Long Range Planning Committee

January 24, 2012 minutes

Members in attendance: Ruth Lowery, Cynthia Griffin, Tim Jacobbe, Hazel Jones, Walter Leite, Pilar Mendoza, Ana Puig, Dorene Ross (FPC)

The committee met to discuss plans for this year’s annual evaluations of the Deans Good, Dana and Vernetson. Dorene explained what is expected of the committee and shared information about Dean Good’s input on his evaluation instrument. We also reviewed Dean Vernetson’s explanation of her additional duties. These feedbacks will be utilized in reviewing the current survey questions.

Action Items:

  1. Dorene and Paul have already contacted the deans to get additional feedback from them about their individual responsibilities. This information will be shared with the faculty at large during the evaluation period.
  2. Ruth will contact Paul about previous cover letters used in surveys and about data from previous deans’ evaluations.
  3. Walter will contact Dave (?) about the previous surveys and gaining access to the site. He will also find out about storing information in the COE container.

The committee will meet again on January 31, 2012 to review the survey questions in preparation for the survey being conducted immediately following UF spring break. We will update FPC on our progress.