Zyrashae Smith-Onyewu 

Assistant Professor

Zyrashae Smith-Onyewu


  • School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education


  • Ph.D., Education Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 2018 – 2023. Dissertation Title: Selective high school admissions and effects: How schools shape students’ high school and postsecondary destinations. Advisor: Marc L. Stein Dissertation Committee: Julia Burdick-Will, Rachel E. Durham, Ileana Gonzalez, Odis Johnson, Jr.
  • M.Ed., Educational Studies Certificate, Urban Education Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 2016
  • B.A., Psychology (cum laude) Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD 2008

Activities and Honors

  • 2022-2023 American Education Research Association (AERA) Minority Dissertation Fellowship, $25,000
  • 2022–2023 Social Justice Fellow, Johns Hopkins University School of Education
  • 2022 Faculty First Look Fellow, New York University
  • 2022 Johns Hopkins University School of Education Jeffery A. Grigg Memorial Award, $1,000
  • 2017 Johns Hopkins University School of Education Student Excellence Award in Educational Studies, Interdisciplinary

Selected Publications

  • Smith, Z. (April 2023). Selective High School Effects on College Readiness and Postsecondary Destination. Poster presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Durham, R. E., Stein, M. L., Plasman, J. S., & Smith, Z. (April 2023). Causal Evidence of the Role of CTE in Postsecondary Enrollment and Persistence. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
  • Smith, Z. (March 2023). Benefits of Being in the Elite: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of the Effects of Selective High Schools on Students’ College Readiness. Paper presented at the Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) Annual Conference. Denver, CO.
  • Smith, Z. (November 2022). Effects of selective academic high schools on college enrollment. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV.
  • Plasman, J. S., Stein, M. L., Durham, R. E., & Smith, Z. (November 2022). Effects of CTE Admissions Offer on High School Outcomes. Poster presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education Research (ACTER). Las Vegas, NV.