The University of Florida’s College of Education is launching a new online course that’s novel both for its content and because it’s free and open to educators across the globe.
The course instructors will employ the same Web-based tools—used to create “personal learning environments” —that they will be teaching students how to use in coursework geared to K-12 teachers.
That explains the course’s name–Personal Learning Environments for Inquiry in K-12. The distance-learning class especially targets teachers in the traditional content areas such as science, math, reading and social studies.
The term and course name, called “PLE-K12” for short, refer to the growing collection of Web applications—including blogs, wiki and social media such as Facebook and Twitter—that allows online students to form learning connections with a variety of experts, online sources, fellow students and learners around the world.
“Students will explore the use of personal learning environments in managing the breadth of online information, connecting with experts and synthesizing the content both for inquiry and their own professional development in K-12 teaching,” said course instructor Chris Sessums (pictured right), a postdoctoral associate at the college.
Degree-seeking students taking the class for credit must be registered at UF and pay the standard course fee based on credit hours earned. But the course also is open and free to anyone else who wants to participate and learn without earning class credit.
“Opening the course to online learners outside the core of registered students generates social interactions with fellow students and learners worldwide,” Sessums said. “Personal learning environments can enhance learning in ways that aren’t available in traditional classrooms, because of the active role the student plays in the process of knowledge acquisition.
“It’s for anyone who’s interested in gaining a deeper understanding for using the Internet to achieve lifelong learning goals.”
Formal course registration (for credit) is Nov. 1 through Jan. 4, 2011. The course starts Feb. 7 and runs through April 3.
For more information, visit the course website at, or contact Sessums ( or co-instructor Wendy Drexler (
SOURCE: Christopher Sessums, (352) 273-4178;
WRITER: Larry Lansford, director, news and communications, (352) 273-4137;