January 21, 2009
You’re reading coE-News, an electronic newsletter produced monthly during the academic year by the College of Education News & Communications Office to keep faculty, staff and students up-to-date on college news, activities and achievements. Click here to download a PDF version of this edition. You will need a PDF reader to view this document.
GOT NEWS? We want to hear it. Submit individual or unit news and calendar events of collegewide interest to news@coe.ufl.edu for publication consideration. All submissions must be in writing or via e-mail and must include contact information for follow-up questions.
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- Dean’s Message
- Top Stories
- News & Notices
- Events
- In Memoriam
- Awards
- Grant Awards
- Appointments
- Dissertation Defenses
- Student Laurels
- Publications
- Presentations
- P. K. Yonge News
- In the News
- Calendar
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Dean’s Message
When the going gets tough, follow the Gators’ lead
I recall starting my January 2007 column by noting that the UF football team had just defeated Ohio State for the BCS National Championship. Now, two years later, I have the same opportunity. While we celebrated victory in both title games, a striking difference is how the second victory was achieved—a tough, gritty, pertinacious effort against a strong, formidable Oklahoma team. The Gators’ determination and resolve mirrors how we must approach the task of dealing with the severe fiscal crises at the state and national levels. We will have to buckle down and ask hard, and sometimes, painful questions about the College’s strategic directions, what goals we want to achieve, and how we intend to achieve these goals with diminished resources.
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Top Story
Education head librarian receives national honor
Iona Malanchuk, head of UF’s Education Library, recently received one of 10 national “I Love My Librarian” awards. Sponsored jointly by the New York Times Company, Carnegie Corporation of New York and the American Library Association, the award honors librarians for their contributions to the communities their libraries serve. “These 10 librarians deserve applause because their professionalism has won the attention and respect of their neighbors,” says Vartan Gregorian, president of Carnegie Corp. (more)
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News & Notices
COE, PKY employees make holiday wishes come true
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Angela Rowe, program assistant in educational administration and policy, helps load the college’s sleigh.
College of Education and P.K. Yonge employees donated more than 200 gifts to make holiday wishes come true for 50 local children. For the second year in a row, the COE staff council elected to support the local Partnership for Strong Families agency’s Wish Upon a Star program, which provides holiday gifts for the children of needy families in the community. The organization sent the college 50 paper stars — each with an individual child’s name, gender, age and three wishes (gift suggestions). COE Faculty Council member Patty Bruner, a program assistant in counselor education, coordinated the effort. Staff, students and faculty from the College and PKY donated money or took a star and bought the “wish list” gifts. The joint effort fulfilled all the wishes for all 50 children. The presents were wrapped and delivered via the North Pole, of course.
Committee planning celebration of “50 Years of Integration”
To commemorate 50 years of integration at the college, a committee of faculty and staff is forming to plan several College of Education activities for spring 2009 involving students, faculty and alumni. The committee seeks additional faculty, staff, and student members and hopes for representation from each department. The planning committee is starting meetings this month. Preliminary plans for the celebration are as follows:
- Essay contest—The college will sponsor an essay contest with the theme “50 Years of Integration.” One graduate and one undergraduate student winner will be chosen, and each will receive a $500 award and be recognized during the April 2009 Scholarship of Engagement dinner. The essays will be published in a monograph.
Daphne Duval-Williams
Scholarship renaming—The Office of Recruitment, Retention & Multicultural Affairs (RRMA) will seek permission to change the name of the Minority Education Scholarship to the “Daphne Duval-Williams Scholarship,” in honor of the first black student to enroll in the College of Education. The name change would include a plaque presentation to Daphne Duval-Williams as well as a videotaped interview with her to be posted on the College of Education website.
- Webpage—African American alumni will be asked to record their memories and accomplishments and to upload pictures to a webpage.
- Invitation—African American alumni will be invited back to the college during the Gators Orange & Blue Game weekend on April 17–19. On the 17th, attending alumni from each decade will be honored at a reception. The event will include a “Where Are They Now?” segment demonstrating the impact that the college’s African American alumni have had on the field of education as teachers, researchers and leaders.
- Documenting firsts—Each department will be asked to report its “firsts” related to its programs, faculty or students.
