UF Continues to Lead in Online Education

UF has once again demonstrated strength and leadership in online graduate education rankings – No. 2 in the nation. UF has been in the No. 1 or 2 spot for the past seven years.


January 24, 2022



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The College of Education at the University of Florida has once again demonstrated strength and leadership in online graduate education, earning a top spot for the seventh year in a row, according to the U.S. News & World Report ranking of the nation’s Best Online Graduate Education Programs.

UF earned the No. 2 spot nationally among 321 other education colleges and the top spot in the state of Florida, for online graduate degree programs in education. The college has been ranked in the top two for the past seven years – securing No. 1 in 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2021. This year, Clemson University edged out UF by just 2 points for the top spot. 


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Enhancing the student experience and working to improve learning outcomes are key elements of research being conducted through the college’s newly formed Institute for Advanced Learning Technologies (IALT). While faculty at the institute are focused on transforming education for learners everywhere, students at UF reap benefits of proximity.

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“Our strength in online education is directly related to our efforts in advancing frontiers of learning technology,” said Tom Dana, senior associate dean and director of the Institute for Advanced Learning Technologies. “The college’s consistent performance is evidence of our efforts toward creating learning environments of the future.”


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Specialty Rankings


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In 2000, U.S. News began ranking specialty areas of Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Administration and Supervision, Special Education and Educational/Instructional Media Design. These specialty area rankings are based on peer assessment of academic reputation. Eligibility requirements include the institution having “received at least five ratings from peer institutions, been ranked in the main online master’s in education rankings, and verified in the peer assessment they offer the specialty or else had this verified by U.S. News.”

The college was recognized by peers as leaders in all available specialty areas, with the following rankings:

  • No. 1 – Educational Administration and Supervision
  • No. 2 – Special Education
  • No. 3 – Curriculum and Instruction
  • No. 7 – Instructional Media/Educational Technology


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“Our world-class faculty are exploring online learning environments through their research and putting their discoveries into practice for the benefit of our students and learners everywhere” said College of Education Dean Glenn Good. “Through the combination of our dynamic research agenda and constant practice improvements, we are able to lead the way in online education.”

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The college’s continuously high rankings in online education are evidence of a dedicated, concerted approach toward implementing pedagogical best practices and constantly seeking opportunities for improvement. While online education saw a significant spike over the past two years, leaders at the college have been growing distance learning programs to meet projected demands ahead of the curve. Jason Arnold, director of E-learning, Technology and Communications, has built a high-performing team with a diverse skill set to connect students with faculty and course content in novel and meaningful ways. 

“Our faculty and ETC team are engaged in current research in areas of online teaching and assessment practice, student engagement, and interactive media,” he said. “Partnering with other faculty across the university to create learning experiences for diverse audiences continues to provide opportunities to grow in our understanding of learning online.”

According to U.S. News, “a master’s degree in education can help further careers in teaching, instructional design and educational administration.” Programs are ranked based on five general categories: student engagement (30 percent), expert opinion (20 percent), faculty credentials and training (20 percent), student services and technology (20 percent), and student excellence (10 percent).

“Student Affairs’ role has always been to meet students where they are, to help connect them to the various curricular and extra-curricular opportunities that exist and to help them maximize their educational experience,” said Aaron Ganas, academic advisor. “The recognition our college continues to receive is a testament to the resilience, perseverance and optimism our community fosters for itself—students, staff, and faculty.”



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[av_testimonials style=’slider_large’ columns=’2′ interval=’8′ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=”]
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Jillian Eiseman’ subtitle=’Online M.Ed. in Educational Leadership’ link=’https://education.ufl.edu/news/2021/07/20/build-your-brighter-future-with-our-top-ranked-online-programs/#tab-id-2′ linktext=’Jillian’s story’]
The coursework, coupled with the position I’m currently in, has really advanced my level of understanding and my level of knowledge of what it takes to be a leader.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Tonika Jones’ subtitle=’Online M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction (Educational Technology specialization) ‘ link=’https://education.ufl.edu/news/2021/07/20/build-your-brighter-future-with-our-top-ranked-online-programs/#tab-id-4′ linktext=’Tonika’s Story’]
I was already working full time, so me being able to take the courses online and go through the online program —  that allowed me to be able to maintain my employment and continue to earn work experience while gaining my education as well.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Kris Valentine’ subtitle=’Online M.Ed. in Student Personnel in Higher Education’ link=’https://education.ufl.edu/news/2021/07/20/build-your-brighter-future-with-our-top-ranked-online-programs/#tab-id-5′ linktext=’Kris’ story’]
This program is giving me the foundation that I need to grow. … I would recommend it for anyone who’s interested in understanding and applying competencies in higher education as a whole and working in the student affairs field.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Traci Salari’ subtitle=’Dyslexia Certificate’ link=’https://education.ufl.edu/news/2020/10/08/uf-graduate-certificate-in-dyslexia/#tab-id-2′ linktext=’Traci’s Story’]
They put my needs first, and because of these women, I’ve reaped the benefits of the learning as an educator, my son has reaped the benefits as a student, and I’ve still been able to continue as a student.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Felicity Price’ subtitle=’Online M.Ed. in Educational Leadership’ link=” linktext=”]
The faculty in the Educational Leadership program have been extraordinary. They’ve supported my development from the beginning of the program by tailoring a learning plan that best fit my needs and future professional goals.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Colleen Pollett’ subtitle=’Online Ed.D. in Special Education ‘ link=” linktext=”]
The online Ed.D. program is designed in such a way that I feel I am receiving the same attention, support, and level of instruction I would expect from in person coursework, but with the flexibility to complete assignments around my work schedule. It is the perfect program for a working professional who wants to improve and refine their practice, increase their body of knowledge, and grow into a leader in their field.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Jeanile Ley’ subtitle=’Online M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership for School Improvement’ link=” linktext=”]
The TLSI program has transformed what I do in my classroom. It’s given me the ability to take what I felt was already thought was good teaching and elevate it to just levels to where I got responses from students I would never imagine … what it really did was renew my love of education.

