
23 September, 2002 FPC Meeting Minutes

September 23, 2002

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Jim Archer, Elizabeth Bondy (alternate for Jane Townsend and Elizabeth Yeager), Dale Campbell (alternate for Phil Clark), Vivian Correa, Maureen Conroy, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Lamont Flowers, Bridget Franks, Paul Sindelar, Nancy Waldron

Others Present:  Associate Dean Rod Webb, Associate Dean John Kranzler

The meeting was called to order by Correa at 2:06 p.m.

Action Items

1. Approval of the agenda for September 23, 2002.

Sindelar made a motion to approve the agenda as submitted by Correa. Franks seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the Minutes of September 9, 2002.

Correa requested two minor changes on page 5 (“due process” instead of “process” in paragraph 3 and remove specific references to data information in paragraph 4). Sindelar made a motion to approve the minutes (as revised) of September 9, 2002, which was seconded by Echevarria-Doan. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Discussion of Lastinger Center Concept Paper

Don Pemberton, Director of the Lastinger Center for Learning, is seeking college-wide input regarding the Lastinger Center Concept Paper. Feedback will be used to revise the paper and inform discussion at a meeting of the Lastinger Center Advisory Council that is scheduled for October 4.

Pemberton outlined the following goals of the center:

1. Challenge and enable teachers, principals, schools, and districts to raise student achievement in Florida’s elementary schools;

2. Provide educators with proven strategies that are needed to increase student achievement; and

3. Mobilize and align resources to support Florida’s elementary schools

He cited the center’s four core practice areas:

1. Improving the quality of teaching and learning;

2. Securing and sustaining family and community engagement in schools;

3. Transforming high poverty schools into high achieving schools; and

4. Providing a clearinghouse for effective practices, tools, resources, and initiatives to students, teachers, principals, schools, and communities.

Pemberton elicited input from committee members to assist him with focusing and prioritizing the Lastinger Center initiatives, as outlined in the Lastinger Center Concept Paper (August 19, 2002 revision) and the Lastinger Center Portfolio of Programs.

Pemberton reiterated his commitment to align the work of the Lastinger Center with the research interests of COE faculty members as the center continues its partnerships with the Florida Department of Education, school systems throughout the state, and the business, educational and civic leadership of the state to improve the quality of teaching and learning in Florida’s elementary schools. He indicated that center resources must be focused to ensure their maximum effectiveness.

Sindelar asked about the role of COE faculty in the leadership and governance of the Lastinger center. Pemberton stated that he hopes to identify a core group of faculty that will be involved in identifying, leading, evaluating, and disseminating information about key intiatives. Echeverria-Doan asked how faculty went about bringing ideas for new initiatives to the Center. Pemberton stated that he plans to meet frequently with faculty to provide information about initiatives and collaborative opportunities. He also will be working with the Center’s Advisory Board to come up with a process for considering new initiatives for the Center.

Archer suggested that families receive more prominent mention in the concept paper. He indicated that there is a need for grass-roots involvement with families at each school. He also noted that school counselors are key to connecting with students’ families.

Bondy asked if the center would accept applications from schools and school districts. Pemberton responded that the center constantly seeks partnerships with schools and school districts. She asked about the center’s relationship with the Holmes Partnership. He expressed interest in learning more about Holmes Partnership initiatives, although the center is currently focusing on in-state partnerships. He indicated that policy matters are not the primary objective of the center and noted that the donors emphasized the importance of “effective practices” when they funded the center.

Franks asked if high-performing schools are also involved with the center. Pemberton discussed national research results, such as the Education Trust, that have provided and will continue to provide important information about high-performing schools. Bondy indicated that the DOE Office of School Improvement provides a list of high poverty-high performing schools to Florida’s schools that have been designated as “F schools” as part of a statewide partnering plan.

Sindelar expressed concern about the appropriateness of the “faith in schools” concept in a publicly funded university setting. Pemberton discussed the possibility of recruiting tutors and mentors from many different areas, including businesses and possibly faith-based institutions in order to improve academic achievement. A number of faculty stated that the title of the initiative, “Faith in Schools” seems to imply something very different than recruiting people from faith-based organizations to volunteer in schools. Pemberton stated that the Lastinger Center Advisory Council will carefully explore the implications of such partnerships and establish guidelines with regard to this issue.

Conroy noted the impressive initiatives and inquired, given limited staffing, how he planned to prioritize and mobilize the center’s resources to address the center initiatives. Pemberton replied that this is an important issue. He plans to prioritize initiatives in areas where there is substantial interest and support. There need to be teams of faculty working around each initiative, and discussions with faculty about their role, individual level of involvement, and need for support.

Pemberton noted that he is also conducting discussions as department faculty meetings to receive input about the Concept Paper and proposed initiatives. Faculty are encouraged to e-mail additional ideas and reactions to Pemberton directly.

Reports of FPC Committees

  • College Curriculum Committee. Waldron stated that the meetings for the CCC have been scheduled. The first meeting is September 30.
  • Undergraduate Admissions/Petitions Committee. Franks reported that this committee tentatively plans to meet on October 9.
  • Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee. Echevarria-Doan announced that this committee would meet on Friday, October 18.
  • Research Advisory Committee. Conroy reported that the committee has met to establish a preliminary agenda, which includes (a) a continued discussion of the EdD-PhD issue and (b) working with the Dean’s Office regarding the research infrastructure of the college.
  • Long-Range Planning Committee. Archer announced that this committee would have to reschedule the meeting that had been scheduled for October 11 at 3 p.m. because of a conflict with the College of Education Fall Faculty Meeting at the same time.
  • Ad Hoc Committee on Assistant/Associate Dean Review. This committee has not met yet but plans to meet with Dean Emihovich and Associate Dean Webb.

Unfinished Business

1. Tenure and Promotion Procedures (Faculty Affairs Committee).

The proposal made last year to the FPC by the Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) about tenure and promotion procedures in the college was discussed. The FAC spent last year collecting and reviewing information from each department and soliciting faculty input.

One part of the proposal is the requirement for a three-year review of untenured faculty as part of a mentoring process for junior faculty. The task given to FAC clearly specified the need for consistency of procedures and equity across all of the departments in the College. The wording of this proposal was reviewed.

Concerns were expressed about how faculty, particularly junior faculty, would react to the idea of a three-year review. Feedback was received from Townsend, who recommended the insertion of “informal” before “pre-tenure review” (item 4 under the Support for Tenure-track Faculty section of the proposal). The advantages of “informal” versus “formal” reviews were discussed.

Waldron stated that providing formalized feedback to junior faculty members regarding their progress toward tenure would allow them to set goals as they move toward tenure. Archer indicated that he preferred the idea of a formal review. Franks expressed concern about the legal implications of the results of the three-year review, particularly for faculty who are not subsequently granted tenure. Webb indicated that this review process would be designed to assist faculty members and thus should not have liability implications for the college. Conroy asked if similar reviews are done at our peer institutions and other UF colleges. Waldron indicated that pre-tenure reviews are standard at many peer institutions. Webb stated that it is important that such evaluations be formal and consistent.

Correa asked where the evaluative summaries from the three-year reviews should be maintained. Kranzler recommended that these summaries be placed in the junior faculty members’ personnel files as a record that can be reviewed by their department chairs. This would be particularly informative to new chairs, who may not be familiar with junior faculty members’ work.

It was decided to:

– add a clarifying statement in the proposal regarding preparation of documents for pre-tenure review to follow the tenure dossier format. This would allow untenured faculty to begin preparation of the tenure dossier, which can be added to as they progress toward tenure.

– forward the revised proposal to the chairs and to faculty for discussion and feedback. Departments will be asked to discuss the proposal at a department faculty meeting, and faculty will be encouraged to provide individual feedback. All feedback will be sent to the Faculty Affairs Committee to review and forward a final version of the proposal to FPC for adoption.

New Business:

1. Filling Vacancies on Operating and Standing Committees

A vacancy on the Undergraduate Admissions and Petitions Committee was discussed. Correa indicated the need for a formal procedure for replacing faculty members who have been elected to serve on operating and standing committees. This needs to be addressed as revisions are made to the Constitution. Campbell suggested that the faculty member who was the runner-up in the college-wide election should serve on this committee. There was consensus that this procedure should be used in the future to fill vacancies on college-wide committees. The election committee will review the Spring 2002 election results to identify a runner-up for the Undergraduate Admissions and Petitions Committee and forward this name to Correa.

2. Scheduling College-Wide Meetings

The policy of holding Monday afternoons open for college committee meetings was discussed. This was developed to facilitate scheduling of college-wide committees. There have been some issues this semester due to conflicts with department and individual faculty schedules. Department chairs and faculty will be informed again about the need to hold the Monday 2 –4 time slot free. Also, all college-wide committee meetings should be posted via college email.

3. Discussion on loss of faculty lines in the college (Archer)

The change in the UF policy regarding faculty lines (which will no longer be “owned” by departments or colleges) was discussed. Archer asked what the impact on the college would be from the shifting of resources to other colleges and departments as faculty retire or leave UF for other positions. Webb indicated that the new policy is a change for the university, and is part of the President’s Strategic Plan. The college will have to make its best case to the Provost for retaining faculty lines that become vacant. Department chairs have begun discussions with Dean Emihovich about faculty needs in the college and departments and are reviewing priorities and collaborations. The Dean will use this information to make the case to the Provost for retaining faculty lines in the College. This topic may be scheduled as a discussion item for the meeting when Emihovich reports to the FPC about the college budget.

Correa indicated that the college constitution may provide guidance regarding the discussion of this issue among faculty. She suggested that the Long-Range Planning Committee might be alerted at some time in the future to examine this issue. Webb indicated that Emihovich would welcome conversations on these issues with the FPC.

The UF Strategic Plan was discussed. Sindelar stated that the college should have its own strategic plan that would provide guiding principles for the allocation of resources and faculty lines. Archer suggested that the FPC (as the voice of the faculty in the college) should be concerned about specific programs and how resources are allocated.

Correa presented information about the College of Education report that former Dean Ben Nelms prepared as the college’s response to Glover’s Strategic Planning Task Force. This report indicated areas that are strong in the college and that will be further strengthened. Campbell noted that if the College report to Glover’s task force was being used for the purpose of strategic planning, there may be a need for further faculty input on the report.

Discussion focused on whether FPC should take the time to discuss the various reports (College report to Glover’s task force, President’s Strategic Plan), whether it should go to a committee such as Long Range Planning, and the need to coordinate faculty efforts with the Dean’s Office as this area is discussed.


  1. The College of Education Fall Faculty Meeting

The College of Education Fall Faculty Meeting will take place on Friday, October 11 from 3 to 5 p.m.


