Behar-Horenstein named editor of EAP online journal

Following the release of the November issue of the online Florida Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Professor Linda Behar-Horenstein will assume the executive editor’s post of the UF-published journal, succeeding R. Craig Wood and founding editor Linda Serra Hagedorn.


November 12, 2009



Following the release of the November issue of the online Florida Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Professor Linda Behar-Horenstein will assume the executive editor’s post of the UF-published journal, succeeding R. Craig Wood and founding editor Linda Serra Hagedorn.

portrait of Linda Behar-HorensteinBehar-Horenstein, professor in educational administration and policy and a UF Distinguished Teaching Scholar, has already appointed a new editorial board. The college’s educational administration and policy program launched the blind peer-reviewed e-journal in spring 2007.

“The journal will take a concerted new direction,” she said. “We are seeking manuscripts that focus on culture-centered leadership, including studies in leadership that have fostered an appreciation for faculty and staff diversity, promoted culturally and linguistically responsive teaching, and enacted an ethical obligation to help all students learn. (We also seek manuscripts focusing on) research that has explored how those practices have effected student achievement, school climate and instruction. Studies from all levels and types of educational institutions are welcomed.”