- Research impact—Faculty members will be invited to write brief articles describing the impact that their research and other scholarly activities have had on the African American community (locally, nationally and globally) during the 50 years of integration.
- Panel discussion—Faculty will be asked to serve on a panel to describe the impact of their research for students.
The committee will publish student essays, “firsts,” alumni memories and faculty papers in a monograph commemorating “50 Years of Integration in the College of Education.” For more information, please contact Dr. Michael Bowie at mbowie@coe.ufl.edu.
Grand Guard reunion honors 50-year alumni
The COE joined colleges across campus in November in honoring its new 50-year alumni, as members of the class of 1958 were inducted into the UF Alumni Association’s Grand Guard. Preschoolers from UF’s Baby Gator Child Developmental and Research Center entertained the group with several songs. Pictured below: (1) Visiting Class of 1958 inductees were (from left, front row) Elna Thompson, Marilyn Hough Adkins, Nancy Cox Pipkin, Donna Lambert Egan and Karen MacLaggan Roe; (back row) Bob Shaffer, Malcom McInnis and Bob Fitzgerald, the class of ’58 Grand Guard chair. (2) Shaffer dons a replica of the “rat cap” that Gator freshmen wore “back in the day”; (3) COE doctoral students Tara McLaughlin (pictured) and Ann-Marie Orlando led Grand Guard guests in a discussion on the importance of early childhood education. (Staff photos by Larry Lansford)
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Int’l Education Week celebrates diversity in education
The College marked International Education Week in November with a half-day event Nov. 19 celebrating the cultures of students from a wide variety of countries who come to Norman Hall to pursue their studies. Keynote speaker Anita Anantharam (top left), assistant professor at UF’s Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research, spoke on “Fostering Our Global Community”; two panels discussions also were held—one (top right) addressing the challenges faced by international teaching assistants, and the other (featuring faculty members Cirecie West-Olatunji and Edil Torres Rivera) examining the cultural implications for foreign students training future American practitioners in counselor education. The event was coordinated by STL Assistant Scholar John Bailey and media-communications coordinator James Osterhout of the Institute of Higher Education. International Education Week, celebrated yearly in more than 100 countries, is a joint initiative of the U.S. departments of State and Education.
COE students help stage Family Math Night at Rawlings Elementary
With funding from the UF Lastinger Center for Learning, COE mathematics education professor Tim Jacobbe and 31 of his students helped stage Family Math Night recently at M.K. Rawlings Elementary School in east Gainesville. Some 250 Rawlings schoolchildren and their family members, young and old, filled the school cafeteria (see photos below) to compete in math games and learn mathematical strategies for fun and tickets for door prizes. Jacobbe said similar events are planned in the spring for the local Duval and Metcalfe elementary schools. All three schools are Lastinger Center partner schools. (Staff photos by Larry Lansford)
In Memoriam
Glenna Dodson Carr
Former longtime College of Education faculty member Glenna Dodson Carr, Ed.D., died Oct. 19, 2008. She was 81. Carr served on the COE faculty for more than 40 years. Carr began her UF career in 1956 in the College’s Department of Business Education. She received her Ed.D. in business education from UF in 1959, the same summer she joined the college’s graduate faculty. After the business education program was moved to FAMU in 1980, she worked in the College’s Center for Economic Education, serving first as co-director and then as the center’s director. In addition to her teaching duties, Dr. Carr also served the university and the greater community with her work in various projects, including the Florida Migrant Compensation Learn and Earn Project, and on several university committees. In a letter accepting Dr. Carr’s notice of retirement in 2001 from the School of Teaching and Learning due to ill health, Dorene Ross, then acting director of the School of Teaching and Learning, noted that Dr. Carr “provided for young women faculty in this College a clear model of a strong, politically active woman faculty member,” and “helped to break ground for younger women faculty through [her] actions and visibility.” In March of 2001, the university granted Dr. Carr with emeritus status for her many years of meritorious service.