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UF Online

UF earned the top spot in U.S. News’ rankings for the Best Online Bachelor’s Programs, jumping to No. 1 in the nation. 

The college recently added a suite of new bachelor’s programs to meet changing demands. 

The Bachelor of Arts in Education Sciences, launched in 2020, has quickly grown in popularity with 141 enrollments to date. The program is designed to establish a foundation of knowledge, to allow graduates to pursue a variety of careers in the field of education. 

In addition to the Education Sciences program, which offers both online and on-campus options, the college recently launched the Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood and the Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education. Both on-campus programs welcomed their first cohorts in the fall of 2021.

[av_button label=’Learn more about UF Online’s No. 1 Ranking’ link=’manually,https://ufonline.ufl.edu/news-and-updates/us-news-world-report-uf-online-no-1-ranked-online-bachelors-degrees/’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ position=’left’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’]

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[av_testimonials style=’slider_large’ columns=’2′ interval=’8′ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=”]
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Alyson Adams, Ph.D.’ subtitle=’Coordinator, Educational Sciences’ link=’https://education.ufl.edu/faculty/adams-alyson/’ linktext=’Dr. Adam’s Faculty Profile’]
“I think being in the program has really helped provide that research-based, concrete data to support my beliefs and the reasons of why I do what I do . . . That’s probably been the biggest strength and encouragement for me as a student and as an educator, too.”

[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Alyson Adams, Ph.D.’ subtitle=’Associate Director for Teaching and Teacher Education’ link=’https://education.ufl.edu/faculty/adams-alyson/’ linktext=’Dr. Adam’s Faculty Profile’]
Online graduate programs in education at the University of Florida prepare students for the next level in their educational careers by focusing on the application of knowledge, not simply the acquisition of knowledge. Online programs such as Educational Technology, Teacher Leadership, Reading, Computer Science Education, and Teachers, Schools, & Society provide students both theoretical and practical knowledge to improve learning in their own contexts. Almost all our masters students have full time jobs and families so asynchronous learning provides them the flexibility to carve out their optimal learning time.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Catherine G. Atria, Ph.D.’ subtitle=’Coordinator, Educational Leadership Online M.Ed. and Ed.S.’ link=’https://education.ufl.edu/faculty/atria-catherine/’ linktext=’Dr. Atria’s Faculty Profile’]
In all coursework, students engage in experiential learning activities simulating realistic educational leadership issues, events, and decision making. Learning the theoretical frameworks of quality leadership practices and applying theories into actions provides students with the content knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

The quality of the content of our coursework including the projects and products in which students engage; the use of current research and trends in educational leadership; intentional exploration of personal philosophies of educating all students with a focus on equity; and experienced instructors.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Domenic Durante, M.Ed.’ subtitle=’Senior Instructional Designer’ link=” linktext=”]
The College of Education is the meeting place between educational theory and instructional best practice with both our instructors and supporting instructional design team collaborating on the design of online courses that engage the learner while also promoting a greater community of practice.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Zhihui Fang, Ph.D. ‘ subtitle=’Coordinator, Reading and Literacy Online M.Ed.’ link=’https://education.ufl.edu/faculty/fang-zhihui/’ linktext=’Dr. Fang’s Faculty Profile’]
The Reading and Literacy Education program at UF offers a coherent, rigorous sequence of courses that provides students with the knowledge, skills, disposition, and experiences they need to succeed in the increasingly complex world of teaching. We have a dedicated faculty that models best practices in the classroom and provides timely, constructive feedback to student learning. We also have a support structure that is innovatively efficient and responsive to student needs. As a result, we have seen a five-fold increase in our enrollment over the past couple of years, and the trend continues.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Cliff Haynes, Ph.D. ‘ subtitle=’Coordinator, Student Personnel in Higher Education Online M.Ed.’ link=’https://education.ufl.edu/faculty/haynes-cliff/’ linktext=’Dr. Haynes’ Faculty Profile’]
The strength of the online master’s program in Student Personnel in Higher Education is that students get to remain working at their local institutions while receiving the first class education from the University of Florida. In doing so, they are able to bring a variety of perspectives from across the state and nation instead of the experiences of a single institution where they all work.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Albert Ritzhaupt, Ph.D.’ subtitle=’Coordinator, Computer Science Education’ link=’https://education.ufl.edu/faculty/ritzhaupt-albert-d/’ linktext=’Dr. Ritzhaupt’s Faculty Profile’]
Our online programs provide the rigor of a traditional institution of higher education in a flexible and accessible format for working professionals. Having spoke with many of our graduates, our accessible and talented faculty coupled with our know-how of online learning, make UF COE the top choice for many work professionals.  We take our roles in online learning seriously in the UF COE.


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“Our continued leadership in online education is a testament to the drive of our faculty, students and staff,” Good said. “We’re committed to continue pushing the boundaries of distance learning and working together to transform education.”

For more information on the college’s distance learning program, visit online.education.ufl.edu.
