Three from the College of Education Receive Superior Accomplishment Awards

The College of Education congratulates three of our own for receiving UF Superior Accomplishment Awards for their dedication to the college.


February 12, 2020



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The College of Education congratulates three of our own for receiving UF Superior Accomplishment Awards for their dedication to the college. The collective hard work of our faculty and staff is what allows us to positively impact the field of education. Superior Accomplishment Awards are given to staff or faculty who have made outstanding contributions in their roles and who continue to go above and beyond their job descriptions. Recipients are nominated by their peers and receive cash awards of $200 each, then compete for university-level awards, which offer eight $1,000 and eight $2,000 cash awards. 

Award categories include:

  • Clerical/Office Support
  • Support Services
  • Scientific/Technical
  • Administrative/Supervisory
  • Administrative/Professional
  • Academic Personnel
  • Shands Employment Category
  • Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace
  • Community Service

We’re proud to have the following people representing the College of Education for receiving Superior Accomplishment Awards: 

  • Dr. Christopher BuseyAssistant Professor of Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Education
  • Rosabel Ruiz – Administrative Services Coordinator, Post Award Services
  • Amanda Reifenrath – Administrative Specialist, Office of Educational Research


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Dr. Christopher Busey, assistant professor of Curriculum, Teaching and Teacher Education, is excited to receive this award for the mentorship and service he provides to students at the college. “My favorite part about working at UF has hands down been the students,” Busey said. “I teach primarily graduate courses and I mentor a lot of doctoral and masters level students and that’s my joy.” 

For Amanda Reifenrath, assistant to Associate Dean and Research Director Thomasenia Adams, it’s been a humbling experience to read some of the reviews from her peers and colleagues when she was nominated for the award. “There’s a lot of great things about my job, one is just being with the College of Education,” Reifenrath noted. “We have a wonderful department here, a great sense of community and excellent leadership. Being able to work with our faculty and staff to enhance education is a great opportunity and it’s a wonderful thing to come and do every day.” 

Learn more about the award here.

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