College of Education News

UF demonstrates a decade of distinction in enhancing education through online offerings
The University of Florida College of Education is again recognized as a national leader in online education, achieving...
Serving students with disabilities, UF’s Google-funded program makes computer science education accessible for all
Google partners with the CSEveryone Center for Computer Science Education to bolster new professional development program.
UF College of Education Ascends to No. 8 Among America’s Best Public Graduate Education Schools
The University of Florida has cultivated a tradition of transformation, producing practical solutions to society’s greatest challenges while leaving a legacy of innovation for future generations. Building upon previous achievements, the college continues to ascend the ranks, leaping two spots to No. 8 among public education colleges in the 2024-2025 Best Graduate Education Schools by U.S. News & World Report.
Author James Patterson Launches Transformational Literacy Classrooms
Bestselling author and literacy champion, James Patterson, is writing the next chapter in his partnership with the University of Florida by expanding access to the James Patterson Literacy Challenge to schools across the state and beyond.
Featured News

University of Florida’s College of Education to expand undergraduate research and transform math learning statewide
With support from University of Florida President Ben Sasse’s strategic funding initiative, two projects are taking shape in the College of Education: one to accelerate undergraduate research and another to transform mathematics education in Florida.

From Gainesville to Global — EduGator Alumna receives UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development
“Haiti can serve as an example of how teaching can be transformed by putting teachers at the center.”

UF team seeks to double math learning through AI
The ALTER-Math team aims to double math learning progress for middle school students by developing AI-powered teachable agents using large language models (LLMs) through UF’s HiPerGator 3.0.

Bojan Lazarevic and Timothy Vetere awarded 2022 COE Teacher and Mentor of the Year
Bojan Lazarevic and Timothy Vetere, clinical assistant professors in the School of Teaching and Learning, have been selected as the 2022 College of Education Undergraduate Teacher of the Year and Mentor of the Year, respectively.
Latest Posts
2019 Top 10 News Stories
Take a look at some of our top stories from 2019 as we reminisce and look forward to an even brighter 2020.
Larisa Olesova Awarded 2024 Catalyst Student Success Award
The Shared Metacognition Team was recognized for their efforts towards advancing education through EdTech.
UF demonstrates a decade of distinction in enhancing education through online offerings
The University of Florida College of Education is again recognized as a national leader in online education, achieving one of the top two spots in U.S. News and World Report’s Best Online Graduate Education Programs for the tenth consecutive year.
The University of Florida pilots GoReact’s AI-assisted feedback tool to advance teacher preparation
The University of Florida’s College of Education partners with education technology platform to enhance teacher training with AI-powered feedback, advancing UF’s mission as an AI University
From struggle to success: how the College of Education is using AI to enhance learning with productive failure
Seyedahmad Rahimi, Anthony Botelho, and Avery Closser develop AI-powered learning app with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Remarkable students and faculty honored for promoting international collaboration
The UF International Center announces award winners within the EduGator community.
Alumni Accolades
EduGators Alumni in Higher Education
The University of Florida's College of Education has long been recognized for its commitment to excellence in teacher education and its dedication to preparing students for dynamic careers. EduGator alumni consistently demonstrate their ability to excel in their...
From Gainesville to Global — EduGator Alumna receives UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development
“Haiti can serve as an example of how teaching can be transformed by putting teachers at the center.”
Triple Gator Natalie King receives National Science Foundation Faculty Early CAREER Development award
Triple gator Natalie King (B.S. ‘09, M.Ed. ‘11, Ph.D. ‘16) received a $1.1 million grant from the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award to explore how middle and high school aged African American girls develop positive STEM identities.
UF College of Education rises to No. 12 among America’s best public graduate education schools
The College of Education at the University of Florida continues to rise as a leader among the nation’s top graduate colleges of education climbing to No. 12 among public education colleges, according to the latest U.S. News & World Report annual survey of America’s Best Graduate Education Schools, released Tuesday (March 17, 2020).
