
Academic Assessment and Intervention within Tiered Intervention Frameworks

Examining the effectiveness of a class-wide reading intervention for third graders. (2022)
Kathrin E. Maki, Anne Ittner, Sandra M. Pulles, Matthew K. Burns, Lori Helman, & Jennifer J. McComas.
Contemporary School Psychology, 26, 359-367.

Intervening with multiplication fact difficulties: Examining the utility of the Instructional Hierarchy to target interventions. (2021)
Kathrin E. Maki, Anne F.  Zaslofsky, Stevie Knight, Amelia M. Ebbesmeyer, & Ashley Chelmo-Boatman.
Journal of Behavioral Education, 30, 534-558.

Comparison of reading growth among students with severe reading deficits who received reading intervention to students with disabilities and typically achieving children. (2020)
Matthew K. Burns, Kathrin E. Maki, Kristy L. Brann, Jennifer J. McComas, & Lori A Helman.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 53, 444-453.

Evaluating the effects of repeated reading and continuous reading using a standardized dosage of words read. (2019)
Stephanie M. Hammerschmidt‐Snidarich, Kathrin E. Maki, & Sarah R. Adams.
Psychology in the Schools, 56, 635-651.

Educator Well-Being

The incremental association of implementation leadership and school personnel burnout beyond transformational leadership. (2023)
Catherine M. Corbin, Aaron R. Lyon, Vaughan K. Collins, Mark G. Ehrhart, Roger Goosey, & Jill Locke.
School Psychology. Advanced online publication.

Reconsidering teachers’ basic psychological needs in relation to well-being across an academic year. (2023)
Catherine M. Corbin, Jason T. Downer, Amy E. Lowenstein, & Joshua L. Brown.
Teaching and Teacher Education, 123, 103989.

Bidirectional associations among teachers’ burnout and classroom relational climate across an academic year. (2022)
Pilar Alamos, Catherine M. Corbin, Madeline Klotz, Amy E. Lowenstein, Jason T. Downer, & Joshua L. Brown.
Journal of School Psychology, 95, 43-57.

The role of teacher-student relationships in predicting teachers’ personal accomplishment and emotional exhaustion.  (2019)
Catherine M. Corbin, Pilar Alamos, Amy E. Lowenstein, Jason T. Downer, & Joshua L. Brown.
Journal of School Psychology, 77, 1-12.

Interconnected Systems Framework

The impact of the Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) on discipline inequity: Results from a randomized controlled trial. (in press)
Joni Williams Splett, Nicholas A. Gage, & Mark D. Weist.
Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Press, Center for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (funded by the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education).
Coming Soon!

The impact of the Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) on school climate: Results from a randomized controlled trial. (in press)
Joni W. Splett, Nick A. Gage, & Mark D. Weist.
Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Press, Center for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (funded by the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education).
Coming Soon!

Advancing Education Effectiveness: Interconnecting School Mental Health and School-Wide PBIS, Volume 2: An Implementation Guide. (2019)
Lucille Eber, Susan Barrett, Kelly Perales, Jennifer Jeffrey-Pearsall, Katie Pohlmanm Robert Putnam, Joni Splett, & Mark D. Weist.
Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Press, Center for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (funded by the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education).

Mental Health Training

The Role of Trauma-Informed Training in Helping Los Angeles Teachers Manage the Effects of Student Exposure to Violence and Trauma. (2021)
Melanie Sonsteng-Person, & Alysse M. Loomis.
Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 14189-199.

Response to Intervention for Specific Learning Disabilities Identification

Predicting specific learning disability status in a RtI identification model: Comparing measures of achievement and cognitive ability. (2022)
Daniel D. Hajovsky, Kathrin E. Maki, Steven R. Chestnut, Courtenay A. Barrett, & Matthew K. Burns.
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 37, 280-293.

An examination of the relationships between SLD identification and growth rate, achievement, cognitive ability, and student demographics. (2022)
Kathrin E. Maki, Courenay A. Barrett, Daniel D Hajovsky, & Matthew K. Burns.
School Psychology, 35(5), 343–352

Response to intervention for specific learning disabilities identification: The impact of training and experience on identification consistency. (2018)
Kathrin E. Maki.
School Psychology Forum, 12, 6-16

School-Based Implementation

The interaction between general and strategic leadership and climate and their cross-level associations with implementer attitudes toward universal prevention programs for youth mental health: A multilevel cross-sectional study. (2022)
Yanchen Zhang, Clayton R. Cook., Lindsay Fallon, Catherine M. Corbin, Mark G. Ehrhart, Eric C. Brown, Jill Locke, & Aaron Lyon.
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 50, 427-449.

Teacher perceptions of implementation climate related to feasibility of implementing Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. (2022)
Catherine M. Corbin, Maria L. Hugh, Mark G. Ehrhart, Jill Locke, Chayna Davis, Eric C. Brown, Clayton R. Cook, & Aaron R. Lyon.
School Mental Health, 14, 1057-1069.

Leading the charge in the education sector: development and validation of the School Implementation Leadership Scale (SILS). (2022)
Aaron R. Lyon, Catherine M. Corbin, Eric C. Brown, Mark G. Ehrhart, Jill Locke, J., Chayna Davis, Elissa Picozzi, Gregory A. Aarons, & Clayton R. Cook.
Implementation Science, 18(48).

School Outcomes of Violence Exposure

Academic Achievement after Violence Exposure: The Indirect Effects of School Attachment and Motivation to Succeed. (2023)
Melanie Sonsteng-Person, Jerimiah W. Jaggers, & Alysse M. Loomis.
Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma16, 717-729.

School discipline as a consequence of violent victimization: Understanding the mediating roles of head injury and fighting (2020)
Alysse. M. Loomis, Melanie Sonsteng-Person, Jerimiah W. Jaggers, J., & Phillip Osteen.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(7-8).

Universal Mental Health Screening

Examining utility and impact of social, emotional, and behavioral screening to identify and address needs. (2023)
Joni W. Splett, Kristy L. Brann , Kathryn M. Trainor , & Zuchao Shen.
School Psychology, 38(3), 137-147