Student Resources

Additional resources are provided below to both current and prospective students, highlighting requirements for the Research and Evaluation Methodology program and the resources available to be a successful student at the University of Florida. Details about the courses offered by the REM program can be found on the Courses page.


Details of advising procedures and expectations for REM students are provided in the REM Student Handbook. Students will be assigned a temporary adviser when they are admitted to the program. The student’s supervisory committee should be appointed before the end of the second semester of study. The student initiates the appointment by selecting a member of the Graduate Faculty as chair of the committee. Students are responsible for initiating selection of the Supervisory Committee and submitting the Supervisory Committee form to the Department. Soon after the beginning of the student’s final semester in the program, the student must apply for graduation at the Office of the Registrar. Deadline dates can be found on the Graduate School website:

The Supervisory Committee for the M.A.E. or M.Ed. degree must be composed of at least two faculty members who have been appointed to the Graduate Faculty. The Supervisory Committee for the Ph.D. degree must be composed of at least four faculty members who have been appointed to the Graduate Faculty. At least two members must be from the Program in Research and Evaluation Methodology and at least one member must be from a different degree program. It is useful, but not necessary, that the external member have knowledge of the field or research area addressed in the dissertation. The essential role of the external member is to ensure that due process occurs during the dissertation defense and fair treatment is accorded to the doctoral candidate.

Program Forms

Supervisory Committee Form – This form is used to define members for M.A.E. thesis or Ph.D. dissertation committees. REM students should complete this form after your first year in the REM program.

Ph.D. REM program plan – This form is used to define the schedule of completion of courses required for the Ph.D. in Research and Evaluation Methodology. REM students should complete this form after the first year in the Ph.D. program.

M.A.E. REM program plan – This form is used to define the schedule of completion of courses required for the M.A.E. in Research and Evaluation Methodology. REM students should complete this form after the first semester in the M.A.E. program.

M.A.E Program Evaluation program plan – This form is used to define the schedule of completion of courses required for the M.A.E. for the major, Program Evaluation in Educational Environments. Students should complete the form after the first semester in the program.

M.Ed. REM planned program – This form is used to define the schedule of completion of courses required for the M.Ed. in Research and Evaluation Methodology. REM students should complete this form after the first semester in the M.Ed. program.

Course registration form – Use this form to register for EDF6905, EDF6910, EDF6941, EDF6971 and EDF7980.

Doctoral Student Individual Development Plan – Use this form to align your personal and professional goals with your academic expectations and responsibilities.

Qualifying Exams

The student is allowed to take the qualifying exams after all required classes have been completed. At the request of the student, the advisor is responsible for scheduling and coordinating the qualifying exams. The comprehensive qualifying exams has written and oral parts. The written exam lasts 12 hours over two days (6 hours each day in two blocks of 3 hours). The student is expected to answer questions about all the domain areas of the Research and Evaluation Methodology program.

After the student has completed the written exams, the doctoral committee will review the student’s responses. If the committee judges the responses satisfactory, they will authorize the student to schedule an oral exam. The oral exam is expected to last two hours. Passing the qualifying exams is required for the student to advance to candidacy, at which point the student can register for dissertation hours and star work on the dissertation proposal.


The dissertation is the final product required from a student to obtain a Ph.D. degree. It consists of a document describing an original research project executed by the student. The main role of a student’s advisor is to guide him/her through the process of producing the dissertation. The process of dissertation production always includes the following steps:

Definition of the dissertation topic

The REM student should identify a suitable topic for the dissertation in consultation with his/her advisor. Examples of dissertations completed by REM students are below:

A simulation study on the performance of four multidimensional IRT scale linking methods, by Youhua Wei, 2008.

Robustness in confirmatory factor analysis the effect of sample size, degree of non-normality, model, and estimation method on accuracy of estimation for standard errors, by Youngkyoung Min, 2008.

The impact of nonnormality on the asymptotic confidence interval for an effect size measure in multiple regression, by Lou Ann Mazula Cooper, 2007.

Comparing Poisson, Hurdle, and ZIP model fit under varying degrees of skew and zero-inflation, by Jeffrey Monroe Miller, 2007.

Proposal Meeting
The proposal meeting is a formal evaluation of the dissertation proposal. The dissertation proposal must include (but is not limited to) the introduction, research questions, literature review and methods section. In the proposal meeting, the committee members evaluate the relevance of the study, the appropriateness of the methods, and whether the student is adequately prepared to conduct the research, as well as other issues pertinent to the student’s proposal.

Dissertation Defense
In order to schedule the dissertation defense, the student must have a dissertation document which has been reviewed and approved by the committee chair. The student should schedule the dissertation defense taking into consideration that some time may be required after the defense for reviews before the final version of the dissertation can be submitted to the Graduate School.

All Supervisory Committee members must attend the dissertation defense and sign the EDT Submission Approval form or signature pages and the Final Examination Report. All requirements for the doctorate must be completed within 5 years after the qualifying examination, or this examination must be repeated. In no case may the final examination be scheduled earlier than the semester preceding the term the degree is to be conferred.

In the semester in which the student expects to graduate, students must file a degree application with the Office of the University Registrar at the start of the final term, and must be registered for at least 3 credit hours (2 credit hours during summer) in EDF 7934 – Doctoral Research. The student must also meet the deadline for submitting the dissertation. These deadlines can be obtained from the Office of the University Registrar website. When the thesis or dissertation is ready to be put in final form, the student should review the format requirements on the Editorial page of the Graduate School website.

Professional Associations

These are associations where graduate students in the Research and Evaluation Methodology present their research and learn about the most recent developments in the fields of educational statistics, psychometrics, and program evaluation. These associations have student membership at discounted rates, so REM students are encouraged to join. They also provide development and leadership opportunities for graduate students.

American Educational Research Association
American Evaluation Association
American Psychological Association
American Statistical Association
Florida Educational Research Association
National Council on Measurement in Education
Psychometric Society
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness


The following organizations have offered summer internships of interest to REM students. Please consult the website of each company for specific information about each year’s internship opportunities.

American Council on Education
Center for Applied Linguistics
College Board
CTB / McGraw-Hill
Law School Admissions Council (LSAC)
Measured Progress
National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners
The National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment

There may be other organizations offering statistics and psychometrics-related internships that REM students can apply to. A list of internships in psychometrics and educational statistics is available at the website of the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME).


Here are several free job databases available online with postings of academic and organizational job opportunities for REM graduates. These websites offer a job search engine by keyword or job lists by category. Examples of keywords associated with job openings for REM graduates are: statistics, research methods, psychometrics, evaluation, measurement. Many of these job databases allow the creation of job alerts, which will e-mail to the subscriber positions that match keywords of interest.

The Chronicle of Higher Education – The job listings focus on academic and administrative positions within institutions of higher education in the United States, but also lists some openings abroad.

AERA online job board – Academic and administrative positions related to education

APA’s online career center

National Council on Measurement in Education – job openings in educational statistics and psychometrics.

American Statistical Association Career Center – Academic and organizational jobs in all areas of statistics.

Academic Keys – job openings worldwide. – Academic job openings worldwide, with strong presence of opportunities in Europe.*

Research Methods jobs at – jobs worldwide, with focus in Europe. – Academic jobs in Canada

CAUT – Academic jobs in Canada

Academic Transfer – Academic jobs in the Netherlands

New Student Orientation

Becoming a graduate student at the University of Florida includes becoming a member of the greater Gainesville community. These resources provide prospective students with key information about living, studying and enjoying the University life during your tenure here.

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