Christopher Redding, Ph.D.
Faculty Affiliate – Educational Leadership
Research Interests:
School Improvement, Data-Driven Decision Making
Christopher Redding is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership in the School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education at the University of Florida. He earned his doctorate in Leadership and Policy Studies from Vanderbilt University. Dr. Redding teachers courses related to school improvement, data-driven decision making, and educational policy.
He conducts rigorous research using survey and administrative data that focuses on the policies and educator labor market patterns that exacerbate the unequal distribution of high-quality teachers and the reforms intended to reduce this problem. Broadly, this research describes failures in the teacher labor market that impede the learning opportunities for underserved students and the ways in which changes in teacher education, development, and leadership opportunities can lead to better teacher retention and student outcomes, particularly in underserved schools. His recent work has been published in such venues as the American Educational Research Journal, AERA Open, Education Finance and Policy, and Teachers College Record, among others.