Farewell to Departing Faculty

The UF College of Education bids farewell to four departing faculty.

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The UF College of Education bids farewell to four departing faculty. Three faculty (Linda Behar-Horenstein, Silvia Echevarria-Doan and Carole Beal) are retiring and one (Joseph Gagnon) has accepted a position at another institution.

Linda Behar-Horenstein is retiring with emeritus status as a distinguished teaching scholar and professor in educational leadership after 27 years at the University of Florida, from 1992-2019. “She is widely published in educational leadership, curriculum and evaluation,” said David Miller, professor of research and evaluation methodology and director of the School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education, “She spent the latter part of her career working in Dentistry, Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine.”

Silvia Echevarria-Doan entered phased retirement (which concludes fall semester 2018) with emeritus status in 2013 as an associate professor in counselor education. Miller notes, “She is retiring as a leader in the field of Marriage and Family Counseling to a private practice to continue counseling and training in the discipline.”

Carole Beal has been with the University of Florida for the past five years, from 2014-2019. Beal is retiring as a professor of educational technology. “In addition to securing major grant funding to enhance access to learning technologies, Carole found time to be a great colleague, mentor and team player,” said Ester de Jong, Director, professor of ESOL/bilingual education and director of the School of Teaching and Learning, “She is a faculty member to emulate for sure.”

Joseph Gagnon has accepted a position with the University of Helsinki in Helsinki Finland. Gagnon is an associate professor of special education and has been at UF for 12 years, 2007-2019. “Joe is a prolific scholar and a tireless advocate for many of the world’s most vulnerable youth,” stated Holly Lane, associate professor of special education and director of the School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies, “His research examines the education and treatment of adolescents with behavior disorders in alternative settings, particularly those who are incarcerated. He’s been a terrific colleague and friend, and we wish him all the best on his new adventure.”

Thank you, all, for your dedication to the University of Florida and to the college’s work toward transforming education.


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Linda Behar-Horenstein


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Silvia Echevarria-Doan


[av_image src=’https://education.ufl.edu/etc/files/2018/12/Carole-Beal-300×169.jpg’ attachment=’3642′ attachment_size=’medium’ align=’center’ styling=’no-styling’ hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’][/av_image]

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Carole Beal


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Joe Gagnon