CASE recognizes Anita Zucker with James L. Fisher Award for Distinguished Service to Education
Global businesswoman, philanthropist and College of Education alumna (B.A.E. ’72) Anita Zucker was recently honored with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) James L. Fisher Award for Distinguished Service to Education.
Triple Gators receive AACTE 2019 Outstanding Article Award
Triple gators Melanie Acosta (B.S. ‘02, M.Ed. ‘09, Ph.D. ‘13) and Diedre Houchen (B.S. ‘05, M.A.E. ‘09, Ph.D. ‘15) recently received the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) 2019 Outstanding Article Award in recognition of their collaborative work published in the Journal of Teacher Education.
Alumni Accolades
EduGators Alumni in Higher Education
The University of Florida's College of Education has long been recognized for its commitment to excellence in teacher education and its dedication to preparing students for dynamic careers. EduGator alumni consistently demonstrate their ability to excel in their...
College of Education alumna named 2022 Florida Teacher of the Year
Sarah Ann Painter (M.Ed.’12) was recognized as the 2022 Teacher of the year by the Florida Department of Education.
Build your brighter future with our top ranked online programs
The University of Florida College of Education is dedicated to preparing tomorrow’s educational leaders. Interested in becoming an online EduGator? Hear directly from our online graduate students and alumni.
Once an EduGator, Always an EduGator
“If teaching is your passion, if you’re meant to be an educator, UF’s College of Education is the only place you should entrust your education.”
Triple Gators Championing Civic Education For All
Triple Gators Emma Humphries and Stephen Masyada are united not only by their passion for civics, but also the opportunity they had to cultivate that passion as graduate and doctoral students at the UF College of Education.
Larry and Vicki Costopoulos Kubiak Research Fellowship
It’s no doubt that husband and wife Gators Larry (EDS ’76 , PHD ’87) and Vicki (MAHE ’82) Kubiak love their alma mater; they’re even graciously hosting our Tallahassee EduGator Reception on Feb. 15. Further demonstrating their passion for education, the Kubiak’s...
Larisa Olesova Awarded 2024 Catalyst Student Success Award
The Shared Metacognition Team was recognized for their efforts towards advancing education through EdTech.
Remarkable students and faculty honored for promoting international collaboration
The UF International Center announces award winners within the EduGator community.
Scholarship and Awards Dinner 2024: a celebration of philanthropy and student achievements
The College of Education event honored students, faculty, and donors for their outstanding contributions to the Edugator community.
College of Education Awards 2023-2024
Learn how Gayle Evans, Helena Mawdsley, and Earl McKee are shaping the future of undergraduate student success in education via their passion and commitment.
UF Teacher Preparation Program Receives NAME Recognition
In recognition of its academic innovation, the UF Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education Program has been honored with the Rose Duhon-Sells Award.
Students Honored at Scholarship and Awards Dinner
Donors and supporters of the college gathered to recognize the determination of our 2023 scholarship and award recipients.
COE In the News
Parker Van Hart selected for national entrepreneurship and policy fellowship
UF doctoral student Parker Van Hart received the 2023 Entrepreneurship Policy Fellowship from the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management.
Gainesville Sun: Freedom Schools, born in the Civil Rights Era, come to Gainesville this summer
Two UF faculty are brining Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools, new national summer reading program for kindergarten through eighth graders, to Alachua County.
Educational technology professor champions improved access and inclusion in STEM
Associate Professor of educational technology Maya Israel is committed to fostering success for all learners by increasing equity, improving access and expanding inclusion in STEM.
College of Education staff receives J. Michael Rollo Diversity Impact Award
The College of Education congratulates Dr. Maria Leite, coordinator of College Assessment and Diversity Initiatives, who was recently awarded the esteemed University of Florida J. Michael Rollo Diversity Impact Award. This award recognizes a UF staff member who exemplifies the values of diversity and inclusive excellence by actively contributing to and supporting multiple communities across campus.
CASE recognizes Anita Zucker with James L. Fisher Award for Distinguished Service to Education
Global businesswoman, philanthropist and College of Education alumna (B.A.E. ’72) Anita Zucker was recently honored with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) James L. Fisher Award for Distinguished Service to Education.
