Orlando EduGators to gather Jan. 29 for presentation, alumni reception


January 25, 2011



ORLANDO, FL — University of Florida education alumni in the Orange County area who have a vested interest in shaping the workplace of tomorrow—be it in education or the corporate world—are invited to a free presentation and College of Education reception Jan. 29 at the Hilton Walt Disney World.

Jeanne MeisterEducation alumni—or EduGators, as they call themselves—are invited to the opening session of the 2011 Community College Futures Assembly, hosted by the UF Institute of Higher Education. The session will run from 5-6:30 p.m. Jeanne Meister (pictured right), an internationally recognized consultant in workplace learning, will provide the opening keynote address. She is co-author of The 2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop and Keep Tomorrow’s Employees Today (Harper Collins, 2010).

Although the four-day assembly focuses on community colleges, Meister’s presentation will be pertinent for the boardroom or classroom.

Meister is founding partner of Future Workplace of New York City and was recently voted by her peers as one of the 20 top influential training professionals in the nation. She will discuss the key forces that will shape the 2020 workplace—such as globalization, demographics, and usage of social technologies—and offer predictions for how the workplace in 2020 will emerge and what organizations can do to prepare for the changes.

Following her presentation, attending UF alumni and their guests may proceed to a reception at the hotel, hosted by the UF College of Education.

SOURCE: Dale Campbell, interim director, school of human development and organizational studies in education, University of Florida College of Education, (w) 352-273-4300; dfc@coe.ufl.edu
ON-SITE MEDIA CONTACT: Phillip Morris, research fellow, UF Institute of Higher Education, (c) 540-250-6671; morrispa@ufl.edu
WRITER:  Larry Lansford, director, UF COE News & Communications, 352-273-4137; llansforde@coe.ufl.edu.