Professor Authors New Reading Instruction Book

Dr. Zhihui Fang has written and released his sixth book, which focuses on the disciplinary literacy approach to teaching reading in content areas.


November 2, 2023



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Zhihui Fang, professor of education, has written and released his sixth book, “Demystifying Academic Reading.” As an Irving & Rose Fien Endowed Professor of Education in the School of Teaching and Learning, Fang has taken an analytical approach to disciplinary literacy. 

Disciplinary literacy is a new, potentially more powerful approach to teaching reading in content areas,” Fang said. “My book provides the first state-of-the-art review on the topic that helps demystify the current debate on the ‘Science of Reading’.”

Attracting different students from across campus, Fang’s new work has pushed our reading and literacy department to be unlike any other. The work allows students and instructors to dive deep into the details of developing relevant discipline-specific insights and strategies that are essential to productive learning across academic subjects. Fang has shared that this book could serve as a companion book to “Demystifying Academic Writing: Genres, Moves, Skills, and Strategies” (Fang, 2021) as well as a sequel to “Reading in Secondary Content Areas: A Language-Based Pedagogy(Fang & Schleppegrell, 2008) both authored and co-authored by him. 

The book should be of primary interest to teachers and teacher educators in K-12 contexts. It should also appeal to college reading instructors, as well as scholars and students of academic reading/literacy across a range of disciplines.” 

Within the College of Education, the “demystifying” approach to the topic as well as the materials in the book have been implemented in courses such as RED 5337 (Teaching Reading in Secondary School) and RED 6346 (Seminar in Reading: Disciplinary Literacy) as a resource, discussion material, and research topic. 

“Demystifying Academic Reading” was released September 29 and is available for order on Amazon.

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“Demystifying Academic Reading” by Zhihui Fang, Ph.D.

