SITE Program Awarded Innovation in Teacher Education by SRATE

The University of Florida Site-based Implementation of Teacher Education (SITE) program has been recognized as an outstanding teacher education program and was selected to receive the Innovation in Teacher Education Award by the Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators (SRATE).


October 24, 2018



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The University of Florida Site-based Implementation of Teacher Education (SITE) program was selected to receive the Innovation in Teacher Education Award by the Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators (SRATE). The award recognizes outstanding teacher education programs that have innovative approaches to teacher preparation. Dr. Shelley Warm, a senior lecturer at the college and SITE program director, nominated the program for the award.

“I am truly proud of the SITE Program–the quality of students who come into the program–they are bright, motivated, passionate about teaching and they are a joy to teach,” said Dr. Warm. “The faculty, UF Coaches and Mentor Teachers who work with SITE help to provide content knowledge and support to the SITE Interns to assist them with their professional goals.”

The SITE program is an innovative partnership between UF and The Alachua County School Board that enables students to learn as they teach by taking part in a yearlong co-teaching internship with blended and onsite courses.  Students are also given opportunities to work on teaching all subject content, participate in professional development such as symposia and school-based training and learn effective teaching strategies to support the learning of all students.

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Dr. Warm, pictured above with students, works with the College of Education to make the program exceptional for its praticipants. Each intern is carefully matched to a Mentor and Coach who support his/her professional goals. Interns enter the program with a degree that is not in education, but all have the same passion for teaching.

“Training teachers who desire to reach each student where he/she is and encourage each to contribute to society in a positive way–this is my goal for SITE,” said Dr. Warm.

The 2018 SRATE conference was scheduled for Oct.11-13 at Florida State University’s Panama City campus, where the award was to be presented at a luncheon, but the conference was canceled due to Hurricane Michael. Dr. Warm will be attending the conference next year and will receive the award for SITE then.