Archer moved that the meeting be adjourned. Sindelar seconded the motion. The committee voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 3:58 p.m.


9 September, 2002 FPC Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2002

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Jim Archer, Phil Clark, Vivian Correa, Maureen Conroy, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Lamont Flowers, Bridget Franks, Jane Townsend, Nancy Waldron, Elizabeth Yeager

Members Absent:  Paul Sindelar

Other Present: Associate Dean Rod Webb, Dean’s Representative


The meeting was called to order by Vivian Correa at 2:35 p.m.  Correa announced the newly designed web site for FPC, education.ufl.edu/committees/fpc. The web site includes the following: Constitution, Membership for Operating and Standing Committees, FPC Minutes, Calendar, and Archives.

Action Items

1. Approval of the agenda for September 9, 2002.

Yeager made a motion to approve the agenda as submitted by Correa. Franks seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the Minutes of August 26, 2002.

Townsend made a motion to approve the minutes of August 26, 2002, which was seconded by Yeager. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Report from the Dean

Associate Dean Webb was attending FPC for Dean Emihovich. Webb reported that Emohovich was meeting with the department chairs to discuss allocation of faculty lines and future plans for the College over the next four to five years. Webb reviewed new university procedures for allocating faculty lines, stating that faculty lines no longer stayed within departments or colleges. Instead, as faculty lines become open they revert back to the Provost’s office and are reallocated based on the university’s strategic plan.

Correa commented that the issue of increasing faculty diversity as new positions become available was also under discussion.

Information Items

1. Update on FPC Members and Committees

·  College Curriculum Committee. Waldron stated that one more departmental member was needed to complete this committee. As soon as that member was designated, meetings for the CCC would be scheduled.

·  Undergraduate Admissions Petitions Committee. Franks reported that this committee has not met.

·  Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee. Echevarria-Doan announced that this committee would be meeting on Monday, September 16, for an organizational session.

·  Faculty Affairs Standing Committee. Townsend reported that one member was on sabbatical this semester and this committee had not met yet. Correa stated that guidelines needed to be discussed in situations where a member, who will be absent over a period of time, would need a substitute. The FPC approved a substitute from the same department in this particular case.

·  Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee. Yeager stated that this committee will meet on September 26.

·  Research Advisory Committee. Conroy announced that this committee would have its first meeting on September 18 from 2-3 pm.

·  Long-Range Planning Committee. Archer stated that this committee has not met.

2. Discussion of Lastinger Center Concept Paper with Don Pemberton (September 23, 2002).

Correa reminded FPC members to review the Lastinger Center Concept Paper prior to the September 23rd meeting. Correa stated that Pemberton has asked the Dean’s Advisory Council to also review this paper.

Webb stated that the concept paper was written for multiple audiences, not just faculty. FPC members should keep this in mind as they review the paper.

Correa stated that Pemberton is looking for college-wide input regarding the paper. Feedback will be used to revise the paper and inform discussion at a meeting of the Lastinger Center Advisory Council that is scheduled for October 4. It is expected that the concept paper will go through a second review process.

Action Items:

1. Nominations for the 2002-2003 Elections Committee

Correa stated that the Elections Committee is in charge of the spring elections. Last year this committee consisted of Loesch, Campbell, and Gregory. The Agenda Committee selects the three members of the Elections Committee. Correa asked for nominations from FPC members. A suggestion was made to retain the current members for continuity. Correa stated that she would approach the existing committee members to request that they serve another term. If one or more choose not to serve, the Agenda Committee will select a faculty member to serve on the Elections Committee. Clark suggested that department faculty members rotate on a three-year cycle to serve on this committee.

Webb suggested that all other College elections should be held at the same time. Correa noted that the spring election slate could include all committee elections in the college.

2. Nominations for the 2002-2003 Parliamentarian

Correa reported that the current Parliamentarian is Candace Harper. Correa said she would approach Harper and request that she serve a second term. The specific responsibilities for the Parliamentarian are not identified in the Constitution. In the past, the Parliamentarian has advised the chair on Robert’s Rules during COE faculty meetings, and also counted votes taken at college-wide faculty meetings. The issue of responsibilities should be reconsidered and clarified as changes are proposed to the Constitution this year.

Webb distributed copies of Robert’s Rules to FPC members to share with chairs of the FPC Operating and Standing Committees.

3. Graduate Admissions Proposal (Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee)

Correa reviewed the Graduate Admissions Proposal that was considered by the FPC last year. The proposed policy would place responsibility for graduate admissions decisions at the department level, within the guidelines of the Graduate School. Related points that were also discussed by FPC included:

· The need to develop additional administrative procedures related to admissions,

· 10% of all admissions in the College may have double or single exemptions, and

· Departments can make “Masters Only Admission.” In other cases departments can admit students conditionally (e.g., no grades of “Incomplete,” maintaining a GPA of 3.0 or above over the first two semesters of coursework).

Departments were asked to provide a written response to the proposal after discussion within department faculty meetings. Responses to this request included:


Department of Special Education voted unanimously to support the FPC proposal to give the final responsibility for graduate admission to the departments and that oversight of admission by a COE committee is discontinued. However, the COE committee would remain in place for students to petition when denied admission at the department level. Additional discussion addressed possible alternative tests that might be used as an admission criterion and the need to monitor the 10% admission rule for double and single exceptions. The faculty will also review its policies for petitions and admissions.

The consensus of the Department of Educational Psychology was that:

· Removing the College level committee does not remove the need for a review after it leaves the department,

· Removing this function of the College level committee also makes the decisions by individual departments less public,

· If the committee is not functioning well now, that does not mean that it should not serve this function. Instead, we should deal with the more important issue of the function, process, and selection of faculty to participate on the committee, and

·   A Master’s degree in another area should not be used for admissions into doctoral study.

The School of Teaching and Learning supports the recommendation that responsibility for graduate admission be placed at the departmental level within the guidelines of the Graduate School. The T&L also supports the Graduate School policy that “Applicants with a previous graduate or professional degree or equivalent from a regionally accredited US institution may be exempt from the GRE and undergraduate GPA requirements.” The ST&L recommends that the appropriate committee draft some guidelines about what kinds of things might need to be monitored by the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and that the Associate Dean develop procedures for such monitoring.

The Department of Counselor Education favors the adoption of the proposed changes. The only point of concern is that students in the Department of Counselor Education are admitted to an M.Ed./Ed.S. program; therefore, the language regarding “Master’s only” needs to make provisions for CED’s students.

No response was received from the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Foundations.

Correa stated that a motion to divide this proposal into three sections was approved at the April 29th FPC meeting. FPC members spoke in favor of sending this new proposal back to the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee for review. The proposal designates three admission policies to consider, (1) Proteach master’s, (2) other master’s, and (3) doctoral programs. The Student Recruitment & Admissions Committee was directed to discuss where specialist programs should be considered, either with (2) other master’s or (3) doctoral programs.

Webb reminded FPC members that changes in this policy would have implications for relationships with the Graduate School, the Provost’s office, and may also effect U. S. News &World report rankings. Part of the rankings are based on GRE scores for entering students.

Correa stated that no recommendation had been made to dissolve the Admission and Petitions committee, only that this committee would serve a different function — that of a due process for students to appeal an admission decision if the department has denied them.

Last year there was also discussion with the Graduate School about alternative assessment measures used for admissions. The Graduate School asked that the College keep data for one year on the correlation between the GRE and alternative measures and present this for further discussion.

Correa stated that, under the Constitution, the FPC may refer any policy decision to the faculty for a college-wide vote, or the FPC could make a decision within itself.

4. Associate/Assistant Dean Review

Correa reported that a two-year review for Associate and Assistant Deans is called for in the COE Constitution. The FPC needs to decide how these reviews will be carried out and the criteria that should be used. Clark suggested that it would be important to poll the COE faculty as part of the review process. Correa recommended that the FPC work with the Dean on criteria for these evaluations. Clark stated that a review of the positions descriptions would be helpful.

Correa suggested that an ad hoc committee be assembled to conduct these evaluations. Clark suggested that these evaluations should not be held each year, and that a method for evaluating the Associate and Assistant Deans needs to be developed. Correa stated that past surveys need to be reviewed by the FPC. Clark suggested that two reviews be held — one by the faculty and the other by the Dean. Criteria needs to be developed for these reviews in collaboration with the Dean for continuity, not separately. Criteria for these reviews need to be acquired from the Dean in order for the faculty to evaluate what the Associate and Assistant Deans job functions are.

A temporary ad hoc committee was convened: Clark, Webb (non-voting member), Townsend, Emihovich, and Correa.

5. Tenure and Promotion Procedures (Faculty Affairs Committee)

At the end of last year the Faculty Affairs Committee put forward a proposal to the FPC about tenure and promotion procedures in the college.

Waldron stated that the intent of this review was to provide consistent procedures for T&P across the College. The FAC spent last year collecting and reviewing information from each department and soliciting faculty input. One part of the proposal is the requirement for a three year review of untenured faculty. Townsend stated that the proposed three-year review would be part of a mentoring process for junior faculty. This review is not an adversarial review, but a supportive review.

Archer stated that the criteria for T&P has changed over the years and needs to be clarified for junior faculty. The College criteria should parallel the University criteria.

Waldron stated that the intent of this proposal was to consider the procedures for the T&P process in the College, as opposed to criteria. The task given to FAC clearly specified the need for consistency of procedures and equity across departments in the College.

Concerns were expressed about how faculty, particularly junior faculty, would react to the idea of a three year review. Correa stated that the proposal should be posted on the web and some of the wording should reflect that the review is to assist junior faculty and provide feedback to them. Townsend stated that the terms, “three-year progress report” might be used in lieu of a “three-year review.”

Waldron stated that the cover sheet to the proposal was not included today and this may provide better information about how the proposal was developed. This information will be forwarded to FPC members.

The FPC accepted the report from the Faculty Affairs Committee and Correa stated that it would be discussed as “old business” at the next meeting. The wording of this proposal will be reviewed. The proposal should be considered a “draft”, forwarded to the faculty for feedback, and discussed at a future FPC meeting.

Clark moved that the meeting be adjourned. Townsend seconded the motion. The committee voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 4:00 pm.


26 August, 2002 FPC Meeting Minutes

August 26, 2002

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Jim Archer, Elizabeth Bondy, Phil Clark, Vivian Correa, Dale Campbell, Maureen Conroy, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Lamont Flowers, Bridget Franks, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Paul Sindelar, Jane Townsend, Nancy Waldron, Elizabeth Yeager

Other Present: Dean Emihovich, John Kranzler

The meeting was called to order by Vivian Correa at 2:05 p.m.