William H. Drummond , retired faculty member
Retired College of Education faculty member William H. Drummond, Ed.D., died Nov. 15, 2008. He was 87 years old. Drummond was a faculty member of the college’s Curriculum and Instruction department from 1972 to 1986, when he received Professor Emeritus status upon retirement. He had served as chairman of the division of education at Vanderbilt’s Peabody College prior to joining the UF faculty. Retired UF education faculty member William Hedges, one of Drummond’s best friends and a fellow bridge player (along with their wives) for more than 40 years, was partially responsible for recruiting Drummond to UF. Hedges credits Drummond with being “a significant contributor to the improvement of public education in Florida as he worked closely with the State Department and then-Chancellor of Education, Charley Reed.” Hedges said Drummond “had an amazing ability to listen to others and to zero in on ways to bring about consensus.” Drummond’s special interests in education ranged from teacher education and certification to organizational development. He was highly regarded by his students as an engaging and demanding teacher and mentor. Retired faculty member Paul George recalled that “Bill had a life-long capability to get to the heart of the matter, whatever it might be, and to do so in a way that brought people to agree with him and to love him at the same time.”
Sebastian Foti, former faculty member
Former UF College of Education faculty member Sebastian Foti died suddenly on Dec. 16, 2008, while visiting California with his wife, Mary. He was 59. Foti had an international reputation in communications and educational media and was a former Fulbright Fellow in Porto, Portugal. While at the college, Foti served in various capacities, first as a graduate student assistant beginning in 1989, then as an assistant professor in Instruction and Curriculum from 1993 until 2001. He also was an adjunct assistant professor in the School of Teaching and Learning for a year and ended his UF tenure in 2003-04 as a lecturer in the UF Alliance and Center for School Improvement. Foti utilized audio, video, print and electronic media to coordinate Alliance and CSI communications with their stakeholders. Foti received a Teaching Improvement Program award from the university for 1996–97. A pioneer in education technology, he was named the 2007 Top Online Educator by Surfaquariam.com, a website that provides and tracks Internet resources for students and teachers. Mark Outten, a former COE student, described Foti as an “inspirational leader,” a sentiment shared by many students and colleagues, past and present. Foti worked as assistant professor of instructional technology at the University of North Florida, in Jacksonville, at the time of his death.
Michelle Moses, ProTeach student
Michelle Moses, a first-term Unified Elementary ProTeach student, was killed Dec. 20, 2008, in a tragic automobile accident while driving home to Mason, Ohio, for the winter holidays. A member of Alpha Epsilon Phi, Michelle was active in Hillel on campus and also in Habitat for Humanity. She was 21. Friends at the university have set up a Facebook account in Michelle’s memory at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=55872546214, where friends, family and fellow students can record thoughts about Michelle and express their condolences. A memorial service for family and friends was held Dec. 23 in Symmes Township, Ohio, followed by burial in New Jersey. UF School of Teaching and Learning faculty members as well as Michelle’s sorority sisters, friends from Hillel and fellow Unified Elementary ProTeach students are planning a memorial service at the University of Florida in late January. Counseling services are available for interested students at UF’s Counseling Center on the 3rd floor of Peabody Hall (352-392-1575) or Student Mental Health Services located in room 245 of the infirmary building (352-392-1173). In lieu of flowers, her family requests donations in Michelle’s name to Habitat for Humanity. You can link to Michelle’s obituary at http://weilfuneralhome.com/obituaries_view.asp?notice_id=1250
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Book of the Year award ‘reflects’ well on CSI director
The National Staff Development Council recently presented its 2008 Book of the Year award to co-authors Nancy Dana, COE professor and director of the Center for School Improvement, and her colleague, former COE Professor Diane Yendol-Hoppey, for their most recent collaboration. “The Reflective Educator’s Guide to Professional Development: Coaching Inquiry-Oriented Learning Communities”provides strategies for integrating “inquiry” or action research and professional learning communities (PLCs)–two concepts Dana finds essential to teacher professional development. “By weaving these two processes together into one coherent professional development approach,” says Dana, “these two mechanisms can enhance each other and magnify the already powerful professional development practices occurring in many schools and districts across the country.” Dana has another book coming out this year titled “Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The Principal as Action Researcher,” in which she turns her reflective lens onto the role of inquiry in leadership for school principals. Click here to link with Corwin Press
Ponjuan awarded conference fellowship
Luis Ponjuan, assistant professor of educational administration and policy, received an American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) Junior Faculty Fellowship to attend the 2009 AAHHE National Conference titled “Soluciones para el Futuro: Achieving Hispanic Success.” Fellowships are awarded to scholars with demonstrated capacity to contribute to the progress of Latinas/os in higher education. The conference is scheduled for March 3—8, 2009 in San Antonio, Texas.
