Dean’s Message
Grrrrrr! UF COE has answers for education gremlins’ timeworn grrrrrumblings
Although Halloween is over, the education gremlins are still lurking in state and national policy circles. What are the education gremlins? They are the imps who whisper in the ears of policymakers–such as U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan–claiming that American colleges of education are not sufficiently meeting the challenge of preparing the next generation of high-quality teachers. UF Education Dean Catherine Emihovich begs to differ and points to UF COE programs as Exhibit A in refuting the timeworn canards against U.S. education colleges. (more)
Visit the college home page for links to these and other reports about College activities, accomplishments and faculty-staff-student-alumni news and achievements:
Lastinger Center sets math-science summit Nov. 16 to spur statewide school reform efforts
‘Can Web 2.0 save teacher professional development?’ UF’s Sessums will offer insights on ‘Education Week’ Webinar Nov. 18
Christopher Sessums, postdoctoral associate in education technology at UF’s School of Teaching and Learning, is one of two invited experts who will offer insights Nov. 18 on a nationwide Webinar, hosted by Education Week’s online publication, titled “Can Web 2.0 Save Teacher Professional Development?” The free, one-hour Webinar starts at 4 p.m. and also will be available “on demand” any time 24 hours after the event. Online registration is now open on (more)
FEATURED SNAPSHOT: Hot-headed pumpkin blows top for science
College News & Notices
International Education Week events set for Nov. 16 and 18
The full slate of activities for the college’s 4th annual celebration of Comparative and International Education Week (Nov. 16-20) is now set, with two major events planned:
Monday, Nov. 16 — International Education Colloquium: 11:30 a.m. — 1 p.m., Terrace Room.
Wednesday, Nov. 18 – Comparative and International Education Week Celebration. 12:30 – 3:30 p.m., Terrace Room.
FEATURED SNAPSNOT (bonus): ‘Galileo’ subs for instructor in UFTeach lab
UF science education instructor Griff Jones was conspicuously “absent” from his UFTeach class one day earlier this month, but co-instructor Gloria Weber found a dynamic guest lecturer to stand in for him—none other than Galileo, the Italian physicist, mathematician and astronomer who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. Pictured right, Galileo assists a student in an experiment on motion. (more photos and details)
Registration opens for Holmes Partnership conference (Jan. 28-30)
Awards & Appointments
Professor emeritus Myrick is recipient—and namesake—of new lifetime award
Robert Myrick, UF professor emeritus in counselor education, is the first recipient of a new lifetime achievement honor named in his honor, awarded recently by the Florida School Counselor Association. (more)
Behar-Horenstein named editor of Florida EAP journal
Following the release of the November issue of the online Florida Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Professor Linda Behar-Horenstein will assume the executive editor’s post of the UF-published journal, succeeding R. Craig Wood and founding editor Linda Serra Hagedorn. (more)
IES taps UF early-childhood Ph.D. student
Crystal Crowe, a UF doctoral student in early childhood studies, was selected to attend this month’s Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS-B) Database Training Seminar, sponsored by the federal Institute of Education Sciences. She was accepted from a competitive applicant pool for one of on
ly 40 available slots in the seminar. SHDOSE faculty members Patricia Snyder and James Algina supported her nomination.
New alumnae named to education administrative posts
Yashica Crawford (PhD ’09, Educational Psychology) is the new executive director of Moving Forward Education, based in Emeryville, Cal. MFE is an education and empowerment service offering a holistic approach to academic intervention through the use of mentoring, tutoring and after-school programs. Crawford held a prestigious Holmes Scholar post while attending UF. The Holmes Scholars are a select group of graduate students involved with the Holmes Partnership, a nationwide program providing support for underrepresented students in university leadership programs.
Donna Sabis-Burns (PhD ’09, Elementary Education) has been appointed Deputy Assistant Superintendent of elementary and secondary education in the Office of the State Superintendent in Washington, D.C. She previously worked in the U.S. Department of Education’s office of school support and technology. She was the college’s 2009 recipient of its Outstanding Graduate Professional Practice Award.
*denotes current or former students
Behar-Horenstein, L. S. Dix, A.C.*, Roberts, K.* & Johnnson, M. L.* (2009). Undergraduate Research Experiences in the Sciences. In I. M. Saleh & M. S. Khine, Fostering Scientific Habits of Mind: Pedagogical Knowledge and Best Practices in Science Education (pp. 261-294). Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, the Netherland.
