Daneen Johnson fosters brighter futures for EduGators at the Career Connections Center

Daneen Johnson thrives on building connections. More specifically, building connections with students. It makes it only fitting she serves as the Assistant Director for Career & Industry Engagement at the University of Florida Career Connections Center.


November 8, 2018



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Daneen Johnson thrives on building connections. More specifically, building connections with students. It makes it only fitting she serves as the Assistant Director for Career & Industry Engagement at the University of Florida Career Connections Center (C3).
Johnson discovered her passion for people while attending the University of Central Florida. She was pursuing her bachelor’s degree in hospitality management and working as a peer advisor at UCF’s Career Services assisting students with their cover letters and resumes. “I loved it,” she said. But when senior year rolled around, Johnson realized she needed to make a change in career paths. Naturally, she spoke with her supervisor, a career counselor, about her future.

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“My goal at the time was to go to college, to stay in college, to work with college students forever,” Johnson said. And she has. Johnson went on to complete her master’s degree in educational leadership with a specialization in higher education and student personnel at UCF. Her journey led her back to career services — this time at UF.

Johnson has served at the C3 since April 2018 and is thrilled to offer career planning appointments to help others define their career paths. “I love to connect people to resources so that they are able to grow and develop in the way that they want to grow and develop,” she said.
Johnson’s role offers her the unique opportunity to act as the embedded liaison to the College of Education and connect students to customized resources designed to support the pursuit of a career in the education industry. Johnson is a part of a family of educators, librarians and others involved in the education field making it that much more meaningful to work to support future educators and leaders in education.

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She offers in-person and virtual career planning appointments, hosts specialized workshops and events and maintains an online career community of valuable materials providing EduGators the professional development tools and opportunities they need to succeed in the field. “Our goal here at the C3 is to make sure that students have transformational experiences,” Johnson said.
Professional development opportunities are available at the center, for all UF students, Monday through Friday. Students are welcome to schedule a career planning appointment at any stage of their career progression including up to one year after graduation. Additional services include mock interviews, resume and cover letter critiques, workshops, networking events and various career fairs hosted throughout the year. Additionally, students have online access to various career communities and Gator CareerLink, which delivers more than 1,000 internship and full-time job postings each month. “We have a lot of online resources so that the C3 is at your fingertips 24/7,” Johnson said.
The center fosters over 15,000 employment connections annually through job postings, information sessions, career fairs and employer workshops with more than 20,000 employers listed in Gator CareerLink from across the globe.

“Knowing that I’m a part of a team that is committed so much to helping students have these transformational experiences is something that I look forward to every day,” Johnson said.

For more information on the Career Connections Center or to access Gator CareerLink, please visit the website.
