Joni Williams Splett
Associate Professor

PO Box 117050
Gainesville, FL 32611
Joni Williams Splett is an Associate Professor in the School Psychology program and a Licensed Psychologist. Dr. Splett completed her doctoral training at the University of Missouri and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of South Carolina and Richland School District Two. Her work aims to understand and improve systems-level intervention strategies for youth mental health promotion, prevention, and intervention in schools, including the Interconnected Systems Framework, teaming, and universal mental health screening. Most recently, this research has also examined systems-level intervention strategies to address health disparities within the educational setting. As a prevention scientist, Dr. Splett’s research also investigates the development, risk for, and prevention of youth-perpetuated, school and cyber-based aggression. Her research has been supported by the National Institute of Justice, National Institutes of Health, Institute for Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education’s Offices of Elementary and Secondary Education, as well as Special Education Programs, and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, among others. Dr. Splett teaches social-emotional intervention and assessment courses, as well as supervising undergraduate and graduate students' research experiences.
- School of Special Education School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies
- Prevention and Intervention Network Center
Research Interests
Assessment and Evaluation, Behavior, Collaboration and Teaming, Implementation Science, Intervention, Multi-tiered Systems of Support, Pediatric Screening, Prevention Science, School-wide Positive Behavior Supports, Social/Behavioral Interventions
- Ph.D. School Psychology, Licensed Psychologist
Professional Appointments
- Postdoctoral Fellow, University of South Carolina, Department of Psychology
- Assistant Professor, University of Florida, School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies
Activities and Honors
- Irving & Rose Fien Endowed Professor; University of Florida, College of Education, Office of Educational Research; Gainesville, FL (August 2022 - 2024)
- Excellence Award for Assistant Professors; University of Florida Office of Research; Gainesville, FL (May 2019)
- Early Career Scholar, School Psychology Research Collaboration Conference sponsored by the Society for the Study of School Psychology (February 2015)
- American Psychological Association's Psychology Summer Institute funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (July 2014)
- Licensed Psychologist (2013 South Carolina; 2015 Florida)
- P.E.O. Scholar Fellow (June 2010)
Selected Grants
Gator Connect: Connecting in Gator Nation for the Mental Well-Being of Children, Families, and Schools
- PI
Funding Agency
- Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
Project Period
- 2023-2027
Award Amount
- $4,892,176
Patient-Centered Equity Enhancements to Reduce Disproportionate Unmet Mental Health Needs of African American Children
- PI
Funding Agency
- Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
Project Period
- 2022-2027
Award Amount
- $5,845,316
Florida Connect: Interconnecting school mental health and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports to improve middle school students’ academic, social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes.
- Co-PI
Funding Agency
- U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services,
Project Period
- 2021-2026
Award Amount
- $1,508,003
Improving social, emotional, behavioral, and academic functioning of elementary school students through the Interconnected Systems Framework
- Co-PI
Funding Agency
- U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Special Education Research
Project Period
- 2021-2025
Award Amount
- $3,799,760
Project Integrate: Integrating School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and School Mental Health Services using the Interconnected Systems Framework
- Co-PI
Funding Agency
- U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs CFDA#84.325D
Project Period
- 2020-2024
Award Amount
- $239,068
Enhancing school-based violence prevention through multilevel racial/ethnic discrimination interventions
- Co-PI
Funding Agency
- National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, RFA-MD-18-005
Project Period
- 2019-2024
Award Amount
- $3,334,937
Efficacy trial of I Control: An intensive intervention to improve self-regulation for middle school students with emotional and behavioral problems
- Co-PI
Funding Agency
- U. S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Special Education Research
Project Period
- 2018-2022
Award Amount
- $3,292,304
A Mixed Methods Comparison of Universal Screening and School Referral
- PI
Funding Agency
- Society for the Study of School Psychology
Project Period
- 2017-18
Award Amount
- $19,919
Intervening to Reduce Relational Aggression: Procedural Validation and Implementation Outcomes
- PI
Funding Agency
- University of Florida Office of Research
Project Period
- 2017-19
Award Amount
- $98,824
Interconnecting PBIS and School Mental Health to Improve School Safety: A Randomized Trial
- Co-PI
Funding Agency
- U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs
Project Period
- 2016-2019
Award Amount
- $630,337
A randomized, pretest-posttest controlled pilot study of the revised GIRLSS curriculum to reduce and prevent relational aggression
- PI
Funding Agency
- University of Florida, College of Education Research Incentive Fund
Project Period
- 2015
Award Amount
- $39,996
Measuring Readiness and Implementation Fidelity of the Interconnected Systems Framework in the Carolinas
- Co-PI
Funding Agency
- Social Sciences Grant Program, University of South Carolina
Project Period
- 2015
Award Amount
- $19,998
Design of an impact evaluation of School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports
- Co-PI
Funding Agency
- U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
Project Period
- 2012-13
Award Amount
- $64,000
Help is down the hall
- Co-PI
Funding Agency
- Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
Project Period
- 2012-13
Award Amount
- $11,700
Selected Publications
- Splett, J. W., Perales, K., & Halliday, C. A. (2022, February; Session Cancelled). Lessons learned pivoting an equity-focused, tiered mental health intervention strategy during the pandemics of COVID-19 and racial reckoning. Paper accepted for presentation in the symposium (Stephen Leff, Editor) titled Adaptations, Pivots, and Lessons Learned in School-Based Programming During COVID-19 at the National School Psychologists 2022 Annual Convention.
