COE professors write book on ‘top 10’ of professional development communities

Professor Nancy Dana and Associate Professor Diane Yendol-Hoppey are known across Florida for their efforts to turn K-12 schools into communities of inquirers, where teachers improve their own practice by researching classroom problems and teaching strategies. Now the two COE professors are sharing their strategies for developing inquiry-based professional development communities in a new book from Corwin Press and the National Staff Development Council.


April 11, 2008



Professor Nancy Dana and Associate Professor Diane Yendol-Hoppey are known across Florida for their efforts to turn K-12 schools into communities of inquirers, where teachers improve their own practice by researching classroom problems and teaching strategies. Now the two COE professors are sharing their strategies for developing inquiry-based professional development communities in a new book from Corwin Press and the National Staff Development Council.

The book, The Reflective Educator’s Guide to Professional Development: Coaching Inquiry-Oriented Learning Communities, provides teachers and school administrators with strategies they can use to develop inquiry-oriented professional learning communities (or PLCs) in their own schools.

The book covers the “10 essential elements of a healthy PLC”, and offers a step-by-step guide to organizing and maintaining PLCs in your own school.

Harvard education professor Roland S. Barth described the book as “a toolbox overflowing with ideas that will help every staff developer craft a school culture hospitable to adult and student learning.”
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