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Grant Awards
James McLeskey, professor and special education chair, was awarded $305,000 by the Florida Department of Education in a state personnel development grant, for the period Oct. 1, 2008 through Sept. 30, 2009. Florida’s Personnel Development Partnerships support efforts to ensure the availability of adequate numbers of qualified personnel to meet the educational needs of infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities.
Cyndi Garvan, assistant scholar and statistics director in the college’s Office of Educational Research, will share principal investigator status with Valeria Gordon, in UF’s operative dentistry program, in a project titled “Alkali Production in Human Dental Plaque & Saliva as Predictor or Caries Risk.” The National Institutes of Health has funded the project for the period Sept. 30, 2008 to Sept. 30, 2009, awarding the team $13,967.62.
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Sevan Terzian, associate professor in the School of Teaching and Learning, has been named the new graduate coordinator and STL associate director for graduate studies.
Suzy Colvin, Ed.D. has been named the new School of Teaching and Learning associate director for teacher education.
Barbara Pace, associate professor in the School of Teaching and Learning, was appointed to the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Commission on Media. She will serve until 2010. The commission is charged with advising the NCTE executive committee on issues relating to media and 21st century learning.
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Dissertation Defenses
Effects of detailed customization of student avatars on teacher expectations and perceptions of students
Doctoral candidate: Dennis Beck
Nov. 24
Chair: Dr. Richard Ferdig
Student Laurels
Pitts earns Karen Koegel scholarship
Master’s student Donna Pitts is this year’s recipient of the Karen Koegel Scholarship, awarded annually by COE’s special education program to a deserving student who provides leadership in the field and produces public scholarship that makes a difference in the lives of people with significant disabilities. Pitts, a nontraditional student who is supporting herself and her family while pursuing her degree in special education, is a paraprofessional in the Alachua County School system. “She is focused on providing effective educational services for students with severe disabilities alongside their same-aged peers with no disabilities,” says Diane Ryndak, associate professor in special education. “Donna exemplifies the best in adult learning efforts, and goes above and beyond expectations in her professional development work.”
Doctoral students chosen for IES PEELS training
Doctoral students Tara McLaughlin, special education, and Lee Ann Lehman, school psychology, were among the 30 nationwide chosen to attend the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) three-day advanced studies seminar on the use of the Pre-Elementary Education Longitudinal Study (PEELS) database. The study is following almost 3,000 children with disabilities as they progress through preschool and into their early elementary years. The training, held Jan. 13—15 in Washington, D.C., will prepare McLaughlin and Lehman to use PEELS data in their own future research.
Student’s blogging research draws praise from T.H.E. Journal
“Technology Horizons in Education (T.H.E.) Journal” highlighted online doctoral student Barry Bachenheimer’s research on the potential benefits of student blogging in an article titled “The Prose of Blogging (and a Few Cons Too).“ Known in education circles for his own education technology-related blog, A Plethora of Technology, Bachenheimer is the director of instruction services in Caldwell-West Caldwell Public Schools in N.J. He and a group of high school teachers launched a project that demonstrated blogging could improve students’ writing skills by making them write more frequently and comment on one another’s work. Link to the article here http://www.thejournal.com/articles/23562_1.
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Clark, M.A. & Breman, J.C. (2009). School counselor inclusion: A collaborative model to provide academic and social-emotional support in the classroom setting. Journal of Counseling and Development. 87 (1), 6-11.
Clark, M.A., Flower, K., Oakley, E., & Walton, J. (2008). Tackling male underachievement: Enhancing a positive learning environment for middle school boys. Professional School Counseling. 12 (2), 127-132.
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Several COE faculty and students have presented at recent annual conferences and meetings:
Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference
“Research and Practice: Embracing Connections”
Nov. 6—8, 2008
Jacksonville, Fla.
