Paige Pullen
Research Professor

PO Box 117052
Gainesville, FL 32611-7052
Dr. Paige C. Pullen joins the University of Florida faculty with appointments in the School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies and the Lastinger Center for Learning. Dr. Pullen comes to UF after 16 years at the University of Virginia (UVA), where she held appointments in the Curry School of Education and the School of Medicine. Dr. Pullen is a triple Gator with her BAE, MEd, and PhD from the University of Florida. She was a public school elementary and reading teacher for 12 years, teaching students from diverse backgrounds and with diverse learning disabilities and abilities. She has been recognized as an outstanding teacher at UVA, receiving the 2011 Seven Society Outstanding Mentor Award and the 2010 Outstanding Professor of the year at Curry. She has served as Publications Chair for the Division for Learning Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children and as President of the Virginia Council for Exceptional Children. Dr. Pullen is a member of several editorial boards and since 2010 has served as the Editor-in-Chief of Exceptionality, and she is co-editor of the Handbook of Special Education. Dr. Pullen's research has focused primarily on implementing effective interventions for children with or at risk for learning disabilities, especially in the area of reading. She has worked with colleagues from the UVA School of Medicine to provide effective health and educational services to children with disabilities not only at UVA but in rural Southwest Virginia and, most notably, in Lusaka, Zambia, and Gaborone, Botswana in Africa.
- School of Special Education School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies
- Lastinger Center for Learning
Research Interests
Adolescent Literacy, Clinical Interventions, Cognition, Disabilities Assessment and Outcomes, Diverse Learners, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Literacy, Elementary Education, Historical Foundations, Intervention, Language and Literacy Development, Learning Disabilities / RTI, Literacy, Methodological Research, Mild and Moderate Disabilities, Other Issues and Trends, Primary / Elementary, Professional Development, Psychological Studies, Quantitative Research, Reading, Special Education, Training
- Ph.D. in Special Education, 2000 - University of Florida
- M.A.Ed. in Elementary Education, 1990 - University of Florida
- B.A. in Education, 1988 - University of Florida
Professional Appointments
- Research Professor, School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies, University of Florida, 2017 - Present
- Literacy Initiatives Manager, Lastinger Center for Learning, University of Florida, 2017 - Present
- Associate Professor, Pediatrics (Secondary Appointment), University of Virginia Children's Hospital, 2013 - 2017
- Associate Professor, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, 2007 - 2017
Activities and Honors
- Editor-in-Chief, Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal, 2010 - present
- Editorial Board, Exceptional Children, 2015 - present
- Editorial Board, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 2006 - present
- Editorial Board, Teacher Education in Special Education
- Editorial Board, Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 2004 - present
- Editorial Board, Young Exceptional Children, 2001 - present
- Academy Fellow, International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities, 2014 (inducted) - present
- Outstanding Publication Award, Teacher Education Division, Council for Exceptional Children (co-authored with Kennedy, M. J., Ely, E.*, Thomas, C. N., Pullen, P. C, Newton, J. R, Ashworth, K.*, Cole, M.*, T., & Lovelace, S. P.*), 2013
- Seven Society Outstanding Mentoring Award, 2011
- Outstanding Professor of the Year, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, 2010
Selected Grants
Reading by Third: Professional Development Training for General and Special Education Teachers.
