Paying It Forward

Shelley Warm, senior lecturer and Site-based Implementation of Teacher Education (SITE) program director, has been honored as Florida’s Outstanding Teacher Educator of the Year by the Florida Association of Teacher Educators (FATE). The Mary L. Collins award recognizes dedication to the field of teacher education and advocate of high-quality education.

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Shelley Warm, senior lecturer and Site-based Implementation of Teacher Education (SITE) program director, has been honored as Florida’s Outstanding Teacher Educator of the year by the Florida Association of Teacher Educators (FATE). The Mary L. Collins award recognizes dedication to the field of teacher education and advocate of high-quality education.
Being a teacher educator goes beyond providing the skills to teach, as the role is intrinsic to how future educators define their style of practice.
As the primary resource for pre-service teachers in the SITE program, Dr. Warm guides each student as they pursue the teaching profession. Her support creates the foundations of the program that allow each individual to flourish.
“It means bringing out the best teacher in each student that I Mentor, or actually, anyone I have mentored in the field of teaching. I try to model good teaching practices and encourage my students to find their comfort zone in teaching. My students in the SITE Program are intelligent, focused and possess the characteristics of good teachers.
My job is to support and encourage their learning by teaching them to seek out professional growth opportunities. I also enjoy learning from my students, their Mentor teachers, and from my excellent UF Coaches who work with the SITE Program.”
Warm was presented with her award by a former mentee Dr. Tunjarnika “Nika” Coleman-Ferrell, dean of academic affairs at Palm Beach State College in Boca Raton. As noted in the FATE newsletter this was a touching tribute to a wonderful educator and excellent mentor.

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Nika Coleman-Ferrell presenting Shelley Warm with the Florida Outstanding Teacher Educator of the Year award

