Brian Boyd, Yashica Crawford, and Rashida Williams were recognized by the College of Education at the university’s annual Multicultural Awards Ceremony on March 30. The ceremony is designed to recognize and honor students of African-American, Hispanic-Latino, Native-American, Asian-American, and multi-racial heritage as well as other minority groups at a university-wide ceremony. All three students hold or have held scholarships or fellowships while at UF. Boyd, a doctoral student in Special Education was recognized for his scholarship (19 international/national presentations, one published manuscript, and three manuscripts submitted for publication), leadership (President of the Special Education Doctoral Students Association), and service to the broader community (member of the Florida state-wide Autism Task Force). Crawford, a doctoral student in Educational Psychology, was recognized for her scholarship (work on multiple projects on learning and the teaching of reading at P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School, other schools in the area, and the UF Alliance schools), and service (mentor for the Marva Collins Mentoring Program, tutor for the
Three Education Students Recognized at Multicultural Awards Ceremony
July 28, 2005