University of Florida Initiative Seeks Solutions to Critical Challenges Affecting Society
The University of Florida is spearheading the search for solutions to society’s most ever-present challenges through its latest initiative.
Community Outreach
Christopher Thomas deciphers education law on the Chalk and Gavel Podcast
Assistant professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Christopher Thomas, Ph.D., shares his passion for the intersection of the law and education as co-host of Chalk and Gavel podcast.
Championing education for rural communities during the coronavirus
Compassion and flexibility have served area educators well in efforts to bridge the digital divide.
Making Early Childhood Research Accessible
By translating research to practice, the Anita Zucker Center is leading the way to a future where every child experiences nurturing, responsive relationships and quality early learning experiences that create a strong foundation for future life success.
Innovations in Teaching Reading Online
As schools across the globe are adapting to varying levels of online learning, the University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI) has launched a Virtual Teaching Resource Hub to ease the transition for reading teachers.
UF Support for Local School Continues Through Pandemic
A team from the UF College of Education hasn’t let a global pandemic slow progress working with administrators, staff and students at Terwilliger Elementary School toward school improvement.
Online Learning Programs, Activities and Related Resources
The UF College of Education has compiled this list of resources to help support homebound families and caregivers.
Dean’s Messages
Scholarship and Awards Dinner 2024: a celebration of philanthropy and student achievements
The College of Education event honored students, faculty, and donors for their outstanding contributions to the Edugator community.
Students honored at annual Scholarship and Awards dinner
The College of Education recently hosted its 19th annual Scholarship and Awards dinner. The celebration of student scholarship, formerly known as the Recognition Dinner, highlights philanthropy and honors those who have contributed to the success of this past year.
Interface Teaching Conference 2022
The 2022 Interface Conference provided an opportunity for the UF community to share new ideas to advance the field of online education.
Homecoming 2019
UF Homecoming traditions unite everyone under the same idea: It’s Great to be a Florida Gator.
National Higher Education Day | 2019
The College of Education at the University of Florida would like to observe National Higher Education Day by celebrating the graduates who have decided to return to school to help other students in higher education.
Inspiring the next generation of Gators
A caravan of 30 fourth, fifth and sixth grade girls a part of Girlfriends of Pinellas County travelled to the University of Florida College of Education eager to experience a day in the life of a Florida Gator.
Faculty Laurels
From courtroom to classroom: Chris Thomas’ new book strengthens legal literacy for school leaders
Assistant professor at the College of Education releases legal handbook for educators.
Holly Lane, Ph.D. Honored with UF Mentorship Award
University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI) director Holly Lane receives Faculty Doctoral Mentoring Award.
UF Associate Professor Hyunyi Jung honored with AMTE Early Career Award
UF College of Education’s Hyunyi Jung, Ph.D., was honored with the 2024 Early Career Award from the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
Professor Authors New Reading Instruction Book
Dr. Zhihui Fang has written and released his sixth book, which focuses on the disciplinary literacy approach to teaching reading in content areas.
Bojan Lazarevic and Timothy Vetere awarded 2022 COE Teacher and Mentor of the Year
Bojan Lazarevic and Timothy Vetere, clinical assistant professors in the School of Teaching and Learning, have been selected as the 2022 College of Education Undergraduate Teacher of the Year and Mentor of the Year, respectively.
Pavlo “Pasha” Antonenko appointed to the Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars
Pavlo “Pasha” Antonenko, associate professor of educational technology and director of the NeurAL Lab, will serve a three-year term on the UF ADTS board.
Featured News
UF demonstrates a decade of distinction in enhancing education through online offerings
The University of Florida College of Education is again recognized as a national leader in online education, achieving one of the top two spots in U.S. News and World Report’s Best Online Graduate Education Programs for the tenth consecutive year.
Serving students with disabilities, UF’s Google-funded program makes computer science education accessible for all
Google partners with the CSEveryone Center for Computer Science Education to bolster new professional development program.
