It’s a silent tragedy within our midst.
Every year, tens of thousands of canned food product leave the processing plant with high hopes for their futures – hopes of feeding the hungry and changing the world. Most end up on store shelves, lined up in rows and lost in the crowd. Others wind up in darkened pantries, behind the spaghetti, forgotten.
They’re called “non-perishables” – but each of these cans has a “Sell By” date staring them in the face. The lucky ones are eaten while young. But tragically, many go bad.
You can help. Every holiday season, the Family Food Pantry rescues thousands of cans from meaningless lives – placing them on the tables of struggling families, where they can make a real difference. You can see them standing proudly in the collection bins in every department/area within the College of Education: canned beans, tins of tuna, boxes of rice all ready to serve humanity. Even a bottle of canola oil can be somebody here.
You can be the one who makes all the difference in the life of a can. Bring non-perishable – or two of them, or 15 – to the Family Food Drive today. Each department has a drop-off point for donations.
Just go to the department office and ask where to put your
Your cans will thank you.
P.S. – If you don’t want to “adopt” a can yourself, feel free to drop a few dollars in the collection box at the COE Holiday Party Dec. 5.