Correa requested that FPC members introduce themselves by sharing their interests and position duties.

Action Items

1.  Approval of the agenda for August 26, 2002.

Sindelar made a motion to approve the agenda as submitted by  Correa.  Clark seconded the motion.  The FPC unanimously approved the agenda as it was submitted.

2. Approval of FPC Minutes

Approval of FPC Minutes for April 29

Archer made a motion to approve the minutes of 4/29, which was seconded by Franks.  The minutes of April 29, 2002 were unanimously approved with the following revisions:

a. Jane Townsend was removed from the “Members Absent” list and placed under “Members Present.”

b. Pg. 2, “Webb stated…” was revised to say, “Webb stated that case studies can be considered Ph.D. work with the appropriate philosophical and theoretical framework.”

Approval of FPC Minutes for May 2

Doan made a motion to approve the minutes of 5/2, which was seconded by Sindelar.  The minutes of May 2, 2002 were unanimously approved with the following revisions:

a. Doan replaces Parker as a member of the FPC for Counselor Education.

b. Sherrard will be the alternate to the FPC for Counselor Education.

Correa remarked that the Agenda Committee (Correa, Waldron, Clark, a Dean’s Representative) formulates the agenda for the FPC meetings. A report from the Dean will be a regular item on the FPC Agenda.

Report from the Dean

Dean Emihovich stated that as part of her report to the FPC she will share information from meetings with the Provost and university administration.

Items of interest to the College:

a.  Two new Ad Hoc committees are being formed that will advise the Dean. The two committees are (1) a Development Advisory Board, which will review and develop fund raising strategies for the College.  This committee will include faculty representatives, as well as alumni and community members. (2) a Technology Advisory Committee which will review the technology needs (computers, operating systems, future purchases, software use) of the College. One goal is to align future technology purchases of the College with the rest of the University.  This committee will include COE faculty and staff, as well as cross-campus representatives.

b. Two graduate assistants will be added to the Dean’s staff by the end of September. These GA’s will work with the Dean’s office on college-wide projects, as well as provide support to college committees. Discussion focused on providing GA’s an opportunity to see faculty roles that involve committee work and administrative policy-making, which may better prepare them for future academic positions.

c.  More support will be provided for research in the College.  A new office entitled, “Center for Collaborative Assessment, Research and Evaluation (CARE)” will be established.  This will occur as the research and graduate education responsibilities of the Graduate Studies and Research Office are separated.  It is proposed that this office will be managed by a director or program manager who will review RFPs, proposals, and assist faculty and graduate students when contracting with agencies across campus and throughout the State of Florida.

Kranzler announced that Judi Scarborough will be leaving the College to accept a position with IFAS.  The duties of this position will be divided between the Fiscal Office and the Graduate Studies and Research Office.  Until offices are reorganized and vacant positions filled, Kranzler will oversee grant submissions. Correa recommended that Kranzler communicate directly to faculty how grants will be processed until CARE is established.

Kranzler announced that a research survey was recently completed by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research. Once results are compiled this information will be shared with the FPC at a future meeting.

Information Items

1. Review of FPC Structures and Operating Guidelines

Correa reviewed the structure for the FPC.  The Chair (a non-voting member) resides over FPC meetings.  There are 10 FPC members (two tenure-accruing faculty members from each department) and 5 alternates (one from each department).  The secretary is a voting member of the FPC.  The secretary becomes the Chair after one year.  A Dean’s representative (non-voting member) also attends the FPC meetings.  The FPC has Operating Committees (Agenda Committee, Steering Committee, Undergraduate Admissions/Petitions Committee, and Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee) and Standing Committees (Faculty Affairs Committee, Research Advisory Committee, Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee, Long-Range Planning Committee).  The  Elections Committee and the Parliamentarian are determined by the FPC.

The Operating Guidelines for the FPC include:

· All standing and operating committees shall meet at least twice during the academic year with all meetings being announced to all faculty;

· On all committees, the Dean or Dean’s representative shall be a non-voting member;

· All committees shall submit an executive summary of their proceedings to the FPC.  The executive summary must be submitted in the Spring semester before the last regular meeting of the FPC;

·  At the completion of each Spring semester, each committee will provide the FPC with a three-ring-binder of the committees’ procedures, agendas, and minutes; and,

· For standing committees, the FPC representative will call the first Fall meeting.

Operating Guidelines for the FPC include:

· All committee reports should not exceed two minutes in length.  After each committee report, time will be allocated for clarification of the report.  No new items or discussion should occur during committee reports.  As a result of a committee report, an action item may be placed on the agenda.

· To request that an action item be placed on the FPC agenda, and/or to be placed on the agenda to speak to an issue, non-FPC members should provide a written request to the FPC chair.

2. Review of the 2001-2002 Executive Summaries of FPC Committees

The following issues were identified for continued work this year:

Research Advisory Committee (RAC) – Tracy Linderholm (Chair)

·   Reworded Ed.D. narrative in the Graduate Catalog

· Advising Office of Graduate Studies and Research on setting guidelines for grant submissions

· Advising Graduate Studies Office on dissertation review process

Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee – Ruth Lowery (Chair)

· Alternatives to current college policy for graduate admissions

· Issues related to GRE for graduate admission in the College

· Issues related to doctoral student recruitment

Faculty Affairs Committee – Nancy Waldron (Chair)

· Submitted proposal for procedures related to Tenure & Promotion

· Communication in the COE about criteria for Tenure & Promotion, including promotion from Associate to Full Professor

Long-Range Planning Committee – Jeanne Repetto (Chair)

· Strategies for increasing research infrastructure

· Share the Executive Report (which outlines nine areas for consideration) with faculty.  These areas have not been shared with faculty as of this date.

Correa prompted FPC members to look at the new FPC website which now displays new links under Archives, and also links which connect to the college committees.

Correa also reported that an ad hoc committee would be formed to review Assistant and Associate Deans, which is required by the constitution every two years.  Webb will be the first Dean to be reviewed by the faculty under this provision.

Correa also reported that during this year revisions will be made to the by laws of the Constitution.  Faculty will be able to review role functions, committee functions and clean-up language. There will be a public announcement of changes.  In March, the faculty will vote on the constitutional changes in person, rather than by ballot, at the Spring Faculty Meeting.

3. Assignment of FPC Members to Committees

Operating Committees

Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee – Paul Sindelar will serve as the FPC member.

Standing Committees

Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee – Elizabeth Yeager will serve as the FPC member.

Long-Range Planning Committee – James Archer will serve as the FPC member.

Election Committee – New committee needs to be formed.  This will be an action item at the next meeting.

Parliamentarian – This position also will be discussed within the FPC meeting.

4. Invitation by the Dean’s Advisory Council to Add the FPC Secretary as a New Member

Nancy Waldron, FPC secretary, has been added to the Dean’s Advisory Council.

5. Consideration of Support Staff for FPC and College Curriculum Committee

It is proposed that two graduate assistants, assigned to the Dean’s office, will assist with minutes for the FPC and College Curriculum Committee.

6. Request from Kay Hughes for Assistance with Faculty Media Matrix

Kay Hughes would like to develop a list of faculty that are interested in speaking to the media on designated topics in Education. It was suggested that information regarding faculty might be extracted from faculty resumes, but often this is not helpful in identifying individuals who are willing to speak on current “hot topics” that do not neatly correspond to research areas. Bondy suggested that Hughes and Vernetson start a list of types of questions asked by reporters and other public inquiries, then FPC members could build on this list.  Clark suggested that the FPC contact Steve Orlando, who is in the UF media office, for some input.  Correa stated that this item could be added to the agenda of department faculty meetings. FPC members could circulate a survey that includes designated topics, and also prompts faculty to add topics that they are willing to speak to the media regarding.

7. Report from Don Pemberton Regarding Lastinger Center Concept Paper

Don Pemberton provided the FPC with a Concept Paper (for discussion purposes only) and a Portfolio of Programs in reference to the Lastinger Center for Learning. Don Pemberton will visit with the FPC in a few weeks and hopes to obtain feedback from the FPC regarding these two papers.

Dean Emihovich reviewed that the Lastinger Center for Learning was donated as a gift by two donors.  The focus of this center is on connecting research (from the COE and nationally) to the work of public school, particularly as it relates to raising the achievement levels of students in high-poverty schools.

Correa requested FPC members to suggest people who they would want to speak before the FPC, such as Mary Driscoll on development.  Information would be discussed before the FPC and passed on to the department faculty.  Correa also stated that open forums may be needed for discussion by faculty on any policies to be voted on or issues of interest to the College.

Clark stated that the faculty need to begin thinking collectively as a college, not just from a department perspective. It is important that we have forums and have various people talk to the FPC so that we know more about the work of the COE. Then FPC members are better able to communicate this information in department faculty meetings.

Clark moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Yeager seconded the motion.  The committee voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 3:45 p.m.


2 May, 2002 FPC Meeting Minutes

May 2, 2002

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: James Archer, Maureen Conroy, Vivian Correa (Chair), Bridget Franks, Nancy Waldron, and Elizabeth Yeager

Members Absent:  Phil Clark, Jane Townsend, Lamont Flowers, and Max Parker

Others Present:  John Kranzler

Call to Order:

Vivian Correa welcomed the new FPC members and called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.

Approval of the Agenda:

Kranzler stated that he would like an item to be placed under discussion during today’s meeting related to the responsibilities of Dean’s representatives on committees.


Archer stated that Max Parker was resigning from the FPC.

Membership of the 2002-2003 FPC Committee:

Correa announced the new members and their length of service on the FPC by department:

Department of Counselor Education:

Jim Archer (2), Max Parker (1) (now resigned), and Silvia Echevarria-Doan (alternate)

Department of Educational Psychology:

Nancy Waldron (2), Bridget Franks, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg (alternate)

Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Foundations:

Lamont Flowers (2), Phil Clark (1), Dale Campbell (alternate)

Department of Special Education:

Maureen Conroy (2), Paul Sindelar (was alternate and will serve a 1 year term), Cyndy Griffin (alternate)

School of Teaching and Learning:

Elizabeth Yeager (2), Jane Townsend (1), Elizabeth Bondy (alternate)

Correa reminded the new members that if they are unable to attend the FPC meeting, they must notify their alternate who will attend in their place.

