Faculty named among most cited researchers

Zhihui Fang, professor of Education, and Nicholas Gage, associate professor of Special Education, were listed among the top 2 percent of the most cited researchers within their respective fields.


June 29, 2021



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Two University of Florida College of Education researchers have been recognized among the most cited globally for their respective fields throughout their careers, according to research on metascience conducted by Stanford University. 

Zhihui Fang, professor of Education, and Nicholas Gage, associate professor of Special Education, were listed among the top 2 percent of most cited researchers for their fields. Fang was recognized within Education and Social Science in the subfield of Language & Linguistics. Gage was recognized within Education and Social Science in the subfield of Developmental & Child Psychology.

Established by John Loannidis, professor at Stanford University, alongside Kevin Boyack and Jeroen Bass, the database was published in the October 2020 issue of the journal PLOS Biology and includes over 100,000 of the world’s most cited scientists across various disciplines. 

Those recognized across scientific disciplines were identified “based on their ranking of a composite indicator that considers six citation metrics (total citations; Hirsch h-index; coauthorship-adjusted Schreiber hm-index; number of citations to papers as single author; number of citations to papers as single or first author; and number of citations to papers as single, first, or last author).”

View the full study here.

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Zhihui Fang


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Nicholas Gage

