Brian K. Marchman Named Next Director of P.K. Yonge

The College of Education at the University of Florida has appointed Brian K. Marchman, Ph.D. as the next director of P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School. Lynda F. Hayes will remain on as the school’s director during the leadership transition.


January 27, 2022



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GAINESVILLE, Fla.  – The College of Education at the University of Florida has appointed Brian K. Marchman, Ph.D., as the next director of P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School. Lynda F. Hayes, Ph.D., will remain on as the school’s director during the leadership transition, April 18 through June 1.

Marchman comes with more than 28 years of experience in areas of teaching and education administration. He previously served at P.K. Yonge as an assistant professor, then assistant principal, from 1997–2006, before joining Florida Virtual School as a principal where he rose to senior director of student services. At Florida Virtual School, Marchman led the state’s largest online Advanced Placement program with more than 4,000 students and established its online teacher internship and “Developing Leader” programs.

In his current role as assistant provost and director at the University of Florida’s Office of Distance Learning, Marchman has led an office that supports more than 10,000 UF distance learning students, overseen the launch of more than 100 online certificate or degree programs and shepherded the process for UF authorization to practice distance learning in all U.S. states and territories. At UF, Marchman has also been responsible for the expansion of its online Dual Enrollment program and leads its online academic integrity program.

“I am honored to lead P.K. Yonge and its community in creating a student experience that is both elite and inclusive,” Marchman said about becoming P.K. Yonge’s next director. “P.K. Yonge is well positioned to build upon its successes in becoming a top public school in our state, a model for Florida and beyond,”

Following Hayes’ announcement of her intent to retire, a nationwide search began in January 2020. The search committee, comprised of both P.K. Yonge and college faculty members, was led by Thomasenia Adams, professor and associate dean for research and faculty development. Adams spoke to the importance of this search citing the school’s track record of success and importance of P.K. Yonge’s mission of educating Florida’s children.

“Each member of the search committee was extremely dedicated to our pursuit and to ensuring that the college of education community and P.K. Yonge’s staff, teachers, students, and parents played a key role in the search process,” Adams said. “I am pleased that the committee’s investment supported Dean Good to make this appointment for P.K. Yonge.”

Hayes’ career at P.K. Yonge spans 35 years, first joining the school as a Kindergarten teacher in 1987. She remained in the classroom, grades K–3, for 13 years before becoming a reading coach, and then named the school’s director of research and outreach in 2006.

As director for the past 11 years and faculty member for 35 years, Hayes has secured more than $55 million in competitively-funded state and federal research, development and training grants, and extended the school campus transformation with a newly constructed secondary building, sidewalks and canopies, school entrances, and an elementary physical education facility now under construction. Hayes has been focused on P.K. Yonge’s mission as she worked with faculty to extend the school’s impact through research and outreach over the years, noting the school “ has provided an amazing professional experience for me.”

“I have met and worked with hundreds of like-minded educators seeking to improve K-12 education for all students, no matter who they are or where they come from,” she continued. “From leading the way to improve K-3 reading achievement, to training reading coaches across the state, to working with preschool teachers to prepare our youngest learners to be readers, to supporting middle school science teachers in implementing an inquiry-based approach, my work has always focused on how to provide teachers the tools and support they need to achieve their dreams in reaching all students.”

Reflecting on her time at P.K. Yonge, Hayes shared that she is “grateful to have had the opportunity to help lead the school in contributing to the conversation about K-12 education locally, across the state and around the world.” Building upon Hayes’ leadership, Marchman noted that he looks “forward to leading a preeminent, student-centered, and research-driven model public school focused on educational innovation,” and continuing to raise the stature of P.K. Yonge to be on par with UF and its College of Education.

“Thanks to Dr. Hayes’ outstanding leadership, we have developed a highly effective partnership with P.K. Yonge being well-positioned to enjoy continued success,“ said College of Education Dean Glenn Good. “Dr. Marchman is a successful and visionary leader who I’m delighted to welcome back to help P.K. Yonge chart the future of learning, education and student development for the state and beyond.”


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Brian K. Marchman, Ph.D.


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Lynda F. Hayes, Ph.D.


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Source: Glenn Good, dean, UF College of Education,

Writer: Kevin Coulson, communications manager, UF College of Education,, 352-273-4370
