REM Courses

The semesters in which courses are usually open are noted below, but course offerings for each semester may vary from past trends depending on faculty availability, student interest or other administrative factors. Most REM courses (except EDF6403 and EDF6400) are department controlled, and therefore students have to contact the instructor to ask for authorization to register.

Course Offering Plan

Minimum Research Methodology Requirements for Doctoral Students in College of Education

Quantitative Training Course Pathways

Quantitative Training Pathways

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    Quantitative Classes

    Courses: 6000 Level


    • EDF 6400 – Foundations in Educational Research: Overview
      Fundamentals of educational research, design of experimental, quasi-experimental and observational studies, quantitative data collection methods; Offered in fall semesters.
    • EDF 6402 – Quantitative Foundations in Educational Research: Inferential Statistics
      Introduction to analysis of variance, regression and non-parametric methods applied to educational research; Offered in spring semesters.
    • EDF 6403 – Quantitative Foundations in Educational Research
      Six-hour class covering the fundamentals of educational research, experimental design, and statistics. It covers the same contents of EDF6400 and EDF6402 combined; Offered in fall and spring semesters.
    • EDF 6471 – Survey Design and Analysis in Educational Research
      Development and analysis techniques for surveys. Methods of questionnaire development, sampling, pre-testing, data collection, analysis and reporting; Offered in fall semesters.
    • EDF 6481- Quantitative Research Methods in Education
      Design and analysis of experiments in educational research. It provides a more in-depth coverage of analysis of variance than EDF6402 or EDF6403; Offered in spring semesters of even-numbered years.
    • EDF 6436 – Theory of Measurement
      Introduction to classical test theory, reliability, validity, norms, scaling, item analysis, and the basic elements of instrument construction; Offered in spring semesters.
    • EDF 6463 – Culturally Responsive Evaluation in Educational Environments
      Theory, models, and methods applicable to the planning and implementation of culturally responsive evaluations; Offered in fall semesters.
    • EDF 6468 – Evaluation Management for Grants in Educational Environments
      Coverage of the theory and tools applicable to the planning, implementing and completing a grant-funded evaluation; Offered in fall semesters.
    • EDF 6492 – Evaluation Communication and Ethics in Educational Environment
      Strategies for communicating and reporting evaluation processes and findings; understanding and applications of ethics to evaluation research.; Offered in spiring semesters.

    Courses: 7000 Level


    • EDF 7405 – Advanced Quantitative Foundations of Educational Research
      Regression analysis applied to educational research; Offered in fall and spring semesters.

    • EDF 7412 – Structural Equation Modeling
      Introduction to path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation models; Offered in fall semesters.

    • EDF 7413 – Advanced Topics in Structural Equation Modeling
      Methods for conducting methodological research about structural equation modeling (SEM) and advanced techniques in SEM; Offered in spring semesters of even-numbered years.

    • EDF 7932 – Multivariate Analysis in Educational Research
      Introduction to multivariate methods of data analysis: multivariate analysis of variance, discriminant function analysis, principal components analysis, canonical correlation analysis, multidimensional scaling, and cluster analysis; Offered in fall semesters of even-numbered years.

    • EDF 7435 – Rating Scale Design and Analysis in Educational Research
      Development and analysis techniques for questionnaires and rating scales. Applications of psychometric models to item, scale, and rater evaluation; bias detection; factor analysis; and measurement of change; Offered in spring semesters of odd-numbered years.

    • EDF 7439 – Item Response Theory
      Psychometric models for test scores; estimation of ability and item parameters; differential item functioning, equating, computerized adaptive testing, current issues in item response theory; Offered in fall semesters of odd-numbered years.

    • EDF 7474 – Multilevel Models
      Methods for analysis of multilevel (i.e. nested) data; Offered in spring semesters.

    • EDF 7482 – Quasi-experimental Design and Analysis in Educational Research
      Examining quasi-experimental educational research designs and methods for data analysis for treatment comparisons that do not use random assignment of participants to conditions; Offered in spring semesters of even-numbered years.

    • EDF 7491 – Evaluation of Educational Products and Systems
      Models and methods for formative and summative evaluation of educational products and programs; Offered in fall semesters.

    • EDF 7469C – AI for Evaluation in Educational Environments
      AI methods to estimate effects of educational programs and variation of effects across groups and settings; Offered in Spring semesters of odd-numbered years.

    Qualitative Classes

    Courses: 6000 Level


    • EDF 6475 – Qualitative Foundations of Educational Research
      Introduction to philosophical, historical, sociological, and other methodologies as aspects of qualitative educational research; Offered in fall and spring semesters.

    Courses: 7000 Level


    • EDF 7483 — Qualitative data collection
      This course on qualitative data collection addresses both theoretical and practical dimensions of conducting qualitative research. The course will present an overview of various methods including interviews, focus groups, observations, artifact collection, mapping, online methods, experience sampling method, and oral history; Offered in fall semesters.

    • EDF 7479 — Qualitative data analysis
      This course is designed to assist students in developing skills at qualitative data analysis and qualitative data representation. Furthermore, this class will focus on various qualitative data analysis techniques (e.g., thematic analysis, grounded theory, narrative analysis, discourse analysis, phenomenological analysis, archaeology, rhizoanalysis, and various visual analysis methods) and it will examine the ways in which different theories can inform and guide the analysis and interpretation of data; Offered in Spring semesters.