Membership of Operating and Standing Committees:

Correa also stated that FPC members each serve on a Standing Committee.  A draft copy of the membership on the Operating and Standing Committees was presented:

Undergraduate Admissions and Petitions Committee

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs – Theresa Vernetson

Affirmative Action Officer – Theresa Vernetson

FPC Member – Bridget Franks (1 year)

Faculty 1 – Rose Pringle (1 year)

Faculty 2 – Anne Seraphine (2 years)

Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee

Associate Dean for Graduate Studies – John Kranzler

Affirmative Action Officer – Theresa Vernetson

FPC Member – TBA

Faculty 1 – Elizabeth Bondy (1 year)

Faculty 2 – Silvia Echevarria-Doan (2 years)

Faculty Affairs Committee

Dean’s Representative – Rod Webb

FPC Member – Jane Townsend (1 year)

Faculty 1 – Mary Brownell (1 year)

Faculty 2 – Danling Fu (1 year)

Faculty 3 – Linda Behar-Horenstein (2 years)

Faculty 4 – Randy Penfield (2 years)

Research Advisory Council

Dean’s Representative – John Kranzler

FPC Member – TBA

Faculty 1 – Tracy Linderholm (1 year)

Faculty 2 – Diane Silva (1 year)

Faculty 3 – Barbara pace (2 years)

Faculty 4 – Colleen Swain (2 years)

Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee

Dean’s Representative – Theresa Vernetson

FPC Member – TBA

Student Representative – TBA

Faculty 1 – Stuart Schwartz (1 year)

Faculty 2 – Ruth Lowery (1 year)

Faculty 3 – Mary Ann Clark (2 years)

Faculty 4 – Sevan Terzian (2 years)

Long Range Planning Committee

Dean’s Representative – Rod Webb

FPC Member – TBA

Faculty 1 – Jeanne Repetto (1 year)

Faculty 2 – David Miler (1 year)

Faculty 3 – Harry Daniels (2 years)

Faculty 4 – Hazel Jones (2 years)

Election Committee (need to appoint members for 2002-2003)

Previous Members:

Faculty 1 – Larry Loesch

Faculty 2 – Dale Campbell

Faculty 3 – John Gregory


Candace Harper (need to appoint new member for 2002-2003)

Correa stated that there are four FPC slots on the Standing Committees available.  She also said the FPC member on the committees were responsible for convening the first meeting in the fall.  Committees would then elect their chairpersons.

College Curriculum Committee:

Correa discussed that the department chairs selected the members of the College Curriculum Committee.  The new committee format will include the secretary of the FPC as a non-voting member, one member from each department and two students (one undergraduate and one graduate).

Agenda and Steering Committees:

The chair of the FPC, the secretary of the FPC, and the Dean chair the Agenda Committee.  This committee sets the agenda for the FPC meetings.

The Steering Committee consists of the chair of FPC, the secretary of FPC, and Associate Dean Webb.  This committee schedules the faculty meetings.

Meeting Schedule:

Correa suggested that the FPC meetings be held every two weeks at the designated time for college-wide meetings (Mondays from 2-4 p.m.).  FPC members agreed and set up the meeting schedule for the fall and spring semesters.  The scheduled meetings are:

August 26, September 9, September 23, October 7, October 21, November 4, November 18, December 2, December 16, January 13, January 27, February 10, February 24, March 24, April 7, April 21, and May 5th.

Action Item:

Selection of Secretary

Correa reviewed the constitutional language regarding the duties of the FPC secretary:  “The Council shall elect one of its regularly elected and tenured members to serve as Secretary of the Faculty Policy Council.  The Secretary is a voting member of the Council.  The Secretary of the FPC shall have .25 released time, reached in agreement with his/her chair or director, for the fall and spring semesters.  The Secretary shall become the Chair of the FPC the subsequent (or following) year.”

Correa asked for nominations to serve as Secretary of the FPC.  Waldron and Conroy volunteered to run for the position.  Correa will send an electronic ballot to the FPC members.  The FPC members will vote on one of these individuals to serve as Secretary to the FPC.

Discussion Items:

Kranzler requested clarity as to what role he served on the College Curriculum Committee, Research Advisory Committee, and the Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee.  Kranzler wanted clarification on whether he was a voting member on the Research Advisory Committee and the Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee.  He also asked if Dean Representatives could serve as chair on these committees.  Some FPC member stated that it might not be appropriate for college administrators to serve as chairs.  The committee guidelines and responsibilities of members of the committees will be discussed at the fall FPC meetings.

Yeager stated that she was interested in the FPC position on the Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee.  Franks stated that last year there were some concerns with graduate coordinators serving on the Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee.  Correa will raise this issue with the FPC in the fall.  Conroy stated that she was interested in the FPC position on the Research Advisory Council.

Franks moved and Conroy seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  The FPC voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 am.


29 April, 2002 FPC Meeting Minutes

April 29, 2002

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present:  Phil Clark, Vivian Correa, Bridget Franks, David

Honeyman, Hazel Jones, Max Parker, Tina Smith-Bonahue, Joe Wittmer, Stephen Smith (Chair), Jane Townsend

Members Absent:  Dick Allington

Others Present: John Kranzler, Rod Webb

Smith called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m.

Action Items

1. Approval of the agenda

Two items were added to the agenda for April 29th:  (1) Waldron will report on the Faculty Affairs Committee regarding Tenure and Promotion recommendations, and (2) a discussion regarding the election of a Secretary to the FPC will be added.  Clark moved and Smith-Bonahue seconded to approve the agenda as amended.  The FPC voted unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.

2. Approval of the minutes of 4/15/02

“Members Absent” on the minutes of 4/15/02 was corrected with the addition of Allington.  Smith-Bonahue moved and Parker seconded to approve the minutes of 4/15/02 as amended.  The FPC unanimously approved the minutes as amended.

3. Research Advisory committee recommendation (Ed.D.)

Elizabeth Bondy’s concern about the language in the Graduate Catalog regarding the Ed.D. and the Ph.D. was discussed.  Differences are related to the focus of the coursework and other program experiences, the nature of the qualifying exams and dissertation, and the kinds of positions for which the student would be prepared.  Suggestions included: (1) make the requirements (e.g., qualifying exams) for the Ph.D. and Ed.D. more generic, giving departments the power to set specific requirements, and (2) make the focus/purpose of the Ed.D. more distinct and clear.

Smith distributed the following DRAFT recommending language which could be used in the Graduate Catalog:

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)

The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree is offered for students who desire advanced professional training and academic preparation for the highest levels of educational practice.  Programs are available in various areas of concentration within the School of Teaching and Learning and the Departments of Counselor Education; Educational Leadership, Policy, and Foundations; Educational Psychology; and Special Education.

A minimum of 90 credit hours beyond the bachelor’s degree is required for the Ed.D. degree. All master’s degrees counted in the minimum number of credit hours must have been earned in the last seven years.  Specific course requirements vary with the department and with the student’s plan for research.  With the approval of the supervisory committee, the student may choose one or more minor fields of study.  The qualifying examination and a doctoral dissertation are required of all candidates for the Ed.D. degree.

See material presented under the heading Requirements for the Ph.D. for information relating to transfer of credit, minors, leave of absence, supervisory committee, language requirement, campus residence requirement, qualifying and final examinations, admission to candidacy, dissertation, guidelines for restriction on release of dissertations, and certification.  These statements are applicable to both the Ph.D. and Ed.D. degrees.

There was a suggestion to review Linda Crocker’s language regarding the Ed.D. and Ph.D. differences.  Kranzler reminded the FPC that Crocker’s language is not related to the Graduate Catalog, but refers to dissertations only.

Kranzler remarked that Crocker’s language regarding the quantitative and qualitative research requirements can be found on the Graduate Studies and Research web site.

Webb stated that case studies can be considered Ph.D. work if based on an appropriate philosophical and theoretical framework.

Correa remarked that the review process regarding dissertations was on the agenda for the Research Advisory Council, and added that further guidelines are needed.

Smith stated that recommendations from the RAC needed to be discussed and other internal documents needed to be reviewed by the Agenda Committee.

Kranzler recommended that a change be made regarding the context of the qualifying exam so it will be more in line with the Ph.D. requirements.  Kranzler asked, “What is the requirement of the minor and what is the process for the qualifying exam?”  Possibly more flexibility needs to be granted to departments and committees regarding the Ed.D.

Clark addressed a comment regarding changing the residency requirement.  He stated that no changes have been made to date.

Wittmer stated that clarity was needed in paragraph #2 of the Draft regarding the student’s choice of one or more minor fields of study.  He asked whether this required at least one minor.

Smith suggested that the discussion be tabled until the fall 2002 FPC meeting.  Clark stated that the FPC needed to vote on the Draft.

Smith-Bonahue moved and Clark seconded the motion to approve the language as presented in the Draft with provisions for the concerns raised by faculty regarding procedures and guidelines related to acquiring an Ed.D. and that these concerns be forwarded to next year’s Agenda Committee. The FPC unanimously approved the motion.

Discussion Items

1. Student Recruitment and Admissions committee recommendation (wrap up and transition)

Issues concerning the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee focused on (1) Proteach admissions where more flexibility in the admissions process are needed at the departmental level, and (2) the issue of the Dean’s screen needing to be changed in all departments or none. Even if students already have a master’s degree, are not required to go before the Admissions and Petitions Committee, and the student is capable of doing work at the doctoral or specialist level in the Proteach area, the student’s name still needs to be forwarded to the Dean’s Screen on NERDC to complete the admissions procedure.  The main issue for Proteach students is the faculty in the department are already familiar with the student’s performance academically.  If these students do not do well on the GRE and are denied admission by the A&P committee on that basis, the department has issues with this decision.  Wittmer brought up the 48-hour on-line program in Counselor Education.  How will these students be monitored?  Kranzler stated that the Graduate Studies office will continue to monitor acceptance to all degrees until a final decision is made.  Correa stated that the FPC needs to find an alternative assessment method, collect data for master’s only and Proteach candidates, and place this information on the agenda for the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee.  Kranzler stated that the process can be changed, while retaining the Dean’s screen in the Graduate Studies office.

Correa suggested that this issue be broken into smaller pieces:  Proteach, other master’s programs, and doctoral programs.  These three different issues need to be brought to the table and referred to the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee.

Clark made a motion and Smith-Bonahue seconded it to divide the Graduate Admissions and Petitions issue into three different topics:  Proteach, master’s only, and doctoral admissions.  The FPC unanimously approved the motion.

Information Items

1. Associate Dean Review

Section 2 – Associate and Assistant Deans:  “…The service of the Associate and Assistant Deans shall be reviewed every two years by the faculty.”

