UF College of Education receives second NSF CAREER grant to create framework for STEM education

Professor Wei Li is the principal investigator of the NSF-funded project that aims to help researchers plan long-term studies in STEM education by making statistical advice, software and training materials available to educators and researchers.


April 2, 2024



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The U.S. National Science Foundation awarded the College of Education with its second CAREER grant to promote STEM education.

The grant aims to help researchers plan long-term studies in STEM education. It will offer statistical advice, software and training materials to aid researchers. Overall, it hopes to improve STEM learning by providing these tools to educators and researchers.

Professor Wei Li, who is the principal investigator of the project, said the training developed from this grant will be applicable to STEM education, and to other social programs in health science, psychology and public policy.

“The research activities will develop new sample size planning methods to help STEM education researchers select the most appropriate longitudinal designs and analytic strategies under budget constraints,” Li said.

The project will contribute to the college’s existing STEM research through new integrated research and education activities, Li said.

“[The grant will help] enable graduate students, researchers and practitioners to utilize the statistical methods and tools developed from this project to design cost-efficient and flexible STEM education programs,” Li continued.

The $1.3 million NSF grant is a Faculty Early Career Development Program project supported by NSF’s EDU Core Research (ECR) program.

NSF’s first grant to the college in 2021 was to establish National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes.

To learn more about the CoE’s funded research partnerships, click here.

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Wei Li

