The Historical Perspective Of Being A Teacher

Doctoral candidate of Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Education Elizabeth Currin has been awarded the Rothman Doctoral Fellowship for her interdisciplinary research as part of her dissertation, "Storied Stance: An Oral History of Long-Term Teacher Researchers in the Age of Accountability." By focusing on the oral history of teachers during the final years of the 20th century, providing teachers with a platform for their experience during the “Age of Accountability,” Currin hopes her research will benefit future teachers by providing them with historical context.

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Doctoral candidate of Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Education Elizabeth Currin has been awarded the Rothman Doctoral Fellowship for her interdisciplinary research as part of her dissertation, “Storied Stance: An Oral History of Long-Term Teacher Researchers in the Age of Accountability.”
Currin’s research focuses on the oral history of teachers during the final years of the 20th century, providing teachers with a platform for their experience during the “Age of Accountability.” The stories of these teachers, according to Currin, can provide insight to the direct classroom impact of educational policy changes.
This research offers a benefit future teachers by providing them with an historical perspective of being a teacher. The Rothman award will enable Currin to purchase recording and transcription equipment, in addition to providing her with a small stipend for the summer.
“While I am grateful for the funds, I am most honored by the chance to highlight the interdisciplinary nature of my work, which can speak to teacher educators as well as historians,” Currin said, “By engaging in a series of interviews with each of my participants, I hope to articulate how their dispositions and institutional contexts have enabled them to maintain what is known as an inquiry stance, the ability for educators to approach problems of practice with curiosity and a desire for continual growth.”

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Elizabeth Currin


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