Holly Lane, Ph.D. Honored with UF Mentorship Award

University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI) director Holly Lane receives Faculty Doctoral Mentoring Award.


April 24, 2024



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In recognition of her mentoring skills, Holly Lane, director of the University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI) and associate professor of special education, has been awarded the Faculty Doctoral Mentoring Award (FDMA). The recognition highlights her dedication and innovative approach to mentoring doctoral students through their final dissertation.

Recognizing the unique hurdles faced by doctoral candidates, Lane ensures they receive the resources and encouragement to thrive in the field. Employing explicit teaching techniques and fostering collaborative research, she empowers her students to become adept, self-regulated learners. Lane’s hands-on approach to mentorship spans the entire doctoral journey, from refining research inquiries to showcasing findings at conferences, offering unwavering guidance and support throughout.

“In addition to the goal of preparing students to be experts in the field, I see it as my responsibility to usher doctoral students through the door of academia—to introduce them to the worlds of research, teaching, and service in a way that that will prepare them to navigate these worlds successfully on their own,” Lane said. By maintaining high standards and providing tailored support, Lane ensures that each student reaches their full potential.

“Preparing future researchers, teacher educators, and leaders in K-12 literacy education is what I value most in being a UF faculty member,” Lane said. “I keep in close touch with my former students, and I continue to collaborate, offer advice, and assist them in making professional connections to advance their own work and careers.”

The Faculty Doctoral Mentoring Award includes a $3,000 prize for Lane, along with an additional $1,000 for her academic unit to support doctoral students.

You read Lane’s full personal statement on the Graduate School website.

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Holly Lane, Ph.D.