Campbell, D., Syed, S., & Morris, P. Assessing the condition of community college student learning outcomes using the Bellwether College Survey Instrument. (poster session)
Behar-Horenstein, L., Dix, A., & Roberts, K. Students and professors aspirations of mentoring and undergraduate research experiences. (research paper)
Mendez, J.P., Archer E., & Mendoza, P. Student athlete retention: Are athletic scholarships enough? (research paper)
Ponjuan, L., Saenz, V. The vanishing African American and Latino male in higher education: A Critical Dialogue at a Critical time. (symposium)
Mendoza, P., Socialization in Doctoral Education. (invited discussant)
Education Law Association
“Relevance and Reform: Building the Bridge between Theory and Practice”
November 19—22, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Wood, R. Craig & Poston Escue, Carlee. Zuni v. Department of Education: Statistical Equity Defined by the U.S. Supreme Court.
back to top
P. K. Yonge News
Help create new vision for PKY campus of the future
A presentation and interactive workshop to plan the revitalization of the PKY campus is scheduled for Jan. 26 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the P.K. Yonge Auditorium. Internationally known architect Prakash Nair, president of Fielding Nair International (FNI), will lead the session. FNI is the planning and design consultant for the renewal and reconstruction of the P.K. Yonge campus. All attendees will have the opportunity to interact with Nair and the planning team to contribute their thoughts and ideas on designing a “new and improved” campus for the P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School.
Singing PKY’s praises
The Florida Music Educators Association awarded P.K. Yonge its 2008 Music Education Enrollment Award. Presented at FMEA’s annual conference earlier this month, the award is given to middle and high schools with more than 35 percent of their students enrolled in music classes. Over 40 percent of PKY’s middle and high school students are enrolled in the school’s music program and all elementary students receive weekly music classes. The Music Education Enrollment Award is held for three years. During that time P.K. Yonge, will serve as a State of Florida demonstration school, providing data and assistance on developing and implementing a successful music education curriculum.
Spanish teachers cited for excellence
The Florida Foreign Language Association (FFLA) recognized PKY teachers Grissell Santiago and Annamarie Tijerino with prestigious annual teaching awards. FFLA announced the winners at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages’ annual conference Nov. 21—23, 2008.
Tijerino is Florida’s 2008 Spanish Teacher of the Year. She was nominated by the regional foreign language teachers’ group for northeast Florida. The award commends professionalism, leadership and classroom practice; and one teacher of the year is chosen in each language group.
Grisell Santiago received a Teacher of Promise (TOP) award, presented to teachers within their first three years of teaching. The award recognizes beginning teachers who demonstrate professionalism, enthusiasm and the potential to become teacher leaders.
Three instructors awarded national certification
On Dec. 9, 2008, National Board Certification Day, P.K. Yonge’s cadre of national board-certified teachers increased by three and now totals 13. The latest three are: Amy Murphy — English (grades 6-12); Michael Roberts — Music (grades K-6); and Mindi Bates — elementary education (grades K-6), mentally handicapped (grades K-12), specific learning disabilities (grades K-12).
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In the News
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Dorene Ross
The Miami Herald (01/12/2009)—Dorene Ross, STL
The Miami Herald interviewed Dorene Ross for a story on Broward County schools’ attempt to balance student homework load. Ross went on record saying that excessive amounts of homework can be counterproductive.
West Suburban Access News Association (WSANA) Blog (01/11/09)—James McLeskey, Special Education
The WSANA blog is based in Oak Park, Ill., and is, a blog for the parents and educators of students with disabilities, referred to 2006 research conducted by McLeskey and others demonstrating the benefits of inclusive education for children with mentally retardation. The blogger’s concern is that, despite research proving the positive effects of inclusion, the “mainstreaming” trend has stalled.
UF Today (Winter 2008)—Phil Trautwein (graduate student, Education Leadership)
An article described how COE graduate student Phil Trautwein, who is pursuing a master’s degree in educational leadership, returned to the Gator football team this season stronger than ever, after having to sit out last season with a severe foot injury.
UF Today (Winter 2008)—P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School
UF Today celebrated the 75th anniversary of P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School in a feature article depicting a photograph timeline of the school’s history.
UF Today (Winter 2008)—Dorene Ross, STL
Dorene Ross, a professor in the College of Education, and her husband, Jack, gave the college $10,000 to establish a fund that will help junior faculty members travel to professional conferences.
