Exceptional Children honors two COE faculty for impactful contributions

Patricia Snyder, director of the Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies, and Nicholas Gage, assistant professor of special education, were awarded Reviewer of the Year by Exceptional Children, the nation’s most respected scholarly journal in special education.


January 31, 2019



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Exceptional Children, the nation’s leading special education scholarly journal and an official journal of the Council for Exceptional Children, has chosen Patricia Snyder, director of the Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies, and Nicholas Gage, assistant professor of special education, to receive the esteemed Reviewer of the Year award.

Annually, the editors of Exceptional Children select one or two editorial board members to be recognized for their significant contributions to the journal based on both quantity and quality of reviews.

Leaders in the field of special education are invited to serve on the editorial board based on their reputation in the subject and ability to contribute to its body of research. As members, Snyder and Gage have collaborated with authors to shape and strengthen their work for publication in the journal. “I think the job of a reviewer is to be a constructive and fair appraiser of the work submitted by authors,” Snyder said.

Snyder has served on the editorial board nearly four years and Gage about three years.

“As a reviewer, I try to keep in mind that Exceptional Children is the top special education journal in our field and that the articles I review and accept should represent the most cutting edge, interesting or important studies published,” Gage said.

The journal recognizes Reviewer of the Year annually at the Council for Exceptional Children Special Education Convention & Expo – taking place this year on Jan. 29 through Feb. 2 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Gage shared it is an immense honor to be recognized amongst outstanding researchers and colleagues. “I am humbled and excited that they believe that my reviews are worth the recognition,” he said.

For Snyder, the award is especially meaningful coming from a background in early intervention and early special education. “It’s a particular honor to be recognized by Exceptional Children, which covers the span of special education,” she said.

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Nicholas Gage


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Patricia Snyder