Smith stated an internal process needs to be developed regarding input in reviewing Associate and Assistant Deans.  The Provost or Board of Regents has in the past evaluated the Dean every five years.  The College Development Committee prepared an evaluation form for the purpose of evaluating the Dean.  Dean Webb stated he could locate one of these forms.  Associate and Assistant Deans are reviewed every two years.  Clark suggested that the faculty form a review panel to poll the faculty and find out if the faculty actually know what the duties of the Dean are.  Correa suggested that the FPC work with the Dean on this survey.  Webb recommended that this is a time that faculty give information regarding the evaluation of the Dean.  Clark stated that the FPC should review the positions of the Associate and Assistant Deans as part of their responsibilities.  Smith raised the question as to why faculty evaluations were posted on the web, and not dean’s evaluations.  Waldron asked, “What are the roles of the deans?  Could a survey be developed which points out what the faculty desire from the deans?”  Clark suggested an ad hoc group be developed to sort through the data and present it to the FPC.  Correa suggested that the FPC maintain archives of these surveys.

Note:  Clark stated that all colleges are being asked to develop shared governance structures.  Clark also stated that this is a good opportunity for our Dean to display how well the College of Education’s shared governance is working.

2. Tenure and Promotion Procedures (Report from the College of Education Faculty Affairs Committee)

Waldron presented the report from the Faculty Affairs Committee regarding the Tenure and Promotion procedures.  After a summary of the background of the process the FAC used to develop their proposal, Waldron discussed the proposal before the FPC.  The primary issues identified by the FAC were the following:  (1) no written policies exist within departments to specify the procedures used for tenure and promotion decisions, (2) there is considerable variability across departments in the college as tenure/promotion decisions are made:  role of the department chairperson, process used to identify external reviewers, whether department meeting are held to discuss candidate, time lines for conducting department votes, (3) tenure and promotion criteria are unclear, (4) the role of the college-level committee is unclear, and (5) limited support is provided to non-tenured faculty from the point of  hiring through the tenure/promotion process.  The proposed changes you will see in the attachment to the minutes are recommended to:  (1) assure equity across all departments and candidates, (2) establish a clear set of procedures to be used for all tenure and promotion decision, (3) establish procedures that are consistent with other faculty governance roles in the COE, and (4) provide non-tenured faculty consistent communication and support as they are preparing for the tenure and promotion process.

Correa suggested that the proposal be posted on the web so departments could discuss them and the FPC could receive faculty input.

Clark then moved and Townsend seconded to accept the report of the FAC and that the proposed changes be addressed by the new FPC in the fall 2002. The FPC unanimously voted to accept the motion.

3. Election of the FPC Secretary

Correa stated that a new secretary for the FPC needs to be selected prior to August in order to establish the .25 percent of released time by their department chair.  Faculty eligible for this position include:  Waldron, Conroy, Archer, and Yeager.  The FPC will convene on Thursday, May 2nd, from 8 – 9 am in room 158 to vote on the new secretary and have a transitional meeting.  Correa also stated that the new FPC members will all serve a two-year term.  She also stated that the secretary “released-time” was not a total buy out of time.  It is what the department chair and FPC secretary agree on (e.g., one course).  Correa stated that the old FPC secretary will become the new chair of the FPC.

Other Information Items

Clark questioned how well the funding went for the purchase of Dean Nelms picture of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings home in Cross Creek.  Smith stated that approximately $400 was generated of which a portion was used to purchase the picture, the frame, a $75 gift certificate for Vivian Correa, and three flower arrangements.  Smith stated that Larry Deutsch has the bookkeeping on these expenditures.

Smith stated that he was pleased with the achievements and accomplishments of the FPC and the committees and commented that the FPC’s performance would be even better next year.  The FPC members thanked Smith for chairing the FPC during it’s first year of operation.

Clark moved and Wittmer seconded the meeting be adjourned.  The FPC unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:51 a.m.


18 March, 2002 FPC Meeting Minutes

March 18, 2002

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Dick Allington, Phil Clark, Vivian Correa, Bridget Franks, David Honeyman, Hazel Jones, Max Parker, Tina Smith-Bonahue, Stephen Smith (Chair), Jane Townsend

Members Absent:  Joe Wittmer

Others Present:  Rod Webb, John Kranzler

Stephen Smith called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m.

Action Items

1. Approval of the agenda for March 18, 2002

Allington moved and Jones seconded to approve the agenda as submitted by Smith.  The FPC unanimously approved the agenda as submitted.

2. Approval of the Minutes of February 18, 2002

Modifications to the minutes were discussed:  (a) Page 2, Section 5.  “Article Ii” should read “Article II”.  (b) Page 3, #4a.  this should read, “…the graduate school and (not land)”.  It was recommended that if a FPC member asked an alternate member to attend the FPC meeting, the FPC member who not be recorded as being absent.  Instead, the alternate would be named as substituting for the FPC member.  A notation was made that Lamont Flowers had attended as an alternate for David Honeyman at the February 18th meeting; therefore David Honeyman would not be recorded as being absent.

Clark moved and Honeyman seconded to approve the minutes of February 18, 2002 as modified.  The FPC unanimously voted to approve the minutes as modified.

Discussion Item

1. Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee

Smith reported that recommendations regarding the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee were emailed to all faculty.  The department chairs were to respond to Smith on behalf of their departments.  At this point, three departments have met with their faculty. The departments of Special Education and Educational Leadership, along with the School of Teaching and Learning are in general agreement of the proposed policy.

Smith opened the floor for discussion regarding the admissions item.  Smith distributed a handout discussing the current admissions requirements of the UF Graduate School and current COE procedures.  Considerations would include:

·  Departments might need to develop additional administrative procedures related to admissions (e.g., sending materials to the Graduate School).

·  10% of all admissions may have one or both exceptions.

·  Departments can make “Masters Only Admissions.”  In other cases, departments may admit students conditionally (e.g., no grades of “Incomplete,” maintaining a GPA of 3.0 or above over the first two semesters of coursework).

Honeyman suggested that we not only consider the M.Ed. issue in the discussion, but also admissions for the Ed.S. degree.  Clark questioned the purpose of the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee.  Was the committee a checks and balances system for the COE, an artifact of an old COE policy, or a system put in place because there was a lack of trust towards departmental admissions?  Webb noted that it might be necessary to consider how the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee could be improved to function better as a college committee.

Kranzler explained the differences between the two types of exemptions.  Currently, the college committee reviews both single and double exceptions.  Single exceptions (those students with GPAs between 2.5 and 2.9 or GREs between 950 to 1000) are admitted by the College. Double exceptions (those students with both GPAs below 3.0 and GREs below 1000) must be forwarded to the Graduate school for final admission.  Some small colleges at UF do not have an college-level Admissions and Petitions committees, but most of the colleges across the campus that are the size of the COE do have a college level checks and balances admissions’ system.

Two issues are at hand.  (1) Should the Admissions and Petitions Committee exist as it currently does? and (2) Should the GRE requirement be discontinued in the cases of master’s or education specialists’ degrees only?

Kranzler stated that one problem with the departments admitting students is that the departments do not currently have access to a Dean’s graduate admissions NERDC screen.  All departments in the college would have to agree to take sole responsibility for admitting graduate students in order for a new procedure to work properly.  Each department would need to follow the university’s Graduate Policy Manual steps for admission.  To transfer the Dean’s screen to the departments would not be a problem, however, the departments would have to assume the responsibility of admitting single exceptions and providing the Graduate School with the necessary information regarding double exceptions and any “conditional” admissions requirements.

Webb stated that it is important to consider the College rankings (e.g., U. S. News and World Report).  Many of the rankings in the national publications are based on GRE scores, GPAs, and where our graduates choose employment.

Kranzler reported that master’s degree data were not incorporated in the U.S. News and World Report rankings.  He stated that he has data regarding GRE scores and COE rankings.  He also stated that the Admissions and Petitions Committee does currently serve as a quality control committee.

Smith-Bonahue reported the current system adds another layer to the admissions’ process.  Some faculty have to take extra time to write letters of justification to the college’s committee and students are often required to appear in front of both department and college committees to plead their case.  The process may disenfranchise both students and faculty.  Furthermore, the process could take the onus of responsibility away from the department, especially in cases where the department is willing to admit a student and the college committee does not support the petition.  Some FPC members felt that the college committee assists the department in denying students who were not of high quality.  Other FPC members felt that the responsibility of denying student admissions should be on the departments not the college committee.  Clark requested that the FPC discuss the possibility of the Admissions and Petitions Committee becoming solely a “due process” or appeals committee at the next meeting.

Smith stated that this issue would be a discussion item at the FPC’s next meeting on April 1, 2002.  Following this discussion, the issue will become an action item and the FPC may be able to vote on the item.


Allington moved and Clark seconded to adjourn the meeting.  The FPC voted unanimously to adjourn at 11:04 a.m.


18 February, 2002 FPC Meeting Minutes

February 18, 2002

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Dick Allington, Phil Clark, Vivian Correa, Lamont Flowers (alternate for David Honeyman), Bridget Franks, Hazel Jones, Max Parker, Tina Smith-Bonahue, Stephen Smith (Chair), Jane Townsend

Members Absent:  Joe Wittmer

Others Present:  Rod Webb

Stephen Smith called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m.

Action Items

1. Approval of the agenda for February 18, 2002

Correa moved and Franks seconded to approve the agenda as submitted by Smith.  The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the February 4, 2002 Minutes

Modifications in the minutes were discussed:  (a) Elections Committee Procedures [Page 6, Attachment A, #2]:  this statement should read “One member of the COE shall be appointed chair of the committee by the COE Agenda Committee,”  (b) The correct name of the reporting committee is “The Elections Committee” and should be modified in the minutes and on the attachment to reflect the correct name with “NEC” being removed from all sections, (c) the FPC suggested extending the duties of the Election Committee so in the future they could be considered the “Nominations and Elections’ Committee,” (d) Page 5, The vote under #4 was “8 against and 1 abstention”.

Clark moved and Jones seconded to approve the minutes of February 4, 2002 as modified.  The FPC unanimously voted to approve the minutes.

3. Approval of Elections Committee Procedures

Smith suggested that the Elections Committee procedures:  (a) under “Elections”, # 1, “a minimum of four (4) work/business days” be modified to read, “a minimum of seven (7) work/business days.”  Also, it was suggested that under “Ballot Counting”, #5, “runoff election to commence within one week”, the wording should be modified to ensure that a four-week time frame after the nominations procedures was adequate for voting and runoff procedures; (c) the official name of this committee is the “College Elections Committee (CEC) not the Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) and will be corrected throughout the document.  Jones moved and Smith-Bonahue seconded that Attachment A of the minutes be accepted with modifications.  The FPC unanimously voted to accept this document.

Discussion Items

1. Constitutional Revisions

Possible amendments were discussed:

(a) Departmental chair eligibility on committees

Smith reported some concern related to more than one chair serving on committees.  Clark suggested that a conflict of interest might occur if more than one chair was on a committee.  Franks stated that the FPC should review what each committee does to avoid a conflict of interest.

