Christopher J. Anthony 

B.O. Smith Assistant Professor of Education

Christopher J. Anthony





Office 1820
PO Box 117050
Gainesville, FL 32611


Chris is an Assistant Professor of School Psychology at the University of Florida. He received his doctorate in 2016 from the Pennsylvania State University, was on the faculty of the school psychology program at Oklahoma State University from 2016 to 2018, and began at the University of Florida in 2018. Through these experiences, Chris has developed a sustained research program focused on promoting positive student development with a special focus on two domains: academic enablers and social emotional learning (SEL). Academic enablers are the skills, attitudes and behaviors beyond intellectual ability that foster scholastic success (e.g., motivation; study skills). SEL refers to inter- and intra-personal skills that enable children to build and sustain relationships, make responsible decisions, and manage their emotions/ behaviors (e.g., communication; self-control). His scholarship seeks to better assess and understand these factors to support their integration into school-based programming and promote the comprehensive development of all children.


  • School of Special Education School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies
  • Prevention and Intervention Network Center
  • School of Special Education, School Psychology, & Early Childhood Studies

Research Interests

Achievement, Assessment and Evaluation, Data Collection and Analysis, Development and Adjustment, Developmental Trajectories, Educational Assessment and Measurement, Family Engagement, Motivation, Multi-tiered Systems of Support, Prevention Science, Psychological Studies, Quantitative Research, Research Design, Response to Intervention, School Psychology, Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Foundations of Early Learning, Social/Behavioral Interventions, Socialization Issues / Social Competence, Statistics / Applied Stats


  • Ph.D. in School Psychology The Pennsylvania State University
  • M.Ed. in School Psychology The Pennsylvania State University
  • B.A. in Psychology University of Notre Dame

Professional Appointments

  • Assistant Professor, University of Florida, School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies
  • Assistant Professor (2016-2018), Oklahoma State University, School of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Sciences

Activities and Honors

  • Journal of School Psychology Editorial Board (2017 - present)
  • School Psychology Review Editorial Board (2020 - present)
  • Early Career Scholar, School Psychology Research Collaboration Conference sponsored by the Society for the Study of School Psychology (February 2019)
  • Diane E. Haines Teaching Excellence Award (2021)
  • B.O. Smith Endowed Research Professorship (2021-2023)

Selected Grants

DiPerna, J.C., Lei, P., & Anthony, C. J. (2020-2023). ACES-2: Development and Validation of the Revised Academic Competence Evaluation Scales

  • Co-Principal Investigator
Funding Agency
  • U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
Project Period
  • 2020-2023
Award Amount
  • $1,399,785($158,987 subcontract to University of Florida)

Selected Publications

  • Frye, K. E., Boss. D., Anthony, C. J., & Hangxiang, D. (in press). What Makes a Standard? Content Analysis of K-12 State SEL Standards Using the CASEL Framework. School Psychology Review. Advance online publication.
  • Elliott, S. N., Anthony, C. J., Lei, P., & DiPerna, J. C. (in press). Parents’ assessment of K-12 students’ social emotional learning competencies: Initial psychometric characteristics of the SSIS SEL Brief Scales. Family Relations.
  • Elliott, S.N., Lei, P., Anthony, C.J., & DiPerna, J.C. (in press). Screening the whole social-emotional child: Expanding a brief SEL assessment to include emotional behavior concerns. School Psychology Review. Advance online publication.
  • Kim, E. K., Anthony, C. J., & Chafouleas, S. M. (2022). Introduction to the special issue on social, emotional, and behavioral assessment within problem-solving models: Reflections on a decade of research. School Psychology Review, 51, 1-5.
  • Anthony, C. J., Styck, K. E., Cooke, E., Martel, J. R., & Frye, K. E. (2022). Evaluating the impact of rater effects on behavior rating scale score validity and utility. School Psychology Review, 51, 25-39.
Books / Book Chapters
  • Kranzler, J. H, & Anthony, C. J. (in press). Statistics for the terrified (7th ed.). Rowan & Littlefield.
  • DiPerna, J.C., Lei, P-W., Anthony, C.J., & Elliott, S.N. (in press). Principled and practical approaches to developing SEL assessments. In M. Brenneman, J. Burrus, & S. Rikoon (Eds.), Assessing Competencies for Social and Emotional Learning: Conceptualization, Development, and Applications (Chapter 6). New York: Routledge.
  • Elliott, S.N., Anthony, C.J., Lei, P-W., & DiPerna, J.C. (in press). Multi-informant formative and summative assessments of SEL skill development. In M. Brenneman, J. Burrus, & S. Rikoon (Eds.), Assessing Competencies for Social and Emotional Learning: Conceptualization, Development, and Applications (Chapter 12). New York: Routledge.
  • DiPerna, J. C., Bailey, C. G., & Anthony, C. J. (2014). Broadband screening of academic and social behavior. In R. J. Kettler, T. A. Glover, C. A. Albers, & K. A. Feeney-Kettler (Eds.), Universal screening in educational settings: Identification, implementation, and interpretation. Washington DC: APA Books.
  • Anthony, C. J., Frye, K. E., & Boss, D. (2022). Investigating the content alignment of SEL standards and SEL assessments. Poster presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Boston, MA.
  • Anthony, C. J., Styck, K. M., & Volpe, R. J. (2022). Evaluating rater effects in direct behavior rating scales. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Boston, MA.
  • Ogg, J., Anthony, C. J., & Winkelman, E. H. (2022). Examining moderators of bidirectional relationships between achievement and learning behaviors. Poster presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Boston, MA.
  • Brann, K., Anthony, C.J., Bishop-Kallmeyer, N., Hartger, L., & Elliott, S.N. (2022). Expanding social-emotional learning assessments to see the whole social-emotinal child. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Boston, MA.
  • Rodriguez-Harris, D., Kelly, K., Menter, K., Riffle, L., Ogg, J., Anthony, C., Malecki, C., & Demaray, M. (2021). Inappropriate Language and relationships at school: A cross-lagged panel analysis. Poster presented at the virtual annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists.
  • Yi, E. H., Styck, K. M., & Anthony, C. J. (2021). Using Rasch Measurement Theory to identify poorly performing ORF passages. Paper session presented at the virtual annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists.
  • Styck, K. M., Anthony, C. J., & Frye, K. (2021). The impact of raters on teacher behavior rating scale scores. Paper session presented at the virtual annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists.
  • Boss, D., Frye, K., & Anthony, C. J. (2021). What makes a standard: Content analysis of state SEL standards. Paper session presented at the virtual annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists.
Other Publications
  • Elliott, S. N., Anthony, C. J., DiPerna, J.C., & Lei, P. (2020). SSIS SEL Brief Scales User Guide and Technical Manual. Scottsdale, AZ: SAIL Collaborative.