)
ACD – Direct Entry Form II (PDF)
ACD – Ph.D. or Ed.D. (PDF)
EDC – M.Ed./Ed.S., MAE/Ed.S., Ed.S. only, Direct Entry Form I (PDF)
EDC – Ph.D. or Ed.D. (PDF)
Written and Specialization Qualifying Examinations Application (Word)
Written and Specialization Qualifying Examinations Application (PDF)
Practicum and Internship Forms
Doctoral Internship in Counselor Education Forms

Student Review Policy

Policy Updates Since August 2007

The Counselor Education Program is committed to monitoring the progress of our specialist and doctoral students on an annual basis. To do this, faculty as a whole will periodically review the progress of each student in the specialist and doctoral programs. The student’s academic performance and progress toward degree completion will be judged by the faculty as satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The faculty will recommend a decision about the student’s academic standing: continuation in good standing, probation, or discontinuation.  The student’s advisor will then confer with the student and share any relevant feedback resulting from the faculty review of the student’s progress. (2/4/08)

“Given the academic year begins with summer and includes fall and spring, the spring term may be a reasonable time to assess annual progress” Removed from Doctoral Student Annual Review (2/4/08)

Students may not substitute SDS 6905 Individual Work for a required course. (p. 39) (10/15/07)

Students wanting to complete clinical courses and clinical experiences outside their primary program must comply with the following guidelines: (1) review the core clinical courses for department programs (p. 12 of Student Handbook), (2) add core clinical courses as elective courses in your planned program, and (3) add appropriate practicum course and group supervision course as elective courses in your planned program.

Note that due to external stakeholder requirements, students pursuing school counseling and guidance must have that program as their primary program. Pursuing school counseling and guidance as an elective program is not an option. (See p. 36 of Student Handbook). (10/12/07)

Policy for ACD and EDC Masters or Doctoral Alumni Seeking SCG Certification in Florida (Word) (9/10/07)
Policy for ACD and EDC Masters or Doctoral Alumni Seeking SCG Certification in Florida (PDF) (9/10/07)

All program area planned programs were updated with the following changes: (1) the practicum course prefix and title are now specific to program area; (2) due to SCG requirements and SCG needing to be a students primary program area, the SCG elective check box has been removed from ACD and EDC planned programs; (3) to avoid potentially counting the course twice and given MHS 7740 is a required course at the entry-level, MHS 7740 has been removed from the doctoral research block section of doctoral planned programs; and (4) the SCG MED/EDS, MAE/EDS, and EDS only planned program now has a section to confirm students have completed all certification course requirements. (8/29/07)

There is now documentation and a description online for the doctoral elective Internship in Agency Program Administration. It appears on the same web page as information on the doctoral Internship in Counselor Education. (8/29/07)

The following paragraphs were added to the Academic Program Planning, Timeline, and Planned Programs section of the student handbook. The Change of Planned Program form was added in the Program Forms section of this page.

Once approved, your planned program may only be changed under the following circumstances: (1) you request a change of planned program, and your faculty advisor and the graduate coordinator approve the request, (2) the department institutes new or revised curricular requirements for a program, or (3) the UF Graduate School or College of Education mandates a change in requirements for all graduate students. If you make a change in your planned program, such as adding or deleting a course, students must submit to the department a Change of Planned Program form.

If you have an approved planned program on file with the department at the time a new requirement affecting program curricula is instituted by the UF Graduate School, the College of Education, or the department; usually you will have the option of following either the old requirement as indicated on your approved planned program or the new requirement. If you do not have an approved planned program when the new requirement goes into effect, you must follow the new requirement. (8/29/07)

Students registering for SDS 6905, MHS 6910, and MHS 6940 need to submit to the graduate secretary a copy of the Approval Form for SDS 6905/MHS 6910/MHS 6940. This form will ensure proper tracking and grading for the student’s experience in these courses. (8/29/07)

Counselor Education Program Student Handbook – Old Versions

MAE/EDS, MED/EDS, & EDS-only Student Handbook, January 2002
Doctoral Direct Entry Student Handbook, January 2002
Doctoral Student Handbook, January 2002