Krista Ruggles Chosen to Receive Faculty Excellence Award at UVU

Triple Gator Krista Ruggles (B.A. ‘98, M.Ed. ‘99, PH.D. ‘16) recently received a Faculty Excellence Award at Utah Valley University. The faculty who receive this award have demonstrated their support for UVU’s mission of student success through exceptional teaching as well as demonstrated excellence in scholarship and service.


March 26, 2019



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Triple Gator Krista Ruggles (B.A. ‘98, M.Ed. ‘99, PH.D. ‘16) recently received a Faculty Excellence Award at Utah Valley University. The faculty who receive this award have demonstrated their support for UVU’s mission of student success through exceptional teaching as well as demonstrated excellence in scholarship and service.

One Faculty Excellence Award is given in each school/college for every 25 full-time tenured/tenure-track faculty members after the first 25. This year, it was extended to include Lecturer Award winners.

UVU presents these awards to acknowledge the achievements of outstanding faculty, demonstrate exemplary standards of academic professionalism to the community, and encourage faculty to pursue the highest levels of excellence in all aspects of their work.

“As a three-time UF graduate I miss the community,” Ruggles said, “but know we all have important work to do across this country.”

The UF College of Education is proud of Dr. Ruggles and all of the work our EduGators continue to do around the world.

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Krista Ruggles


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What does this award mean to you?
I am very honored to receive this award and to represent the School of Education at Utah Valley University. This award is special in that it recognizes not only teaching, but research and service. I have been very diligent in making connections between these three areas over my past three years at UVU.

How do you feel your time at the UF College of Education prepared you for your career trajectory?
[The college] supported me in developing my skills as a teacher by providing me with multiple opportunities to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in both face-to-face and online environments. I was also supported as a researcher who was able to connect my passion for technology integration and asset-based teaching while serving a local after school program.

What are your thoughts about the concept of transforming education and strengthening society?
It is time for another paradigm shift in education. Students are coming with a variety of assets and challenges that have not been recognized in the past. The one size fits all curriculum is not fitting their needs and we must be open to shifting our thinking about how content is delivered. Students need a chance to delve deeper into concepts and move away from rote memorization of facts. I am especially hopeful for the new SEEd standards that have incorporated engineering standards. I am also excited about working on the new K-5 Computer Science standards here in the state of Utah.

Is there anything you’d like to add?
As a three-time UF graduate I miss the community, but know we all have important work to do across this country.