(b) Rename Elections Committee to the Nominations & Elections Committee and extend the  function for all elections in the College.

B. Elections Committee – Each year, an Elections committee of three persons shall be appointed by the Agenda Committee (who shall not appoint themselves).  Its duties are to set the time, procedures, tellers, and other mechanisms for conducting elections to the Faculty Policy Council.

Section 5 – Elections.  Elections for faculty representation on the Faculty Policy council shall be held in the spring by ballot.  Newly elected members shall take office immediately after the last meeting of the academic year, according to the procedures set forth under Elections Committee above (Article II, Section 4(b).

(c)  Need language in the duties of the Faculty Affairs Committee section to include faculty load issues.

(d) Need language added to all standing committees’ work to include “or other duties as recommended by FPC”.

(e)  Need to change the language on the College Curriculum Committee from Associate Dean of Graduate Studies to Associate Dean for academic Affairs.

2. Status of Tabled Items

Smith spoke with Ann who will attend the next FPC meeting and discuss her tabled item.  Jones stated that her item is still tabled.

3. Dean’s Search

Smith reported that the faculty should have more access to the Dean candidates than before under the new FPC format.  It was suggested that an informal round-table discussion be scheduled with each Dean candidate for faculty members to ask questions and meet the candidates.

4. Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee

Smith distributed an email from Dr. Ruth Lowery, Chair of the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee.  Smith-Bonahue reported that two things were considered at the meeting:

(a)  A discussion regarding the PRAXIS:  Committee members visited the graduate school and were informed that the reason the graduate school turned down the proposal for substituting the PRAXIS for the GRE was the college did not provide sufficient evidence that it is a suitable substitution for the GRE.

(b) A report on the status of alternative admissions test for entry into Proteach masters program:  Committee members received information from ETS and they have suggested that the PRAXIS should not be used as an alternative test for the GRE.  Committee members will be getting additional information on another test (the PPST) that is being used for admissions by other universities.

(c)  With respect to other graduate admissions decisions, the committee proposed the following:

1. Recommendation to the FPC to consider a policy that places responsibilities for graduate admission decisions at the level of the departments and within the policies of the graduate school.  The Committee also recommends that the major responsibility for the Petitions committee be defined as representing due process review in cases of denial.

2. Recommendation to the FPC that for students who do not meet the graduate school entrance requirements yet are admitted to an entry level graduate program, departments will specify that their admission does not guarantee admission to the doctoral program.

3. Although not a recommendation, the Committee would like to encourage departments to consider raising the minimum GRE score for admission to doctoral programs to reflect and promote excellence in our doctoral programs.

The FPC discussed how to communicate these issues to the faculty and to make them action items on the next agenda.  Clark suggested that the FPC submit these recommendations as proposed, discuss them at department faculty meetings, and have department chairs respond by email.  Faculty can also attend the meeting at which these recommendations will be discussed as an action items and voted on.

FPC members stated that appropriate wording and guidelines regarding the University’s policies about petitions for admission were necessary prior to communicating these proposals to the faculty.  Clark stated that the FPC needed the current University policy and the current College policy regarding admissions.  He also stated that we should notify the Graduate School that the FPC was considering a policy change that would place responsibility for graduate admission decisions at the departmental level.

Smith and Smith-Bonahue will draft a statement by Wednesday, February 20th, which will be communicated to the faculty.  The statement will ask the departments to discuss the issue and provide the FPC with a departmental response by March 13th.  Smith also will make sure the faculty understand that departments will need to develop additional administrative procedures related to admissions (e.g., sending materials to the Graduate School), 10% of all admission may be waived on one or both exceptions, and departments may make “Masters Only Admission” decisions.  However, in other cases, departments may admit students conditionally (e.g., “No grades of “Incomplete,” maintaining a GPA of 3.0 or above over the first two semesters of coursework”).

Information Items

Agenda Committee Report

Smith reported that the Agenda Committee was having some difficulty meeting.  Agenda Committee business had been successfully completed via e-mail.  The Agenda Committee requested that Webb and Witt offered assistance to Undergraduate Admissions/Petitions Committee to redefine their charge and to change the language of their duties.  In an email from Ryndak (as reported by Franks), the wording might state, “or other duties as recommended by the FPC.”  The committee might serve to handle due process upon a student’s denial of admission.  Jones suggested that the committee change its name to “Undergraduate Petitions Committee.”

Long-Range Planning Committee

Allington reported that the committee plans to draft a document for public comment in the near future.  Issues being considered are what the College of Education at UF might do to enhance their national reputation.  The committee is considering multiple recommendations based on the college’s strategic plan and the previous report on doctoral studies.

There were no other committee reports.  Allington moved and Clark seconded to adjourn.  The FPC unanimously voted to adjourn at 10:50 am.


4 February, 2002 FPC Meeting Minutes

February 4, 2002

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Dick Allington, Phil Clark, Vivian Correa, Bridget Franks, David Honeyman, Hazel Jones, Max Parker, Tina Smith-Bonahue, Stephen Smith (Chair), Jane Townsend, Joe Wittmer

Members Absent:  None

Others Present:  Larry Loesch, Rod Webb, Ben Nelms

The meeting was called to order by Stephen Smith at 9:10 a.m.

Action Items

1.  Approval of the agenda for February 4, 2002

Allington requested that an item be added to the agenda. He stated that Dean Nelms has been asked by the Presidential Task Force on the Future of the University of Florida to submit a review of COE departments and programs.  Allington requested that the FPC review a set of criteria for evaluating departments and the college, which he stated were weighted toward outcomes that expand on the U. S. News and World Report criteria.  He stated that the major concern for the college should be what provides national visibility.  Allington stated that a clear set of criteria needed to be established for the COE.

Clark moved and Smith-Bonahue seconded to approve the agenda as modified to add the discussion item by Allington. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda as modified.

2.  Approval of the January 14, 2002 Minutes

Clark moved and Honeyman seconded to accept the January 14th minutes as modified. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes as modified.

3. Approval of FPC Meeting procedures

Allington moved and Smith-Bonahue seconded to accept the FPC meeting procedures as distributed by Smith. The FPC unanimously voted to approve the revised FPC meeting procedures.

4.   Change in Order of Presentation

Clark moved and Jones seconded to place Allington’s discussion item after Loesch’s report from the Elections Committee. The FPC voted unanimously to change the order of the discussion items.

Discussion Items

1.   Upcoming Spring Elections (Larry Loesch)

Loesch reported for the Elections Committee.  Loesch highlighted some of the key points of the report, including that the College of Education (COE) Elections Committee should consist of three COE faculty members appointed by the COE Faculty Policy Council (FPC).  It was recommended that his statement be modified to read “….appointed by the COE Agenda Committee.”

Under the heading of “Solicitation of Nominees,” item 2 states that the COE Elections Committee shall solicit nominees from COE faculty.  The time frame for solicitation of nominees shall be no earlier than four (4) weeks and no later than two (2) weeks prior to the beginning of a scheduled election period.

Under the heading of “Elections”, one point discussed (#6) was that COE faculty members eligible to vote shall return their completed ballots in a sealed, blank envelope to the person in their department/school who was identified to collect the ballots.”  “Ballot Counting” shall be performed by the COE Elections Committee “as soon as possible after conclusion of a COE election.”

A question regarding electronic voting was raised.  At this time, the College does not have the resources to vote electronically.  It was recommended that the Elections Committee explore the feasibility of electronic voting in the future.

A request was made to have Loesch provide the FPC [in advance] with a timeline as to the Spring 2002 elections.  Smith offered to assist Loesch with this task.  Draft copies of the election procedures are attached as an addendum to the minutes.

2. New item by Allington

Allington moved and Towsend secondedthat the FPC forward to the Dean, Provost, and President the proposed list of criteria for reviewing the status of departments and programs in the COE at UF.

Allington further stated that the criteria on the COE educational mission should include some of the following:

  • Emphasis on graduate and doctoral education;
  • Job placements of doctoral students at other Research I universities;
  • Awards received from national organizations (AERA, APA, NCATE, etc.)
  • Publications in national journals
  • Presentations at national research conferences
  • External funding for dissertation research
  • External funding for research-based professional education
  • Number of research publications

In Allington’s proposal, the criteria on the COE research mission would be measured by:

  • External funding
  • Number of research publications
  • Number of research publications in Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)
  • National/international awards for research
  • Number of editorial board memberships on the top 20 SSCI power journals
  • National panel memberships
  • Research papers presented at national research conferences
  • Invited research papers and presentations

Allington further proposed that the criteria on effectiveness of program design and delivery would be measured by:

  • Admit/enroll/graduate statistics
  • Time to degree completion
  • Attractiveness of graduates to market
  • Attractiveness of graduates to market
  • Development of junior faculty research potential
  • Ratio of hire to tenure
  • Publications and grants
  • Awards received by junior faculty for research

The discussion was tabled in order to receive Dean Nelms’ report.

3. Dean’s report (Ben Nelms)

Dean Nelms stated that he would like to report monthly to the FPC.  He highlighted some to the issues that are being discussed at the monthly meetings of college deans, including:

  • UF will have one lobbyist to represent it in legislative sessions.  The UF legislative priorities included:  full devolution of authorities to Boards of Trustees, a tuition increase of 7.5 percent, full funding for excess enrollment, continuing the commitment to the Alec P. Courtelis Facilties Enhancement Challenge Grant program and the Major Gifts Trust Fund, and adoption of IFAS workload increase.
  • Colleges are preparing for the 150th Anniversary Celebration of the university and Nelms has appointed a COE “history” task force to assist.
  • After the Spring Commencement of 2002, all colleges would provide the location and funding for their own commencements.
  • The name of the Office of Instructional Technology would be changing to the Office of Academic Technology (OAT) or Academic Technology (AT) and a proposed student fee for technology is being considered.

Dean Nelms also discussed recent and future budget reductions.  The College’s support offices (formerly referred to as the Dean’s offices) received a 30 percent budget cut, departments received a 10 percent budget cut, and the budget for Summer A will receive a 30 percent cut.  This year’s current cutbacks equal 4 percent and will not be permanent reductions.  Next year, the budget cuts will equal 4.5 percent and will become permanent reductions.  The colleges have been asked to report to the Provost on how these reductions will be met.  For the COE to meet the 4.5 percent cutback, Dean Nelms stated that a 30 percent cutback of the summer programs would occur. Some faculty would not have summer teaching assignments.  The COE and the Division of Continuing Education are exploring the possibility of offering two-week workshops or institutes, which would provide salaries for faculty during the summer terms.  Additionally, it is expected that 10 percent of the budget cuts will also come from Operating Expenses with the remainder of the reductions coming from open lines.

