About the College

Who We Are

The University of Florida College of Education is guided by a mission to prepare exemplary practitioners and scholars; to generate, use and disseminate knowledge about teaching, learning and human development; and to collaborate with others to solve critical educational and human problems in a diverse global community.

Transforming education and strengthening society since 1906, the college consistently ranks among the top 25 public education schools in the elite Association of American Universities. Currently, 3,442 students are enrolled across our 29 on-campus and 18 online degree programs and certificates. Foundational to our continued recognition as a top college of education in the country, is the domain expertise of our distinguished faculty and the unmatched desire for excellence by our students. Together, our faculty and students pursue vital, interdisciplinary research and novel scholarship that has and will continue to transform teaching and learning, improve education policy and advance leadership across education disciplines.

Norman Hall clocktower


The college’s educator preparation programs have been continuously accredited since NCATE’s founding in 1954. In July 2013, the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) replaced NCATE as the new accrediting body for educator preparation programs. The College received CAEP accreditation in 2017.

CAEP Accredited Provider - Excellence in Educator Preparation

National Rankings

The University of Florida College of Education continues to excel in national rankings, earning one of the top two spots for the tenth consecutive year in the 2025 ranking of the nation’s Best Online Education Programs from U.S. News & World Report.

UF continues to rise, now ranked No. 8 among the nation’s top public education schools for on-campus graduate degree programs.

U.S. News & World Report online graduate education ranking badge
UF badge for being ranked number 8 among public colleges of education by US News and World Report

Five individual, campus-based academic programs also earned Top 25 rankings in 2024/2025:

  • No. 1 — Counseling & Counselor Education
  • No. 5 — Special Education
  • No. 8 — Graduate Education, public universities
  • No. 17 — Educational Administration
  • No. 17 — Elementary Education
  • No. 21 — Curriculum and Instruction

(Source: U.S. News and World Report rankings of America’s Best Education Schools)

Key Initiatives

The College of Education remains dedicated to seeking solutions to education’s most pressing challenges through four key areas of impact — Early Learning, Educational Technology, Student Success and Leadership.

The Right Track with Early Learning

We are leading the way to a future where every child is prepared to enter school, giving children the opportunity to succeed through interdisciplinary collaboration.

Connecting Through Technology

We are integrating emerging technologies with proven learning techniques, using shared data, collaboration and learning analytics, to create the learning environments of the future.

Making Strides in Student Success

In areas of literacy, special education, counseling, social justice and beyond we are removing barriers and building bridges to increase opportunities for every learner.

Strengthening Leadership

We prepare leaders to analyze, develop and administer complex policies at all levels and to transform education through collaboration.

Centers, Institutes & Affiliates

Established in 2010, the Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies promotes and supports interdisciplinary research, teaching, model demonstration and outreach activities in early childhood studies. AZCEECS Website

The CEEDAR Center supports students with disabilities in achieving college- and career-ready standards by building the capacity of state personnel preparation systems to prepare teachers and leaders to implement evidence-based practices within multi-tiered systems of support. CEEDAR Website

The Florida Department of Education awarded $2.7 million to the college in 2015 to create a dynamic research center where UF education faculty are vigorously transforming teacher preparation for elementary teachers so they can have a greater impact on student learning, especially among historically underachieving students. Center Website

The Education Policy Research Center has a mission to stimulate and support scholarly research on relevant and timely education policy issues and to disseminate the findings widely to students, educators, scholars and policy makers. EPRC Website

Established in 1968, the Institute of Higher Education conducts cutting-edge research and offers data-driven recommendations for higher education administrators and policymakers seeking to better understand the critical problems facing higher education at the local, state and national level. IHE Website

The Lastinger Center for Learning, founded in 2002, works to create equitable educational systems where every child and educator, regardless of circumstances, experiences high-quality learning every day to support children’s achievement of critical milestones that are predictive of success in school and life. Lastinger Center Website

The University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI–pronounced “you fly”) is an ongoing effort by UF faculty and students to improve literacy outcomes for students who struggle to learn to read and write. UFLI Website

Founded in 1934, P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School designs, tests and disseminates innovations in K-12 education and enacts this mission by serving a diverse community of students. P.K. Yonge Website


FEAP: Florida Educator Accomplished Practices

Every teacher education candidate who completes a Student Teaching/Internship is evaluated by a University of Florida supervisor as well as the classroom mentor teacher. The Student Teaching Evaluation Form serves as the summative assessment documenting attainment of the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAP) and other professional standards.