UF College of Education Ascends to No. 8 Among America’s Best Public Graduate Education Schools
The University of Florida has cultivated a tradition of transformation, producing practical solutions to society’s greatest challenges while leaving a legacy of innovation for future generations. Building upon previous achievements, the college continues to ascend the ranks, leaping two spots to No. 8 among public education colleges in the 2024-2025 Best Graduate Education Schools by U.S. News & World Report.
Author James Patterson Launches Transformational Literacy Classrooms
Bestselling author and literacy champion, James Patterson, is writing the next chapter in his partnership with the University of Florida by expanding access to the James Patterson Literacy Challenge to schools across the state and beyond.
University of Florida’s College of Education to expand undergraduate research and transform math learning statewide
With support from University of Florida President Ben Sasse’s strategic funding initiative, two projects are taking shape in the College of Education: one to accelerate undergraduate research and another to transform mathematics education in Florida.
UF team seeks to double math learning through AI
The ALTER-Math team aims to double math learning progress for middle school students by developing AI-powered teachable agents using large language models (LLMs) through UF’s HiPerGator 3.0.
Scholarship and Awards Dinner 2024: a celebration of philanthropy and student achievements
The College of Education event honored students, faculty, and donors for their outstanding contributions to the Edugator community.
Author James Patterson Launches Transformational Literacy Classrooms
Bestselling author and literacy champion, James Patterson, is writing the next chapter in his partnership with the University of Florida by expanding access to the James Patterson Literacy Challenge to schools across the state and beyond.
Novelist’s continued support helps scale up UF literacy initiatives
After a successful first phase, the next chapter of the James Patterson Literacy Challenge is ready to be written.
Inspiring the next generation of Gators
A caravan of 30 fourth, fifth and sixth grade girls a part of Girlfriends of Pinellas County travelled to the University of Florida College of Education eager to experience a day in the life of a Florida Gator.
Novelist’s $3M gift could mean happy ending for struggling readers
Best-selling author James Patterson’s generous donation backs COE’s ‘Literacy Challenge’ to aid Florida’s youngest readers
Larry and Vicki Costopoulos Kubiak Research Fellowship
It’s no doubt that husband and wife Gators Larry (EDS ’76 , PHD ’87) and Vicki (MAHE ’82) Kubiak love their alma mater; they’re even graciously hosting our Tallahassee EduGator Reception on Feb. 15. Further demonstrating their passion for education, the Kubiak’s...
UF College of Education is the Nation’s Best Online Graduate Education Program
Leading the nation for eight years and setting the standard for online education, our momentum continues to grow by working together to push the boundaries of teaching and learning.
UF College of Education Demonstrates Consistent Leadership in U.S. News Rankings
The College of Education at the University of Florida ranks No. 14 among public education colleges, according to the latest U.S. News & World Report annual survey of America’s Best Graduate Education Schools.
UF professor named editor of journal
Kakali Bhattacharya, professor in the School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education, has been chosen as the incoming editor of the journal Departures in Critical Qualitative Research.
Mary Brownell named UF Distinguished Professor
Mary Brownell, professor of Special Education and director of the Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform (CEEDAR) Center, was named a University of Florida Distinguished Professor.
Novelist’s continued support helps scale up UF literacy initiatives
After a successful first phase, the next chapter of the James Patterson Literacy Challenge is ready to be written.
Norman Hall renovations project jumps on fast track
It’s too soon to don a hard hat, but excitement is building as design plans for a top-to-bottom makeover of Norman Hall begin to take shape.
Insider News
Norman Hall renovations project jumps on fast track
It’s too soon to don a hard hat, but excitement is building as design plans for a top-to-bottom makeover of Norman Hall begin to take shape.
Learning Gains from our Brains
Faculty scholars are merging neuroscience and education research to personalize multimedia and online learning UF education technology researcher Pavlo “Pasha” Antonenko has never been afraid to take risks and go against convention. His pioneering spirit emerged in...
UF Literacy Initiative hosts crossword puzzle tourney March 12
EduGator alumni gatherings coming your way in Tampa, Gainesville, Chicago and St. Augustine
EduGators in Tampa, Gainesville, Chicago and St. Augustine areas take note: We're heading your way and would love to get together with you! Delicious food, great conversations and reminiscing with your fellow COE alumni await you, and you'll hear the latest updates on...