The Gainesville Sun (12/10/2008)—Iona Malanchuk, Education Library
In print and online, the Gainesville Sun featured Iona Malanchuk, head of the education library, as one of 10 librarians nationwide to receive the prestigious “I Love My Librarian” award. See the story in this issue of CoE-News as well.
Sun-Sentinel (12/10/2008)—Craig Wood, Education Administration and Policy
In a Sun-Sentinel story about Broward County school superintendent James Notter seeking up to $500 million in federal government loans to help his cash-strapped district, Wood commented that while it’s a worthy effort, it’s unlikely that all US taxpayers would be willing to foot the bill for one school district.
The Gainesville Sun (12/9/2008)—P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School
Jackie Sirmopoulous’ seventh grade class at PKY is one of two middle school classes statewide learning civics. The move is a response to a 2006 legislative mandate requiring civics education in middle school.
The Gainesville Sun (12/7/2008)—College of Education
In an article on area families facing the holidays during bleak financial times, the Gainesville Sun highlighted COE efforts to supply the local Partnership for Stronger Families agency with holiday gifts for needy children. COE faculty and staff provided 200 presents for 50 children.
The Independent Florida Alligator (12/2/2008)—Linda Behar-Horenstein, Ed. Admin. And Policy
The Alligator cited a national survey that concludes cheating is common among high school students. While some educators believe cheating may stem from increased anxiety and pressure, Behar-Horenstein put the blame on lack of enforcement and role models and the need for students to learn time management.
Mediacrank’s Weblog (11/12/2008)—Paul George, Distinguished Professor Emeritus
The conservative blog Mediacrank posted a “liberal education” warning about George’s National Middle School Association (NMSA) conference presentation titled “Don’t Think of an Elephant: Paradigms in American Life & Education.”
The Independent Florida Alligator (10/29/2008)—College of Education
The Alligator covered award-winning author Peg Tyre’s speech about her best-selling book “The Trouble with Boys,” delivered to COE faculty and students. The speech was followed by a panel discussion with several COE faculty participating.
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Tues., Jan. 20
Deadline to nominate COE students and/or alumni for a COE Commencement Award
Nominations are open to all students from summer ’08, fall ’08 and spring ’09 terms. Nomination forms and required criteria are located at education.ufl.edu/web/?pid=1138.
Feb. 3 – 9
AACTE Conference
Chicago, Ill.
Feb. 24 – 28
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention
Boston, Mass.
Thurs., Feb. 26
Arthur G. Peterson Lectureship Series On Death Education
Dorothy Becvar, LCSW, Ph.D., Univ. of St. Louis, Mo.
8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Seating limited to the first 50 RSVPs.
Questions and RSVPs to Rosie Warner at rwarner@coe.ufl.edu
Feb. 26 – 28
12th Annual Holmes Partnership Conference
Crowne Plaza, Jacksonville Riverfront
Mon. March 2
Jorge Duany , chair and professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras.
“The Puerto Rican Diaspora in the Orlando Area”
2:30 p.m.(tentative)
March 7 – 15
UF Spring Break
March 19 – 23
American Counseling Association Conference
Charlotte, N.C.
Thurs., March 19
COE Staff Appreciation Lunch
11:30 a.m. -1 p.m., Norman Courtyard
Contact: jmount@coe.ufl.edu
(All COE & PKY faculty & staff)
April 1 – 4
Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention
Seattle, Wash.
Mon., April 6
Spring Faculty Meeting
Time/Location: TBD
Thurs., April 9
COE Scholarship Banquet
6:30-8:30 p.m., UF Hilton Ballroom
Contact: jmount@coe.ufl.edu
April 13 – 17
AERA Annual Meeting
San Diego, Calif.
Sat., April 18
Orange & Blue Football Game
Time: TBA
Sat., May 2
Advance Degree Commencement
10 a.m., O’Connell Center
Sat., May 2
COE Commencement
1 p.m., Center for the Performing Arts
Sat., May 16
International Gator Day
Chair, Danny Wuerffel
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coE-News is produced by:
College of Education
University of Florida
Catherine Emihovich
News & Communications
Director and Managing Editor:
Larry Lansford
News & Communications
Renée Zenaida
Information & Instructional Technology
Prentiss Lee Ladkani
Marta Pollitt, P.K. Yonge