EduGators awarded editor posts at national journals

COE faculty scholars Albert Ritzhaupt and Cynthia Griffin have been awarded editorships of leading research journals in their respective disciplines. Alumna Melinda Leko (PhD '08) also landed a editorship alongside Griffin, her former UF professor.

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Two UF College of Education faculty scholars have been awarded editorships of leading research journals in their respective disciplines. A 2008 graduate of the college also landed a prestigious editorship alongside her former UF professor.
Albert Ritzhaupt, associate professor of education technology, is the new editor of the Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE), and Special Education Professor Cynthia Griffin fills one of two editor posts with Teacher Education and Special Education (TESE), the official journal of the Teacher Education Division of the national Council for Exceptional Children.
The second new TESE journal editor is EduGator alumna Melinda Leko, a UF doctoral graduate in Special Education and now an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin. Griffin served on Leko’s dissertation committee at UF.
Ritzhaupt’s publication, JRTE, is the quarterly journal published for members of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). The publication, both in printed and online versions, chronicles the latest peer-reviewed research on effective learning and teaching technology. Ritzhaupt is no stranger to publishing, having published more than 85 journal articles, book chapters and conference proceedings.

“This position elevates the college in several ways and establishes that our faculty are highly esteemed in the educational technology community,” Ritzhaupt noted. “It provides a fruitful partnership between UF and ISTE, and escalates the status of our academic programs.”

His primary research areas focus on the design and development of technology-enhanced learning environments, teaching practices in technology-oriented curriculum, and technology integration in education. He is president of the Florida Educational Research Association and occupies a prestigious, three-year University of Florida Research Foundation Professorship.
Griffin’s editorial appointment brings to light the UF Special Education program’s long history and tradition of involvement with TESE and the Council for Exceptional Children. Current Professor Paul Sindelar and retired Professor Vivian Correa served as editors of the journal from 1990 to 1997. Alumna Leko’s involvement further bolsters the EduGator connection to the publication and support of the CEC.

“We feel a strong commitment and responsibility for ensuring the prestige, rigor and longevity of the TESE journal,” Griffin said. “Editorships bring visibility to the college and university and offer direct opportunities for our doctoral students to learn more about the editorial process.”

Griffin’s primary research areas focus on children with mathematics learning disabilities and their teachers. She has been the principal investigator on several federally funded grants with her most recent research projects funded by the Institute of Education Sciences in the U.S. Department of Education.

    SOURCE: Albert Ritzhaupt,, Ph.D., 352-273-4180;
    SOURCE: Cynthia Griffin, Ph.D., 352-273-4265;
    WRITER: Larry Lansford, NewsComm Mgr., UF College of Education; 352-273-4137;

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Albert Ritzhaupt

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Albert Ritzhaupt


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Cynthia Griffin