Ed. Leadership ranked 5th nationally among online master’s degree programs
Recruiting students for the College of Education’s online master’s degree program in Educational Leadership just got easier for Bruce Mousa, a course instructor and coordinator of the M.Ed. program., a higher education resource website for college...
Summer literacy camp benefits UF student tutors and youngsters with reading disabilities
Virtually all 33 UF ProTeach dual certification students who tutored youngsters with reading disabilities during a special four-week summer camp staged by the UF Literacy Initiative say their investment will reap huge benefits in their future teaching practices. And,...
News and Notes
Scholarship and Awards Dinner 2024: a celebration of philanthropy and student achievements
The College of Education event honored students, faculty, and donors for their outstanding contributions to the Edugator community.
Students honored at annual Scholarship and Awards dinner
The College of Education recently hosted its 19th annual Scholarship and Awards dinner. The celebration of student scholarship, formerly known as the Recognition Dinner, highlights philanthropy and honors those who have contributed to the success of this past year.
Interface Teaching Conference 2022
The 2022 Interface Conference provided an opportunity for the UF community to share new ideas to advance the field of online education.
Erica McCray ushers in the new decade as director of the School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies
With a vision to empower faculty, staff and students to prioritize equitable outcomes for learners, families and communities, associate professor Erica McCray became director of the School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies (SESPECS) in October 2019.
Homecoming 2019
UF Homecoming traditions unite everyone under the same idea: It’s Great to be a Florida Gator.
New Faculty | Fall 2019
This Fall, along with returning to our historic Norman Hall, we warmly welcomed 15 new faculty to our EduGator community.
P.K. Yonge
Brian K. Marchman Named Next Director of P.K. Yonge
The College of Education at the University of Florida has appointed Brian K. Marchman, Ph.D. as the next director of P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School. Lynda F. Hayes will remain on as the school’s director during the leadership transition.
PK Yonge School’s Tony-winning musical tackles social justice issues with 1920s tunes, laughter
Can it be: 1920s themed musicals a “go-to” for teaching high school students about discrimination, bias, and social justice? That’s definitely not what P.K. Yonge School Performing Arts faculty thought upon first read through the script of The Drowsy Chaperone. In the...
COE doctoral student honored for ‘teaching tolerance’
Ninth-grade students at P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School are starting the school year in the classroom of a language arts teacher who has recently gained state and national attention for his effective instructional methods.
4 P.K. Yonge teachers named among Florida’s best ‘high impact teachers’
In honor of National Teacher Appreciation Week, we asked these highly ranked teachers at UF’s P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School why they are succeeding.
PKY instructor cited nationally as outstanding teacher-researcher
Practitioner Scholars Ross Van Boven received his doctorate in curriculum and instruction, a program designed to prepare practitioner scholars. What is a practitioner scholar? A professional who brings theoretical, pedagogical and research expertise to help identify,...
How Outstanding Young Alum saved his teaching career
Jon Mundorf was considering quitting teaching. Now he is receiving the College of Education’s Outstanding Young Alumni Award. Learn how the P.K. Yonge teacher revived his career.
Press Releases
2019 Top 10 News Stories
Take a look at some of our top stories from 2019 as we reminisce and look forward to an even brighter 2020.
The University of Florida pilots GoReact’s AI-assisted feedback tool to advance teacher preparation
The University of Florida’s College of Education partners with education technology platform to enhance teacher training with AI-powered feedback, advancing UF’s mission as an AI University
From struggle to success: how the College of Education is using AI to enhance learning with productive failure
Seyedahmad Rahimi, Anthony Botelho, and Avery Closser develop AI-powered learning app with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
EduGators Explore Education and Culture in Ecuador and the Galapagos
From classroom floors to Galapagos sands, EduGators immersed themselves in a six-week journey exploring the education, families, and culture of Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.
EduGators Journey Beyond the Classroom for Summer Learning
From the steps of Capitol Hill to the sands of the Galapagos Islands, students of the College of Education immersed themselves in global, groundbreaking experiences this summer. Undergraduate Students Explore Ecuador’s Educational and Family Systems Led by Tara...
