EduGator Central Announces Norman Treehouse Expansion

EduGator Central is set to expand with Norman Courtyard Treehouse.


April 1, 2022



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April Fools!

Unfortunately, the EduGator Central treehouse expansion is just a harmless April Fools’ prank and will not actually be built. However, the EduGator Central services discussed in this news release are very real and helpful for all students!

Today, EduGator Central announced the expansion of its office into the Norman Courtyard. This expansion will consist of a treehouse in the large oak tree located in the center of the courtyard. The treehouse will be equipped with air conditioning so students can comfortably utilize the space and there will be study rooms for student use. Other features include a slide as well as stairs and elevator for accessibility. The college wants everyone to be able to enjoy the treehouse and take advantage of the many opportunities it will offer students. 

“We wanted to make this expansion useful, but also fun and we thought a tree house would be the perfect blend,” said university spokesperson Sue Donim. 

 To accommodate growing demand, EduGator Central’s three academic advisors will also be housed in this new space. The advisors specialize in three distinct areas: Education Sciences B.A. & Scholarships, UF Online – Education Sciences B.A. and Initial Teacher Preparation Programs & Minors. Students can schedule appointments with advisors by email or subject to availability, walk-in or phone appointments could be an option. Advisors are available to help with a variety of services including changing your major, dropping a course, applying for a minor, or choosing classes. Although the advisors are moving to a new location, they will still be available  to help with all of students’ academic advising needs during construction. Feel free to visit EduGator Central’s website for more information about which specific advisor best fits your needs. 

The construction of the treehouse will begin as soon as the Spring 2022 semester ends and all graduation ceremonies have commenced. The Norman Courtyard will be closed until the tree house is finished, but the Education Library will remain open in the summer months.

“We are confident the construction will be completed by the start of the Fall 2022 semester,” said head project architect Allie Gater.

The main goal of the tree house is to establish a space for EduGators to comfortably study and plan their academic and professional futures. Advisors want to help you get to graduation and make the most out of your time within the college.  

“I am truly thrilled for this expansion and think it can only benefit the college and its students,” said Rita Book.  


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