Treatment Integrity Measure Development
The purpose of this project is to develop observational and teacher self-report treatment integrity measures designed to characterize the implementation of evidence-based instructional practices delivered by teachers in early childhood classrooms that target the social, emotional and behavioral outcomes of preschool children with problem behaviors. At present there are no treatment integrity measures designed to assess efforts to implement evidence-based instructional practices in early childhood classrooms. The developed measures (TIMECS and TIMECS-T) will allow researchers to assess the three components of treatment integrity: (a) Treatment adherence-the extent to which a teacher delivers instructional practices “prescribed” by a particular evidence-based program; (b) Treatment differentiation–the extent to which treatments under study differ along appropriate lines defined by the treatment protocol (e.g., treatment diffusion, number of protocol violations, delivery of “proscribed” instructional practices not included in a particular protocol); and (c) Competence-the level of skillfulness and responsiveness of practice delivery. Once developed, these new measures will help enhance the informational value of implementation research conducted in diverse early childhood classrooms by (a) allowing researchers to interpret study findings, (b) diagnose treatment diffusion, and (c) characterize the evidence-based instructional practices used by teachers in business as usual classrooms.
Development and Validation of Treatment Integrity Measures of Classroom-Based Instructional Interventions in Early Childhood Settings. Institute for Education Sciences. Early Learning Programs and Policies (IES Grant R305A140487)
Investigators: McLeod, Sutherland, Conroy, Snyder, Algina
BEST in CLASS-Elementary
The purpose of this project is to develop a model, BEST in CLASS – Elementary (BiC-E), that will have maximum feasibility of implementation, promise at reducing risk for behavioral difficulties, and potential for sustainability in early elementary classroom settings. The need for this model is highlighted by the importance of the early years of school in setting the stage for students’ academic, social and behavioral development; unfortunately many children arrive at school unprepared for the classroom learning environment and behavioral expectations, and challenges presented by these students can affect the nature of their educational experience and increase their risk for behavioral difficulties. BiC-E will utilize teacher training in evidence-based/evidence-informed practice elements, home-school communication and practice-based coaching in order to reduce young students’ risk for behavioral difficulties via improvements in ongoing teacher-student interactions in authentic classroom settings. Following the identification of the practice elements that will comprise BiC-E, training and coaching materials will be developed. The program will be pilot tested in Year 2, and in Year 3 a randomized controlled trial will examine the promise of the model.
BEST in CLASS-Elementary: A Preventative Classroom-based Intervention Model. Institute for Education Sciences. Social and Behavioral Context for Learning Research Grants (IES Grant R305A150246)
Investigators: Sutherland, Conroy, McLeod
The purpose of BEST in CLASS – Web is to develop a web-based professional development program designed to increase teachers’ use of effective instructional practices to address young children in their classrooms who engage in chronic challenging behavior. Built on the original BEST in CLASS intervention model, the goal of BEST in CLASS – Web is to increase the accessibility, flexibility, usability, and scalability of the BEST in CLASS (Behavioral, Emotional, and Social Training: Competent Learners Achieving School Success) intervention by developing a web-based version that can be used efficiently and effectively by early childhood teachers working with young children identified at risk for emotional/behavioral disorders. Initially funded by an IES Goal 2 development grant (Co-PIs Conroy & Sutherland), and subsequently funded by an IES Goal 3 efficacy grant (Co-PIs Conroy & Sutherland), BEST in CLASS is a tier 2 intervention targeting young children at risk for developing EBD in early childhood classrooms. The BEST in CLASS intervention was designed to be delivered on-site (i.e., face-to-face) through training and coaching in early childhood classrooms. BEST in CLASS-Web includes seven instructional modules that can be completed independently by teachers in classrooms. In addition, a web-based coaching component occurs weekly with teachers. The BEST in CLASS – Web program is currently being developed. In Year 2, feasibility tests will be conducted and in Year 3 a randomized controlled trial will compare the web-based BEST in CLASS to the original BEST in CLASS.
BEST in CLASS-Web. Institute for Education Sciences/National Center for Special Education Research (IES Grant R324A160158)
Investigators: Conroy, Sutherland, Feil