Veterans Take on Cybersecurity: UF Trains Veterans in Hardware Defense
NSF-funded program supports U.S. veterans and their transition to civilian life by learning how to hack.
Research News
From struggle to success: how the College of Education is using AI to enhance learning with productive failure
Seyedahmad Rahimi, Anthony Botelho, and Avery Closser develop AI-powered learning app with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Justin Ortagus Spearheads Two Studies in Top Education Journals
Justin Ortagus, director of the Institute of Higher Education and associate professor of Higher Education Administration & Policy, publishes two studies in top-tier journals while securing nearly $4.3 million in new research funding.
UF’s Contribution to Early Childhood Educator Development
Through a free webinar series spearheaded by clinical assistant professor Katy Chapman, UF’s CEEDAR Center fosters collaboration and provides essential resources to educators nationwide, ensuring continuous improvement in teaching practices and support for diverse learners, particularly in early childhood education.
UF College of Education receives second NSF CAREER grant to create framework for STEM education
Professor Wei Li is the principal investigator of the NSF-funded project that aims to help researchers plan long-term studies in STEM education by making statistical advice, software and training materials available to educators and researchers.
Christopher Thomas deciphers education law on the Chalk and Gavel Podcast
Assistant professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Christopher Thomas, Ph.D., shares his passion for the intersection of the law and education as co-host of Chalk and Gavel podcast.
University of Florida’s College of Education to expand undergraduate research and transform math learning statewide
With support from University of Florida President Ben Sasse’s strategic funding initiative, two projects are taking shape in the College of Education: one to accelerate undergraduate research and another to transform mathematics education in Florida.
Students Honored at Scholarship and Awards Dinner
Donors and supporters of the college gathered to recognize the determination of our 2023 scholarship and award recipients.
Beyond the Suit: Kendall Siemienas’ Journey from Albert to Alumni
UF College of Education students forge their own unique paths while earning their degrees. Some join clubs, find their community in Greek life, or participate in sports to get involved in the UF culture. Education Sciences student Kendall Siemienas took a unique path:...
Leading from the Front
Essynce Mackey is helping students build their community.
Jóhanna Birna Bjartmarsdóttir’s personal experiences motivate her to advocate for others
GAINESVILLE, Florida – For Jóhanna Birna Bjartmarsdóttir, being an EduGator means doing your best to improve the lives of others. Having faced her own share of challenges, Jóhanna sees this identity as a lifelong commitment to leave the world a better place. “It's...
David Yeaman: an EduGator Alumni 43 years in the Making
“Online education really opened the door for me to complete my degree.”
Darby Battle is improving science education one study at a time
What do you get when you mix a love for the sciences with the realization that you’re a teacher at heart? Soon-to-be triple Gator Darby Battle.
Student Laurels
Graduate Student Awarded for Excellence in Ed Tech
Instruction and Curriculum graduate student Gabriella Haire was awarded with the Fanchon F. Funk Scholars Award at the Florida Association of Teacher Educators (FATE) annual conference for her educational technology research.
Parker Van Hart selected for national entrepreneurship and policy fellowship
UF doctoral student Parker Van Hart received the 2023 Entrepreneurship Policy Fellowship from the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management.
Takeshia Pierre Awarded CADRE STEM Fellowship
UF Graduate Research Assistant, Takeshia Pierre, is one of the 15 nationwide recipients of the highly regarded STEM Fellowship from the Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE).
Leading from the Front
Essynce Mackey is helping students build their community.
Jóhanna Birna Bjartmarsdóttir’s personal experiences motivate her to advocate for others
GAINESVILLE, Florida – For Jóhanna Birna Bjartmarsdóttir, being an EduGator means doing your best to improve the lives of others. Having faced her own share of challenges, Jóhanna sees this identity as a lifelong commitment to leave the world a better place. “It's...
Darby Battle is improving science education one study at a time
What do you get when you mix a love for the sciences with the realization that you’re a teacher at heart? Soon-to-be triple Gator Darby Battle.