Dean Nelms reported on a letter, which he received from Joseph Glover, Chair of the Presidential Task Force on the Future of the University.  To assist the Task Force in understanding the national context in which our College operates, the following questions were posed:

  • List the top ten Colleges of Education in the nation.
  • What characteristics do they share which place them at the top?
  • Where does UF rank among the Colleges of Education?
  • Identify the major new trends among the top Colleges
  • What level of resources would be needed to enable our college to climb into this group?

Drs. Kranzler and Crocker are currently working on a report, which will provide the answers to the above questions.  Dean Nelms also stated that the Task force is charged by President Young to recommend how to focus UF’s intellectual and financial capital on those endeavors which will substantially enhance the University’s achievements, advance its reputation, and make it a truly great university among the top ten or fifteen in the nation.  To assist the Task Force in advising the President on achieving these goals, the Department Chairs will respond to the following questions:

  • Which units in our College are currently making the greatest contributions to the stated goals?
  • Which units in your College have the potential to make significant contributions to the stated goals, but may not yet have realized their full potential? What additional expertise, guidance, time, and resources are required to realize the full potential of these units;
  • Which units in your College may not have a front line responsibility to make UF a truly great university, but nevertheless are critical components to support other units or play critical roles in teaching or service.
  • In what areas of your college do you feel resources should be most concentrated for maximum impact?
  • Can you identify areas in your College that should be restructured to improve efficiency, better organize teaching and research, or reduce administrative costs?
  • Are there units that should be reduced, phased out over time, or eliminated so that the recouped resources can be devoted to more critical efforts?
  • Are there units in your College that would be more logically placed in other Colleges?  Are there units in other Colleges that would mesh well with your programs and be more logically placed in your College?

Dean Nelms stated that responses to these issues are due no later than February 14th.  Department Chairs are being asked to answer the first 3 questions.  The Task Force will meet on February 16th to discuss each college’s responses.

Dean Nelms reported that the Provost is currently working with a second task force on a three-year plan for all colleges across the University.  This plan is due during the first week of April.  Dean Nelms also stated that the dean’s across the university units are very supportive of each other in evolving a three-year plan for UF.

4. Return to Allington’s Motion:

Clark suggested that the Long-Range Planning Committee review the proposed criteria presented to the FPC by Allington because it appeared to be premature to forward this criteria to the Dean, Provost, and President, and the COE faculty had not had an opportunity to review the criteria. The FPC voted on Allington’s motion to submit the proposed criteria to the Dean, Provost, and President.  The vote was 8 against, 1 abstain, and 1 for the motion.  The motion did not carry.

The information items and the remainder of the discussion items were tabled until the next FPC meeting because of time constraints.

Allington moved and Clark seconded to adjourn the meeting. The FPC voted unanimously to adjourn at 11:00 am.

Attachment A

College of Education

Elections Committee Procedures


Elections Committee

  1. The College of Education (COE) Elections Committee shall consist of three COE faculty members appointed by the COE Agenda Committee.
  2. One member of the COE Elections Committee shall be appointed chair of the committee by the COE Agenda Committee.
  3. COE faculty members eligible to serve on the COE Elections Committee shall hold tenure or be in tenure accruing positions in the COE.
  4. The term of appointment of each member of the COE Elections Committee shall be one year, with the appointment to commence at the beginning of the Fall academic term of each year.
  5. Any member of the COE Elections Committee may be reappointed to the committee.  However, no member shall serve on the COE Elections Committee for more than three (3) consecutive years.

Solicitation of Nominees

  1. The FPC shall inform the COE Elections Committee of the position(s) for which nominees shall be sought at least five (5) weeks prior to the beginning of an election period in the COE.
  2. The COE Elections Committee shall solicit nominees from COE faculty.  The time frame for solicitation of nominees shall be no earlier than four (4) weeks and no later than two (2) weeks prior to the beginning of a scheduled election period.
  3. Nominations will end one (1) week prior to the beginning of a scheduled election period.
  4. The COE Elections Committee shall distribute a call for nominees for the respective positions to be elected by (a) posting a notice of nominee solicitation on the COE e-mail system and (b) distribution of a written nominee solicitation to the mailbox of each faculty member in the COE.
  5. Either self or other nominations will be accepted for each position to be elected.
  6. Upon nomination, the COE Elections Committee will (a) determine the nominee’s eligibility for the position, (b) inform the nominee of his or her eligibility status (c) inform the nominee of the nomination, and (d) determine if the nominee is willing to be a candidate for the position.


  1. An election period for the COE shall be a minimum of seven (7) work/business  days (i.e., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal or university holidays).
  2. A written ballot for a COE election shall be prepared by the COE Elections Committee.
  3. An FPC representative from each department/school shall be appointed by the FPC to assist with the ballot dissemination and retrieval process.
  4. The COE Elections Committee shall distribute a written ballot and blank envelope to each faculty member in the COE eligible to vote in the election via the department’s appointed FPC representative.
  5. Each FPC representative thus selected shall identify a person in the department/school to whom the ballots shall be returned.
  6. COE faculty members eligible to vote shall return their completed ballots in a sealed, blank envelope to the person in their department/school who was identified to collect the ballots.
  7. Each person designated to collect ballots in each department/school shall maintain a list of persons submitting a ballot in order to avoid duplicate submissions of ballots.
  8. The COE Elections Committee shall retrieve the ballots from each COE department/school as soon as possible after the end of the election period.
  9. The person in each department/school responsible for collection of the ballots shall destroy the list of voting faculty members after the ballots have been collected from the department/school.

Ballot Counting

  1. The votes on ballots from a COE election shall be counted by the COE Elections Committee as soon as possible after conclusion of a COE election.
  2. At least two (2) members of the COE Elections Committee shall count the votes and record the results.
  3. In the event that two or more of the COE Elections Committee members were candidates on the ballot, the FPC shall appoint one or two members (as needed) from among the COE tenured faculty to count the votes and record the results.
  4. A COE faculty member shall be elected to a position by a simple majority of the vote count for the position.
  5. In the event of a tie vote for a position, the COE Elections Committee shall conduct a runoff election to commence within one week after conclusion of the vote count.  Announcement of a runoff election shall be made by the COE Elections Committee through use of the COE e-mail system and distribution of a written announcement to all COE faculty members.  The ballot for a runoff election shall contain only the names of those candidates for which there was a tie vote.  The time frame and procedures for voting in a runoff election shall be the same as those for a regular election.

Post Election Procedures

  1. Announcement of the results of a COE election shall be withheld until the election is fully complete (e.g., after a runoff election), but shall be made as soon as possible thereafter.
  2. The COE Elections Committee shall report the results of an election to the COE by use of the COE e-mail system.
  3. The COE Elections Committee shall report the numbers of ballots cast from each department/school to the chair of the FPC at the conclusion of the election process.
  4. The COE Elections Committee chairperson shall retain the ballots from each election for a period of four (4) months after the conclusion of an election period, and destroy the ballots thereafter.

14 January, 2002 FPC Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2002

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Dick Allington, Phil Clark, Vivian Correa, Bridget Franks, Hazel Jones, Tina Smith-Bonahue, Stephen Smith (Chair), Jane Townsend, Joe Wittmer

Members Absent:  David Honeyman, Max Parker

Stephen Smith called the meeting to order at 9:13 a.m.

Action Items

1.  Approval of the agenda for January 14, 2002.

Correa moved and Clark seconded to approve the agenda as submitted by Smith.  The FPC unanimously approved the agenda as it was submitted.

2. Approval of the 12/10 Minutes

Corrections to the minutes of December 10 were recommended as follows:

a) Page 3, Information Items, Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee, 2nd sentence:  “…graduate students after a department had recommendedadmitting a student.”

b)   Page 4, 2nd sentence, “He also serves as a member on the Shared Governance Committee…” eliminating “on the Committee on Committees that supervises all senate committees, and…”

Clark moved and Jones seconded to accept the December 10th minutes as modified. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes as modified.

Discussion Items

1. Update on COE policy search and archive

Smith reported that the FPC was in a “wait and see” situation.  The standing committees were working on their assignments and action items were expected from the committees. He also reminded FPC members to remain on topic and limit conversations to the agenda items.

Smith updated the members of the council on preliminary findings of the archival search of the minutes of the Department Chair meetings of 1996-1997.  Listed below are the notes from Smith’s findings:

a)   A third-year review process for non-tenured faculty members was recommended.

b) The College Development Committee would serve as only a fact-finding committee regarding the tenure and promotion nomination process and the suggestion of a written college-wide policy was discussed.

c) A Sustained Performance Evaluation process in which annual reports would be required by all faculty members was discussed.  If no evidence of satisfactory performance were available, the evaluation letter would reflect an “unsatisfactory” performance by the faculty member.

d) A COE policy on culminating experiences during week 17 of the semester was discussed.

e) A discussion on tuition waivers and grants was noted in which tuition waivers were to be increased by 10% each year to offset increased tuition expenses.  Any grant would need to state that “the remainder of the tuition will be provided by the College…” with the college name indicated.

f)  Department Chairs were to consider service assignments of faculty members who serve on committees or task forces with the federal government.  These appointments would not count toward faculty workload service assignments.

g) Graduate teaching assistants’ assignments must be consistent across departments.  Also, twelve hours of student contact time per faculty member is a minimum, not a maximum as stated by the 12-hour rule regarding faculty assignments.

h) Search committees must consist of three faculty members from the department, one college representative, one university representative, one outside representative, one student and a chairperson.”

The goal of the archive search being conducted by Smith and Correa is to document past policies and procedures of COE, which will be reviewed and compared with current policies, and procedures.

Allington stated that there are four sources of policy and procedures that should be reviewed:

a)   Database of Administrative Council and Department Chairs minutes;

b) University Board of Regents policies  (which may no longer be in effective);

c) University of Florida and the Collective Bargaining Agreement policies; and

e) Departmental policies.

Allington suggested that, parallel to the archive search process, two other searches be developed – one on departmental policies and one on university policies.  Correa supported Allington’s suggestion and commented that the parameters of the old BOR, University of Florida, and COE policies be researched for clarity.

Although the university is experiencing a tremendous amount of transition and change including the newly established Board of Trustees, a new administration, and changes in the graduate school and division of sponsored research, it is hoped that the review of past COE policies and procedures will assist the FPC in developing new policies and provide a new dean some guidance in implementing the COE policies.

As an example of policy investigations, Townsend reported that the Faculty Affairs Committee was in the process of interviewing department Chairs regarding their Tenure and Promotion guidelines.

