UF researcher earns inaugural Egon G. Guba Award for Outstanding Contributions to Qualitative Research

Kakali Bhattacharya, professor of research evaluation and methodologies, has received the inaugural Egon G. Guba Award for Outstanding Contributions to Qualitative Research from the American Educational Research Association’s Qualitative Research Special Interest Group.


April 14, 2022


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GAINESVILLE, Fla.  — Kakali Bhattacharya, professor of research evaluation and methodologies, has received the inaugural Egon G. Guba Award for Outstanding Contributions to Qualitative Research from the American Educational Research Association’s Qualitative Research Special Interest Group (AERA QR-SIG).

According to the group, this award has been “designed to recognize the contributions of a scholar who has been pivotal in the development and thinking related to qualitative methodological practice. The award recognizes and publicizes a body of work that both models and advocates for qualitative research at its best, supporting the American Educational Research Association mission to ‘promote the use of research to improve education and serve the public good.’”

Bhattacharya has worked in the field of qualitative research for nearly two decades and is a multiple award-winning, justice-oriented qualitative researcher who has been recognized for her high quality mentoring, advising, teaching and scholarly contributions. She has received several distinguished researcher, scholar of color, and distinguished alumni awards from American Educational Research Association, University of Georgia, and the National Association of Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, Asian, Pacific Islander Knowledge Community. She has also received various outstanding book and publication awards from the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry and American Educational Research Association.

Learn more about Bhattacharya and her work:

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Bhattacharya will be recognized at the the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April 21-26.

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Kakali Bhattacharya
