Working Outside of PK-12

Monday, March 26 from 10-11 AM
Norman Room 158

Area graduates from the College of Education who are working in various fields locally will lead a panel discussion and answer your questions about their career path and help you explore possibilities you might not have imagined. Panelists include Leslie Pendleton, Ph.D., Senior Director Machen Florida Opportunity Scholars Program; Chelsea Collison, Educator, Center for Science Learning (CSL), Florida Museum of Natural History;

Elizabeth King, Visitor Engagement and Volunteer Coordinator, Harn Museum of Art; Theresa Beachy, Executive Director, Peaceful Paths; Catherine Carey, Public Programs Coordinator, Center for Science Learning (CSL), Florida Museum of Natural History; and Natalie Hagler, Currently PhD Candidate at UF, Former Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Biggest Loser Resorts.