Behar-Horenstein, L. S., Mitchell, G. S., & Graff, R.* (2009), Promoting the Teaching of Critical Thinking Skills Through Faculty Development. Journal of Dental Education 73(6), 665-675.
Isaac, C. A. *, Behar-Horenstein, L. S., & Koro-Ljungberg, M. (2009). Women Deans: Leadership Becoming. International Journal of Leadership in Education. 12(2), 135-153.
Brownell, M. T., Bishop, A. B., Gersten, R., Klingner, J., Dimino, J., Haager, D., Menon, S., Penfield, R., & Sindelar, P. (2009). Examining the Dimensions of Teacher Quality for Beginning Special Education Teachers: The Role of Domain Expertise. Exceptional Children, 75(4), 391-411.
Camizzi, E.*, Clark, M.A., Yacco, S.* & Goodman, W. (2009). Becoming “Difference Makers:” School/University Collaboration to Create, Implement and Evaluate Data Driven Counseling Interventions. Professional School Counseling. 12, (6), 471-479.
Dixon, A. L., Scheidegger, C., & McWhirter, J. J. (2009). The adolescent mattering experience: Gender variations in perceived mattering, anxiety, and depression. Journal of Counseling & Development, 87, 302-318.
Tucker, C., & Dixon, A. L. (2009). Low-income African American male youth with ADHD symptoms in the United States: Recommendations for clinical mental health counselors. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31 (4), 309-322.
Kinnier, R., Dixon, A. L., Scheidegger, C., & Lindberg, B. (2009). Deliverance from the “dark night of the soul.” Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education, and Development, 48, 110-119
Mendoza, P. Mendez, J.P., & Malcolm, Z. (2009). Financial aid and persistence in community colleges: Assessing the effect of state and federal financial aid programs in Oklahoma. Community College Review, 37(2), 112-135.
Mendoza, P. (2009). Academic capitalism in the Pasteur’s Quadrant. Journal of Higher and Further Higher Education. 33(3), 301-311.
Mendez, J.P., Mendoza, P., & Archer E. (2009). Student athlete retention: Are athletic scholarships enough? Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 3(1), 61-86.
Arulselvan, A., Mendoza, P., Boginski, V., & Pardalos, P. (2009). Predicting the nexus between secondary education affordability and student success: An application of network-based approaches. In N. Memon & Alhajj, R. (Eds), Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 149-154.
Mendoza, P., Basham, M.J., Campbell, D.F. (In press). Critical issues facing America’s community colleges: A summary of the Community College Futures Assembly 2009. Community College Journal of Research and Practice.
Mpofu, E., & Oakland, T. (2010). Assessment in Rehabilitation and Health. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.
Mpofu, E. & Oakland, T. (2009). (Eds.) Rehabilitation and health assessment: Applying ICF guidelines. New York: Springer
Clark, M.A. (2009, July). A Cross Cultural Study of Gender Differences in Educational Achievement and Persistence. 2009 Oxford Symposium in Barcelona in School-Based Family Counseling. Barcelona, Spain.
Reese, R.* & Clark, M.A. (2009, October). Targeting Boys’ Strengths: Facilitating Help-Seeking Behaviors in Schools. Florida School Counselor Association Conference, Orlando, FL.
Dixon, A. L. (2009, July). Adolescents matter. University of Florida News and Publications Television Interview, G
ainesville, FL. (
Wood, R. Craig (2009, October), Rose at 20: The Past and Future of School Finance Litigation. Kentucky Law Journal Symposium. University of Kentucky College of Education and College of Law. Louisville, KY.
P.K. Yonge Update
New Alabama community ‘scouts out’ PKY as model for planned school system
A group of nearly 30 town and school leaders from Pike Road, Ala., visited P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School last month to “scout out” PKY as a model school for the town’s efforts to start its own school system. (more)
Lab school with long reach
The numbers don’t lie: P.K. Yonge truly lives up to its reputation as a hub of innovative educational program development and dissemination for K-12 schools. Over the past six years, PKY has hosted 230 professional development days in the form of workshops, classroom observations and teacher-to-teacher consultations. The activities have benefited some 1,800 teachers and administrators from more than 100 elementary and secondary schools, representing 27 Florida school districts. (Source: PKY Research and Outreach Office)