Christina Wan, an M.Ed. student in UF’s Student Personnel in Higher Education program, has been named Graduate Student of the Year by the Florida chapter of Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education—called NASPA-FL for short.
NASPA is considered the nation’s leading association for student affairs professionals. The state award recognizes chapter members enrolled in Florida student affairs graduate programs who create and administer innovative student affairs programs and services for Florida universities.
While pursuing her master’s in the College of Education, Wan has worked for more than a year as a graduate assistant for Career & Leadership programs at UF’s Warrington College of Business Administration, coordinating and advising two leadership programs. She also teaches a Warrington Welcome First Year Florida course.
“Christina volunteered for department-wide initiatives and her ability to excel in her position was second to none,” says Anthony DeSantis, UF associate dean of students and the current NASPA-FL state director. “She was a valuable addition to our staff and was able to complete projects that enhanced the entire department.”
Her service to NASPA includes volunteering at the group’s 2011 national conference and assisting the state chapter’s Knowledge Community Chair for Student Leadership. Wan also serves as UF’s NASPA Graduate Associate, where she has been instrumental in coordinating a Careers in Student Affairs roundtable for undergraduates at UF.
Wan completed her spring-semester practicum in May at UF’s Dean of Students Office. This semester, her practicum is at the Department of Housing and Residence Education.
She received her bachelor of arts degree in communication and international studies in 2010 from Trinity University. She is a member of four honor societies and received the Trinity Distinguished Representatives “Above and Beyond” Award in 2010.
WRITER: Nicole La Hoz, communications intern, news and communications, UF College of Education