Gayle Nelson Evans
Clinical Assistant Professor in Science Education

PO Box 117048
Gainesville, FL 32611-7048
As a Clinical Assistant Professor in science education, I am most involved in teaching and science coordination for UFTeach, a UTeach institute member program with minors in secondary mathematics and science education. The underlying philosophy guiding UFTeach is that a person best learns to teach through engaging in cycles of planning, teaching and reflection. Because of this, much of my efforts are based in building and maintaining partnerships with local teachers, schools, afterschool programs and informal educational settings to provide pre-service teachers with varied opportunities to work with learners across the K-12 spectrum and beyond.
My research interests center around teacher learning, from pre-service teacher education, as university students prepare for a career in teaching, continuing through to the lifelong learning and professional growth of practicing teachers. Specifically, I am committed to helping teachers plan curricula that will meet the demands of state and national science standards while still finding ways to keep their students actively engaged in scientific and mathematical inquiry. Additionally, I am an advocate for integrating science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in ways that offer students authentic problem solving and critical thinking opportunities within their science coursework. Because I began my career as a high school teacher, I am always trying to find ways to ensure that the work we do here at UF will help to positively impact the STEM education opportunities for students and families in our local community.
My research interests center around teacher learning, from pre-service teacher education, as university students prepare for a career in teaching, continuing through to the lifelong learning and professional growth of practicing teachers. Specifically, I am committed to helping teachers plan curricula that will meet the demands of state and national science standards while still finding ways to keep their students actively engaged in scientific and mathematical inquiry. Additionally, I am an advocate for integrating science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in ways that offer students authentic problem solving and critical thinking opportunities within their science coursework. Because I began my career as a high school teacher, I am always trying to find ways to ensure that the work we do here at UF will help to positively impact the STEM education opportunities for students and families in our local community.
- School of Teaching and Learning
Research Interests
Clinical Training and Internship, Computer Science Education, Environmental Education, Evidence-based Practices, Inquiry-Based Science Teaching and Learning, Preservice Teacher Education, Science Education, Science Teacher Education and Professional Development
- Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction (STEM Education), 2020 University of Florida
- M.Ed. in Science Education, 2000 University of Florida
- B.A. in Biology, 1994 Mount Holyoke College
Professional Appointments
- Program Coordinator, UFTeach Mathematics, Science and Computer Science Education and Teacher Preparation Minors, 2024-present
- Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Florida, 2021- present
- Science Program Coordinator, UFTeach Science Education and Teacher Preparation Minor 2014-2024
- Lecturer, University of Florida, 2014-2021
- Visiting Lecturer, University of Florida, 2012-2014
- Science Teacher, Gainesville High School, Gainesville Fl, 1998-2012
Activities and Honors
- Undergraduate Faculty Advisor and Mentor of the Year, College of Education, University of Florida, 2023-2024
- Board of Directors, Florida Association of Teacher Educators (FATE), 2022-present. At Large Director, Colleges & Universities (2024-Present), Crown Regional Director (2022-2024).
- Undergraduate Teacher of the Year, College of Education, University of Florida, 2016-2017
- National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Certified, Adolescence and Young Adulthood / Science, 2002-2012.
Selected Grants
Engineering for Biology: Multidisciplinary Research Experiences for Teachers in Elementary Grades (MRET), Graduate Assistant Training, and Program Evaluation, 2017-2020.
Funding Agency
Project Period
- 2017-2022
Award Amount
- $597,892
Researching Students’ Information Choices: Determining Identity and Judging Credibility in Digital Spaces, Advisory Panel Member for Secondary Science
Funding Agency
- Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
Project Period
- 2015-2018
Award Amount
- $491,822
Selected Publications
Books / Book Chapters
- Evans, G.; Bex, R.; Apraiz, K. (2024) Everyone Wins: Afterschool STEM Club as an Introductory Field Experience for Prospective STEM Teachers. In Sun, L. & Lin, C. (Eds.), Cases on Informal Learning for Science and Mathematics Education. IGI Global Books
- Evans, G. N., & Fassler, A. (2020). AP Environmental Science Crash Course, (2nd ed.) Research & Education Association, Piscataway, N.J.
- Apraiz, K.; Evans, G.; Dana, T. (2020). Aligning Field and Classroom Experiences for Secondary STEM Teacher Preparation. In J. Goodell & S. Koc (Eds.), Preparing STEM Teachers. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
- Crippen, K. J., Bokor, J. R., Evans, G. N. (2018). A Synthesis of the Empirical Research on Blended Learning in K-12 Science Education, 2000 - 2014. In Handbook of Research on K-12 Online and Blended Learning (2nd ed., pp. 1-685). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon university: ETC Press
- Evans, G.N. (2012). AP Environmental Science Crash Course, (1st ed.) Research & Education Association, Piscataway, N.J.
- Madely, J.; Evans G.N. (2024) Step 1 & 2 Course Workshop. UTeach STEM Educators Association.
- Evans, G. & Apraiz, K. (2024) “Core Concept Deep Dive: A Process for Facilitating Initial Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge with Preservice STEM Teachers.” Presented as a roundtable at the Association of Science Teacher Educators (ASTE) International Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Evans, G.; Apraiz, K. (2022, 2023). Classroom Interactions Course Workshop. UTeach STEM Educators Association.
- Evans, G. & Apraiz, K.; Bex, R.; Miller, D.; Israel, M. (2023) “Testing the Waters; Integrating Computer Science in the Introductory UTeach Courses.” Presented at the UTeach STEM Educators Conference, Austin, TX.
- Evans, G. & Apraiz, K. (2022) “Creation and Implementation of an Afterschool STEM Club for Elementary Students and Preservice STEM Teachers.” Presented at the Association of Science Teacher Educators (ASTE) International Conference, Greenville, NC.
- Crippen, K, Evans, G., & Simmons C. (2021) “The Laboratory Practice of K-5 Teachers in an Engineering RET: Triangulating Perceptions and Experience.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, Virtual Format.
- Evans, G. & Crippen, K. (2020) MRET Badges: Using Micro Certifications to Scaffold an Engineering Laboratory Research Experience for Elementary Teachers. Presented at the Association of Science Teacher Educators (ASTE) International Conference, San Antonio, TX.
- Evans, G.N., Crippen, K., Simmons, C., Simmons, R. (2019). Developing K-5 Engineering Educators Through Authentic Experiences in a Research Laboratory. Presented at the Southeast Regional meeting of American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE-SE), Daytona Beach, FL.
- Evans, G. & Apraiz, K. (2019). Building Community Partnerships to Provide Diverse Field Experiences for Pre-Service Secondary STEM Teachers. Presented at the National Field Experience Conference, Greeley, CO.