Chonika Coleman-King 

Assistant Professor

Chonika Coleman-King





PO Box 117048
Gainesville, FL 32611



Dr. Chonika Coleman-King is currently Assistant Professor of Teachers, Schools, and Society at the University of Florida. Her research focuses on how best to prepare teachers and teacher candidates to teach with an emphasis on social justice in schools that serve economically disadvantaged children and students of color, specifically Black children. Her research interests also include the development of culturally responsive curriculum and teaching practices across content areas. Additionally, Dr. Coleman-King focuses her work on anti-racist teachers, urban education, and the experiences of Black immigrant and Black American youth in U.S. schools. Dr. Coleman-King is the author of the book, The (Re-)Making of a Black American: Tracing the Racial and Ethnic Socialization of Caribbean American Youth which documents the complex interplay between race, class, and immigrant status for Afro-Caribbean immigrant youth and the role of schools and families in helping students develop their racial and ethnic identities. Her grants include the National Science Foundation, Integrative and Collaborative Education and Research (ICER) grant for $390,000 and the National Science Foundation, Discovery Research preK-12 (DRK-12) grant for $45,000. She also has a grant for $850,000 from Knox County Schools, where she is tasked with helping educators develop competencies around teaching racially, linguistically, and socioeconomically minoritized students.


  • School of Teaching and Learning
  • Collaborative for Equity in Education

Research Interests

Critical Literacy, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Curriculum Development, Diverse Learners, Elementary Education, Professional Development, Sociocultural Perspectives, Validity


  • Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum
  • M.Ed. University of Maryland, Education Policy and Leadership Studies
  • B.S. Pennsylvania State University, Elementary Education

Professional Appointments

  • Assistant Professor, Teachers, Schools, and Society, School of Teaching and Learning, University of Florida
  • Assistant Professor, Urban-Multicultural Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Activities and Honors

  • Communications Chair for the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Research Focus on Black Education Special Interest Group (RFBE SIG)
  • Member of the Editorial Review Board for the Voices in Urban Education magazine
  • Outstanding Educator Award (2018)
  • Outstanding Teacher Award (2017)

Selected Grants

GP-IMPACT: ICE-AGE: Integrating Continuous Experiential Activities for Geoscience Education

Funding Agency
  • National Science Foundation, ICER Grant
Award Amount
  • $390,424

Provide professional development to all 8,000 school district employees and guide schools in setting up systems to monitor disparities and advance practices to produce equitable school outcomes and positive school experiences for underrepresented students

Funding Agency
  • Knox County Schools, Cultural Competency/Humility Training Grant
Award Amount
  • $847,894

Extend the Multimedia Engineering Notebook Tools project to examine how teachers can engage in STEAM teaching using culturally responsive approaches to teaching and assessment

Funding Agency
  • National Science Foundation, DRK-12 Grant
Award Amount
  • $45,858

Selected Publications

  • Coleman-King, C. (2014). The (re-)making of a Black American: Tracing the racial and ethnic socialization of Caribbean American youth. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
  • Coleman-King, C., & Groenke, S. (2019). Teaching #blacklivesmatter and #sayhername: Interrogating historical violence against Black women in Sharon Draper's Copper Sun. In R. Ginsberg & W. Glenn (Eds.), Engaging critically with multicultural young adult literature in the secondary classroom. London: Routledge.
  • Coleman-King, C., & Coleman, J. (2017). White teachers and the power to transform: Early childhood educators and the potential for lasting harm. In A. Michael & E. Moore, Jr. (Eds.), The guide for White women who teach Black boys (pp. 215-218). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Coleman-King, C. (2017). Vignette: Discipline practices of Caribbean families. In A. Michael & E. Moore, Jr. (Eds.), The guide for White women who teach Black boys (pp. 277-279). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Michael, A., Coleman-King, C., Lee, S., Ramirez, C., & Bentley-Edwards, K. (2016). Naming the unnamed: An exploration of White culture in relief. In C. Warren and S. Hancock (Eds.), White woman's work: Examining the intersectionality of cultural norms, teaching, and identity formation in urban schools (pp. 19-44). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
  • Hatch, J. A, & Coleman-King, C. (2014). Conducting early childhood qualitative research in the 21st century. In O. N. Saracho (Ed.), Handbook of research in early childhood education (pp. 441-478). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
  • Awokoya, J., & Coleman-King, C. (in press). Of othering and isolation: Black women transnational scholars living at the border. Qualitative Inquiry.
  • Groenke, S. L., Haddix, M., Glenn, W., Kirkland, D. E., Price-Dennis, D., & Coleman-King, C. (2015). "What if we viewed them as human?": Disrupting and dismantling the dominant vision of youth of color. English Journal, 42(2), 57-67.
  • Coleman-King, C., & Groenke, S. L. (2014). Enhancing antiracist teacher education: Critical witnessing through pairing YA literature and adult nonfiction. The ALAN Review, 104(3), 35-40.