Seven members of the COE class of 1964 pose at a luncheon honoring their induction into the UF Alumni Association’s Grand Guard for 50-year alumni. Pictured from left are Anna Karayiannakis, Joyce Neilson, Diane Haines, Steve Freedman, Carol Hayes-Christiansen, Virginia “Pep” Culpepper and Diane Brown.
What advice would UF College of Education alumni who graduated exactly a half-century ago–from the class of 1964–give to today’s education students?
The COE recently joined colleges across campus in honoring their new 50-year alumni, as members of the class of 1964 were inducted into the UF Alumni Association’s Grand Guard. Here is advice from some of the seven new COE Grand Guard inductees (pictured) who attended a luncheon at Norman Hall recently honoring their 50-year class:
“Have high standards, your kids will rise to it. Just because you have a degree in education doesn’t mean you have to teach. Keep the level of respect high; continue to learn.” — STEVE FREEDMAN
“Put your heart into it . . . Enjoy the children. If you don’t like teaching, find something else because you won’t be good at it.” — CAROL HAYES CHRISTIANSEN
“Know your discipline, get background knowledge, teach to the highest level and always expect a lot out of your students.” — DIANE BROWN
“Take advantage of P.K. Yonge (UF’s K-12 developmental research school)” — ANNA KARAYIANNAKIS
“P.K. Yonge is a great starting place. Follow your dreams. Take advantage of what you can.” — DIANE HAINES
“Be passionate; put your best self forward.” — VIRGINIA CULPEPPER
“The quest for knowledge is lifelong; foster a love for curiosity (in your students).” — BRUCE CULPEPPER