- Co-PI
Funding Agency
- Trident United Way, South Carolina
Project Period
- 2017-2020
Award Amount
- $1,500,000
Ku-Punzitsa Apunzitsi: Creating a Professional Skills Program for Teachers in Lusaka, Zambia
Funding Agency
- Jefferson Public Citizens Award
Project Period
- 2013
Award Amount
- $16,984
Hope through Mobility: Assistive Mobility Devices in Lusaka, Zambia
Funding Agency
- Jefferson Public Citizens Award
Project Period
- 2013
Award Amount
- $20,000
Ku-Punzitsa Apunzitsi: Creating a Professional Skills Program for Teachers in Lusaka, Zambia
Funding Agency
- Center for Global Health Award
Project Period
- 2013
Award Amount
- $5,000
Ku-Punzitsa Apunzitsi: Improving the literacy lesson planning and intervention of teachers for children with learning/intellectual disabilities in Zambia
Funding Agency
- Davis Project for Peace
Project Period
- 2014
Award Amount
- $10,000
Zambia's Hope: Assessment and Instruction of Children and Youth with Learning Disabilities in Zambia
- PI
Funding Agency
- Center for International Studies, University of Virginia
Project Period
- 2013
Award Amount
- $3,000
Transforming Lives: Caring for Children and Youth with Learning Disabilities in Zambia
- Co-PI
Funding Agency
- Center for International Studies, University of Virginia
Project Period
- 2014
Award Amount
- $4,500
Selected Publications
- Pullen, P. C. (2016). Prevalence of learning disabilities from parental and professional perspectives: A comparison of the data from the National Surveys of Children's Health and the Office of Special Education's Reports to Congress. Journal of Learning Disabilities. doi: 10.1177/0022219416659447
- Pullen, P. C. (2016). Historical and current perspectives on learning disabilities in the United States. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal.
- Pullen, P. C., & Lane, H. B. (2016). Hands-on decoding: Guidelines for using manipulative letters. Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 21, 27-37. doi: 10.18666/LDMJ-2016-V21-I1-6797
- Lane, H. B., & Pullen, P. C. (2015). Blending wheels: Tools for decoding practice. Teaching Exceptional Children, 48, 86-92.
- Ely, E.*, Pullen, P. C., Kennedy, M. J., & Cole Williams, M.* (2015). A multimedia tool to deliver professional development of vocabulary instruction. Journal of Special Education Technology, 30(1), 59-72.
- Ashworth, K.,* & Pullen, P. C. (2014). Comparing regression discontinuity and multivariate analysis of variance: Examining the effects of a vocabulary intervention for students at risk for reading disability. Learning Disability Quarterly. doi: 10.1177/0731948714555020
- Pullen, P.C., & Lane, H. B. (2014). Teacher directed decoding practice with manipulative letters and decoding skills of struggling first grade students. Exceptionality, 22, 1-16. doi: 10.1080/09362835.2014.865952
- Driver, M. K.*, Pullen, P. C., Kennedy, M. J., Williams, M. C.*, & Ely, E.* (2014). Using instructional technology to improve preservice teachers' knowledge of phonological awareness. Teacher Education & Special Education, 37(4), 309-329. doi:10.1177/0888406414537902
- Ely, E.*, Kennedy, M. J., Pullen, P. C., Williams, M. C.*, & Hirsch, S. E.* (2014). Improving instruction of future teachers: A multimedia approach that supports implementation of evidence-based vocabulary practices. Teaching & Teacher Education, 44, 35-43. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2014.07.012
- Ely, E.*, Pullen, P. C., Kennedy, M. J., Hirsch, S. E.*, Williams, M. C*. (2014). Use of instructional technology to improve teacher candidate knowledge of vocabulary instruction. Computers & Education. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2014.01.013
- Kennedy, M. J., Driver, M. K.*, Pullen, P. C., Ely, E.*, & Cole, M. T.* (2013). Improving teacher candidates' knowledge of phonological awareness: A multimedia approach. Computers & Education. 64, 42-51. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2013.01.010
- Kennedy, M. J., Ely, E.*, Thomas, C. N., Pullen, P. C, Newton, J. R, Ashworth, K.*, Cole, M.*, T., & Lovelace, S. P. *(2012). Using multimedia tools to support teacher candidates' learning. Teacher Education and Special Education, 35, 243-257. doi: 10.1177/0888406412451158
- Pullen, P. C., & Kennedy, M. J. (in press). Handbook of Response to Intervention and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. New York: Routledge.
- Hallahan, D. P., Kauffman, J. M., & Pullen, P. C. (2017). Handbook of Special Education, 2nd Edition. New York: Routledge.
- Hallahan, D. P., Kauffman, J. M., & Pullen, P. C. (2009, 2012, 2015, in press). Exceptional learners: An introduction to special education, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th Editions. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. (Translated into: German, Spanish, Korean, and Arabic.)
- Mercer, C. D., Mercer, A., & Pullen, P. C. (2005, 2009, 2011). Teaching students with learning problems, 6th, 7th, 8th editions. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.