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Contact Us

At UF, we’re dedicated to excellence in education and nurturing future educational leaders. Our goal is to foster a supportive and enriching environment where students can thrive as they pursue their educational technology degrees.

We firmly believe in the power of teamwork, creativity, and prioritizing our students’ needs throughout their educational journey. Whether you’re interested in joining us, are already part of our EduGator community, or want to partner with us, this page serves as your gateway to connect with us.

If you have any questions, feedback, or ideas for collaboration, please get in touch. We believe open communication improves education for everyone. Your engagement is crucial to our mission, and we’re excited to hear from you and work together towards a better future.

If you know which of our educational technology degree options you are interested in, please let us know. If you’d like to learn more about the differences between our programs, we recommend you read our article on the topic. Additionally, if you want to learn more about the distinctions between our various programs or how composite mentoring is built into our programs, we recommend exploring our articles.

Reach out today!

    Thank you! We will follow up with more information on our program offerings shortly. In the meantime, follow us on social media HERE