Nancy Fichtman Dana appointed to the Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars

Members of the academy are selected across UF colleges and academic disciplines.

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Nancy Fichtman Dana, professor in the School of Teaching and Learning, has been appointed to the University of Florida Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars–an advisory group dedicated to enhancing the policies that maintain the university’s high-quality of academic excellence.

Members of the academy are selected across UF colleges and academic disciplines based on “applications that provide strong evidence of the integration of superior teaching and research and a record of distinguished scholarly accomplishment that has garnered recognition at the national and/or international level.” Dana applied at the encouragement of Ester de Jong, director of the School of Teaching and Learning.

“I’ve always been really passionate about teaching and the scholarship of teaching, and looking at teaching as an intellectual act,” Dana said. “I think membership in the Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars is exciting because it gives you the opportunity to work with others across campus that also share that same passion.”

Dana will serve a three-year term on the board for the Provost’s Office. This position provides the opportunity to play an integral role in defining the future of the university by collaborating with fellow members to advance programs and develop policies that forward scholarly excellence, strengthen the faculty experience and raise the bar on teaching practices at UF.

This is not Dana’s first time being recognized for her excellence in teaching. Previously she was selected as one of five University of Florida faculty members to receive the 2019 Faculty Doctoral Mentoring Award. In 2020 Dana was also named a finalist for the Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching, one of the most prestigious teaching awards in the nation.

“Dr. Nancy Dana is an outstanding professor in all her endeavors,” said Dean Glenn Good. “She is clearly exceptional in her teaching and mentoring roles.

“Her students love both her and her courses, and go on to successful careers themselves. She is also an accomplished and respected scholar whose work improves educational outcomes around the world. The UF College of Education is most fortunate to have Dr. Nancy Dana as a member of our esteemed and accomplished faculty.”

Dana shared that she is most interested in making teaching and learning as positive an experience as she can for UF students through the intercollege network the academy provides.

“It’s a great honor and a privilege,” Dana said. “I’m looking forward to meeting and networking with other Academy members and working to increase the visibility of the scholarship of teaching across the UF campus, with the ultimate goal of making teaching and learning the best it can be for every UF student.”

After serving her term on the board, Dana will maintain the title of Distinguished Teaching Scholar and continue to be a part of the academy guiding the future of UF.


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Nancy Fichtman Dana
