To provide evidence-based feeding related guidance and support for parents of infants to prevent early childhood obesity.
Sub Modules
Feeding from the Start
After viewing “Healthy Mom, Healthy Family,” parents will be able to 1) recognize several ideas for quick and healthy meals or snacks; 2) identify at least 1 feasible option for increasing activity and 1 idea for getting enough rest after having a baby; and 3) identify sources for mental health support for parents with a new baby

Safe Eats: Foods and Drinks to Avoid in Baby’s First Year
After viewing “Dad Central,” videos, dads will be able to 1) Explain one way how being actively involved as a dad can make a positive, lasting impact on the family, 2) list 3-4 practical ways dads can support healthy routines for infants (feeding, activity, sleep); and 3) identify common challenges and solutions to establishing and maintaining healthy routines

Tiny Tummies
After viewing “Dad Central,” videos, dads will be able to 1) Explain one way how being actively involved as a dad can make a positive, lasting impact on the family, 2) list 3-4 practical ways dads can support healthy routines for infants (feeding, activity, sleep); and 3) identify common challenges and solutions to establishing and maintaining healthy routines