There was discussion of the January 23rd meeting, which will include the Provost, deans, FPC members and department chairs.  It is scheduled from 1:30 – 4:30 pm in Room 158 Norman Hall.

2. FPC procedures (suggestions from last meeting)

Smith handed out procedural guidelines on how the FPC would consider action items from standing committees or from non-FPC members during the meetings.  The first guideline stated that, “All committee reports should not exceed two minutes in length.  After each committee report, time will be allocated for clarification of the report.  No new items or discussion should occur during committee reports.  As a result of a committee report, an action item may be placed on the agenda for the next FPC meeting.”  This guideline was modified to read in the last sentence, “As a result of a committee report, an action item may be placed on the agenda.”

The second guideline stated that, “To request an action item on the FPC agenda, or to be placed on the agenda to speak to an issue, faculty should provide a written request to the FPC chair.  This guideline was modified to read, “To request that an action item be placed on the FPC agenda, and/or to be placed on the agenda to speak to an issue, non-FPC members should provide a written request to the FPC chair.”

Smith will rewrite the two guidelines and present them to the FPC for a vote at the next meeting.

3. Upcoming Spring elections

Smith will request that Dr. Loesch develop a timeline for the Spring elections and present it to the FPC as soon as possible.

Items Tabled from October 1 Meeting

Smith did not communicate with Dr. Anne McGill-Franzen and requested that the item remain tabled.  Jones suggested that the item on linking with the College’s Staff Council remain tabled and she will report on this item at a later date. Clark suggested that the FPC remove the tabled items from the agenda until a report was available for review.

Information Items

Student Recruitment/Admissions Committee

Smith-Bonahue reported that the Student Recruitment/Admissions Committee would meet with Dr. Ken Gerhardt, Associate Dean of the Graduate School, on January 17th to discuss the GRE and Praxis assessment as a requirement for admission to the College of Education.  FPC members suggested the following questions also be discussed with Gerhardt:

What is the University’s policy regarding the GRE?

How can the COE model itself after other units that may have different admissions criteria?

To what extent do multiple policies exist?

How many graduate credits are students allowed to transfer into a graduate program?

Could criteria for graduate students in certification only programs be different?

Following the meeting with Dr. Gerhardt, the committee will have their normally scheduled meeting to discuss recommendations and suggestions made by Dr. Gerhardt.

Faculty Affairs Committee

Townsend reported that the Faculty Affairs Committee was in the process of investigating the faculty workload across departments.  This committee also will address the issue of intellectual property.

Research Advisory Committee

Smith reported that the Research Advisory Committee is in the process of discussing the consistency of the language in the Graduate Catalog regarding the Ed.D. and the Ph.D. degrees.  This committee also will review grant proposal deadlines, the dissertation review process which now flows through the Graduate Studies Office, and the role, function, and purpose of the Center for School Improvement.

Smith stated that two items would be included at the next Agenda Committee meeting: (1) revisiting the purpose of the Undergraduate Admissions and Petitions Committee, and (2) reviewing the process of the Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee.

Long-Range Planning Committee

Allington reported that this committee will be meeting today.

Clark announced that the next University Senate meeting was scheduled for Thursday and minutes would be posted on the web.

Clark moved and Correa seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  The FPC members unanimously voted to adjourn the FPC meeting at 10:50 am.


10 December, 2001 FPC Meeting Minutes

December 10, 2001

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Dick Allington, Phil Clark, Maureen Conroy, Vivian Correa, Bridget Franks, Hazel Jones, Max Parker, Peter Sherrard, Tina Smith-Bonahue, Stephen Smith (Chair), Jane Townsend

Members Absent: David Honeyman

Other Present:  Ben Nelms, RodWebb

Stephen Smith called the meeting to order at 9:09 a.m.

Action Items

1.  Approval of the agenda for December 10, 2001.

Clark made a motion to approve the agenda as submitted by Stephen Smith.  Jones seconded the motion.  The FPC unanimously approved the agenda as it was submitted.

2. Approval of the 11/26 Minutes

The minutes of November 26, 2001 were approved with revisions by a majority of the FPC members through e-mail vote.  Correa provided an overview of the revisions as follows:

a. The new chairperson of the Research Advisory Council is Tracy Linderholm, not Holly Lane as stated during the meeting of 11/26/01.

b. Jones corrected the first item on page two to read, “…Committee.  It was suggested that….”

c. On page one, Courtney Johnson was changed to Courtney Williams.

d.   On page four, in the “Update on Budget by Dean Nelms,” now reads, “…the Provost approved the method of responding to COE budget cuts…” not “approved the COE budget cuts…”.

A discussion followed regarding addressing items for discussion or action on the FPC agenda.  If a faculty member would like to have an action item placed on the FPC agenda, he/she must provide the Agenda Committee with a written request.  Smith said he would draft a clearer explanation of this procedure and present it to the FPC.

Clark stated that the committee reports should last approximately 2-3 minutes.  If the report presents an action item, it will be discussed at a future meeting per policy/procedures of the FPC.

Jones requested that the minutes of the various committees be provided to FPC members.

Correa agreed to make additional editing revisions to the minutes of 11/26/01 and have them posted on the web.

Discussion Items

1. Update on COE Policy Search and Archive.

Correa reported on the COE policy search and archives.  She began her review of the Administrative Council meeting minutes for 1996-97, which consisted of approximately 61 meetings and two retreats.  Correa summarized her impressions of the policy search after reviewing the minutes of the first 19 meetings.  Statements regarding “culminating experiences and office hours” were noted, however pertinent attachments were not found with the electronic version of the minutes.  Correa stated that she planned on locating the paper copies of the minutes in order to locate any documents that might have been attached to the minutes.  Correa also reported that procedures for COE incentive funds and COE indirect funds along with the Cost Accounting Standards were discussed in the minutes of 1997.  The 1996 minutes contained information presented by Longstreth regarding the appointment process, annual evaluations, tenure and promotion, and contract renewal.  The 1996 minutes also contained information regarding upper division faculty loads in which each faculty member was trained to advise between 12-15 students per year.  Although Correa found the minutes to be informative, they did not contain clear policy statements.  The minutes were found to have some historical value.

Clark reported he could provide a brief report on the Faculty Senate meetings.

Smith reported that he reviewed the Chairs Committee Meeting minutes for 1996-97 in which he located information on the college restructuring.  Smith stated that a discussion would be beneficial regarding policy (statement of intent), procedure (e.g., training of faculty advisors), and history of the college.

Clark stated that a final product is needed, for example, a policy/procedure manual for the College of Education.

2. Goal-Setting Retreat (12/5).

Nine members of the FPC attended the Dean’s Goal-Setting Retreat.  Nelms distributed an outline of the goals developed at the retreat and reported that the retreat was productive.  However, he felt that a second retreat in January would be beneficial.  He also stated that he felt there was no need for an outside consultant at the next retreat.  Nelms reported that he was working on the mid-year report for the Provost.

In a discussion of the research goals, Allington commented that the College should lobby the Provost to change the DSR procedures for dividing the 8% indirect cost rate.  He suggested that we should advocate for higher IDC from the state, and create an infrastructure that would support faculty to submit grants with higher IDC rates.

Nelms stated that he was currently working on the mid-year report, long-range planning committee, and next year’s budget with the assistance of the Budget Advisory Committee.  Nelms also stated that he would clarify the goals for the next retreat with the Agenda Committee.

Clark suggested that we focus on 6-8 long-range goals at the next retreat and that faculty need to talk past departments and focus on the college as a whole.

3. Next Semester’s Meeting Time for FPC

Smith stated that the meeting times for the FPC during the Fall Semester 2002 will occur on Mondays from 2-4 pm as per the new college-wide policy on meeting times.  However, meeting times for the Spring semester 2002 will continue to be held on every other Monday from 9 – 11 am.  The first meeting will begin sometime after January 7th.  Smith will email the committee members as to when the first FPC meeting for the Spring semester will be held.

Sherrard will confer with Dr. Daniels regarding the meeting times scheduled for Fall 2002.

Items Tabled from October 1 Meeting

1. Discuss how TAs/RAs will voice concerns under new governance structure.

This topic was tabled again.  Smith will speak with Ann McGill-Franzen and request that she provide the FPC with a written statement regarding the TAs and RAs.  This written statement will be submitted to the Agenda Committee and will then return to the FPC following approval of the Agenda Committee.

2. Discuss how linkages can be made with the Staff Council.

Jones suggested this item also be tabled.

Smith-Bonahue moved that the above two items be tabled until reviewed by the Agenda Committee.  The motion was seconded by Jones and approved unanimously by the FPC.

Information Items

1. Committee Reports

Undergraduate Admissions/Petitions Committee: Franks reported that committee members are struggling with their purpose.  She inquired as to whether the Constitution had limitations as to who could serve on this committee.  Smith stated that the Constitution could be amended and that advice could be sought from other people.  The question of due process for undergraduate students was brought up.  Because drop/add and admissions decisions occur within departments, a meeting regarding admission of undergraduate students does not occur at the college level.  Questions related to students right to appeal a department’s decision were discussed.  Currently, a graduate student can appeal a departmental decision to the Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee.  The undergraduate committee felt it did not want to create a parallel system.

Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee: Jones stated that members of the committee questioned their role in denying admissions of graduate students after a department had recommended them for admissions.

After a good deal of discussion, Clark moved that the functions of these two committees be reviewed by the Agenda Committee and be brought back to the FPC.  Smith-Bonahue seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved by the FPC.

Faculty Affairs Committee:  Townsend reported that Nancy Waldron was the new chair of the committee.

Long-Range Planning Committee:  Allington reported that Jeanne Repetto was the new chair of the committee.  He reported that committee has met with Nelms and reviewed both the 1996 strategic plan and the past report of the college’s task force to study doctoral programs.  The next committee meeting will be held on January 14th.

Other Reports:

Clark reported that he sits on the Faculty Senate and stated that the minutes of the Senate can be reviewed on the web site.  He also serves as a member on the Shared Governance Committee that is encouraging all colleges to look at the COE constitution as a template for faculty governance.  Clark also reported that the Faculty Senate is also grappling with defining the department as a unit and budget reduction issues.

Allington requested information on how the college creates a new department.  The Constitution provides clear guidelines on how departments can be created, abolished, or consolidated in the college (see Article IV, Section1A).  According to Article IV, Section 3 of the University Constitution, a change in departmental structure in the college would require an approval vote of two-thirds of all tenure-accruing faculty who attend the voting meeting. The proposal shall then be sent to the proper University bodies for action. This question will be reviewed by the Agenda Committee and brought before the FPC.

Clark moved and Allington seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  The committee voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:59 am.