- Splett, J. W., Higham, M., Lord, R., Baton, E., Trainor, K., & Kern, L. (2022, January). Readiness, Motivation, and Capacity for Universal Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Screening in Florida School Districts. Poster presented at the Council for Exceptional Children’s 2022 Annual Convention.
- Splett, J. W., Brann, K., Higham, M., Zambrano, T., Yost, M., & Alqueza, K. (2022, January). How Do State Funded Plans for Multi-Tiered School Mental Health Align with Best Practices? Poster presented at the Council for Exceptional Children’s 2022 Annual Convention.
- Brann, K., Splett, J. W., Graham, J., & Trainor, K. (2021, September). A mixed methods comparison of universal screening and school referral. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health (Virtual).
- Splett, J. W., Perales, K., & Barrett, S. (2021, November). Effective teaming structures and processes. Invited virtual webinar presented to state and local education agency awardees of the School Climate Transformation Grants via the Center on PBIS.
- Splett, J. W., (2021, July). History of Expanded School Mental Health and Future Directions of the Interconnected Systems Framework. Invited virtual webinar recorded with the National Center for Leadership in Intensive Interventions.
- Wester, T., Splett, J. W., Bohenkamp, J. (2021, March). School MH curriculum ‘Always and Now’ Learning Series Module 4: Screening. Invited virtual session hosted by the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network.
- Splett, J. W., (2021, Feb). How to Make Universal Screening in Schools Work. Invited speaker to the Behavioral Alliance of South Carolina’s Live Webinar Series.
- Splett J. W., (2020, June). How does universal screening work? Lessons learned. Invited speaker to the School Mental Health webinar series hosted by Texas Department of Education’s Region 3 Education Services Center.
- Splett, J. W. (2020, Mar). The Interconnected Systems Framework: Interconnecting PBIS and school mental health. Invited presentation to the Association of Positive Behavior Supports’ International Network Pre-Conference (Virtual) Meeting.
- Splett, J. W. (2020, Feb). Tracking Interventions. Invited webinar presented with the National Center for School Mental Health’s Virtual Learning Series.
- Splett, J. W. (2019, Mar). Integrating school mental health into PBIS’ data, systems, and practices. Invited webinar presented with the Association of Positive Behavior Supports.
- Splett, J.W. (2018, Nov) Implementing a MTSS with teams. Invited presentation to the U. S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs State Professional Development Grant Director’s Monthly Webinar Series.
Other Publications
- Warmbold, K., Maras, M. A., Splett, J. W., Smith-Millman, M., & Flaspohler, P. (in press). Examining the long-term stability of a strengths-based screener over two years. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.
- Splett, J. W., Perales, K. Halliday-Boykins, C. A., Gilchrest, C, Gibson, N. & Weist, M. D. (in press). Best practices for teaming and collaboration in the Interconnected Systems Framework. Manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied School Psychology.
- Smith-Millman, M., Flaspohler, P., Maras, M. A., Splett, J. W., Warmbold, K., Dinnen, H. & Luebbe, A. (in press). Between teacher differences on universal risk assessments. Manuscript accepted for publication in the Advances in School Mental Health Promotion.
