Nancy Dana Named Finalist for Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching

The University of Florida College of Education is proud to announce Nancy Fichtman Dana, professor in the School of Teaching and Learning, is one of the three finalists for the 2020 Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching.


March 28, 2019


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GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Baylor University has announced three finalists for the 2020 Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching, one of the most prestigious teaching awards in the nation. The University of Florida College of Education is proud to announce Nancy Fichtman Dana, professor in the School of Teaching and Learning, as one of the three finalists. This biennial award is presented to an individual for exceptional teaching and is designed to encourage local and national conversation about the value of teaching.

As a Robert Foster Cherry Award finalist, Dana will receive $15,000, plus travel expenses to participate in a multi-day series of presentations and interviews at Baylor University. The School of Teaching and Learning, Dana’s department at the college, will also receive $10,000 to advance the development of research-proven pedagogy. The winner, announced in the spring of 2020, will ultimately receive $250,000, while their home department will receive an additional $25,000.

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Nancy Dana


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“I’ve always aspired to create highly engaging learning environments and to grow in my teaching through meaningful interactions with all of my students throughout my career,” Dana said.


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“I have witnessed her impactful teaching first-hand, and, as dean of the college, am well aware of her campus-wide, national, and international reputation as an extraordinary teacher and researcher,” stated University of Florida College of Education dean, Glenn Good, “Her teaching pedagogy, which is also the focus of her scholarship, is highly respected by her peers, and has benefited both the students she teaches and the professors across our campus.”

During Dana’s 28 years teaching in higher education (16 years at UF), she has impacted thousands of students and scholars around the world. Dana has researched and written 10 books and more than 100 articles on her pedagogical practice and has garnered many awards, including the University of Florida Research Foundation Professorship (2012-2014), UF’s Online Teaching Innovation Award (2017), and most recently, UF’s Doctoral Advising/Mentoring Award (2019).

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“I’ve always aspired to create highly engaging learning environments and to grow in my teaching through meaningful interactions with all of my students throughout my career,” Dana said, “I am incredibly humbled and honored to be selected as a finalist for the Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching.”

For information about the Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching, visit

SOURCE: Nancy Dana, professor, UF College of Education;; 352-273-4204
MEDIA : Kevin Coulson, Digital Communications Strategist, UF College of Education;; 352-273-4370