- Splett, J. W., Rabborn, A., Lane, K. L., Binney, A., & Chafouleas, S. M. (in press). Examining the factor structure of the BESS Teacher Form: A district-level replication study. Psychological Assessment.
- Hanchon, T, A., Phelps, K. W., Fernald, L. N., & Splett, J. W. (2017). Clinical reasoning in the assessment and intervention planning for Major Depression. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 32(1), 16-30. doi:
- Michael, K. D., George, M. W., Splett, J. W., Iachini, A., Warren, M. E., & Weist, M. D. (2016). Preliminary outcomes of a multi-site, school-based modular intervention for adolescents experiencing mood difficulties. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(6), 1903-15.
- Splett, J. W., Maras, M. A. & Brooks, C. M. (2015). GIRLSS: A randomized, wait list control study of a multisystemic, school-based intervention to reduce relational aggression. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24, 2250-2261.
- Iachini, A. L., Warren, M. E., Splett, J. W., Taylor, L., George, M. & Weist, M. (2015). Evaluating the effectiveness, feasibility, and acceptability of a pre-service interprofessional intervention for school mental health trainees. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29(2), 162-164.
- Maras, M. A., Splett, J. W., Reinke, W, Stormont, M. & Herman, K. (2014). School practitioners' perspective on planning, implementing, and evaluating evidence-based practices. Children and Youth Services Review, 47
- Splett, J. W., Michael, K. D., Minard, C., Stevens, R., Johnson, L., Reynolds, H., Faerber, K. & Weist, M. D. (2014). State of the Carolinas: Implementing school mental health and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Report on Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Youth, Special Issue, 14, 87-95. *Published in peer-reviewed special issue.
- Monahan, K., George, M. W., Splett, J. W., Riddle, D., Morrison, L., & Weist, M. D. (2014). The Interconnected Systems Framework and dissemination efforts in the Carolinas. Report on Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Youth, Special Issue, 14, 78-86. *Published in peer-reviewed special issue.
- Splett, J. W., Schmidt, S. C., Iachini, A. L., Page, H. E., & Massey, C. (2014). Common elements approach to treat mood disorders in youth: Case examples from school settings. Report on Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Youth, Special Issue, 14(1), 9-15. *Published in peer-reviewed special issue.
- Splett, J. W., Weist, M. D., Fowler, J., McDaniel, H. & Dvorsky, M. (2013). The critical role of school psychology in the school mental health movement. Psychology in the Schools, Special Issue, 50, 245-248.
- Splett, J. W., Coleman, S., Maras, M. A., Gibson, J., & Ball, A. (2011). Interdisciplinary collaboration training: Results of a school-based mental health pilot study. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 4, 27-38.
- Splett, J. W., & Maras, M. A. (2011). Closing the gap in school mental health: A community-centered model for school psychology. Psychology in the Schools, 48, 385-99.
- Reinke, W. M., Splett, J. W., Robeson, E. N., & Offutt, C. A. (2009). Combining school and family interventions for the prevention and early intervention of disruptive behavior problems in children: A public health perspective. Psychology in the Schools, 46, 33-43.
- Whitney, S., Splett, J. W., & Weston, K. (2008). An empirical examination of the Resiliency Wheel. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 1, 41-48.
- Nation, M., Splett, J. W., Voight, A., & Weist, M. D. (in press). School-community collaboration to promote school safety. M. Mayer & S. Jimerson (Eds.) School Safety and Violence Prevention: Science, Practice, and Policy Driving Change
- Eklund, K., Meyer, L., Splett, J. W., & Weist, M. D. (in press). School mental health: Policies and Practices. In K. D. Hennessey, B. Levin & A. Hanson (Eds.) Foundations of Behavioral Health. New York: Springer.
- Splett, J. W., Mulloy, M., Philip, A., & Weist, M. D. (2014). Mental Health Screening for School Children. In B. McPherson & C. Driscoll (Eds.) School Health Screening Systems: The Complete Perspective. New York: Nova Scientific Publishing.
- Markle, B., Splett, J. W., Maras, M. A., & Weston, K. J. (2013). Effective school teams: Benefits, barriers, and best practices. In M. D. Weist, N. Lever, C. Bradshaw & J. Owens (Eds.) Handbook of School Mental Health: Research, Training, Practice, and Policy (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.